~Ch. 4 - First day~

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"Y/N! YOU GOT A LETTER FROM UA!" Yelled a happy Kenji at the doorway. You were currently on the couch, curled up in a blanket burrito while watching Netflix. You paused your show and sat up.

"Kenny bring it over here! I wanna see! Open it with me!!" You say very exciting while jumping a bit.

"Okay okay here! Open it!" Kenji says while handing you the envelope. He jumped over the back of the couch landing right next to you.

"Ken, what if I didn't make it? What if they know I'm a villain or find out? What if-" you were cut off from your bad mindset by Kenji. "You are okay n/n. You aren't a villain anymore and never truly were in my opinion. Relax and whatever happens I love you little sis" He ruffles your hair a bit, "and there's no way you DIDNT get in. I've seen you train and your badass. Now open it!"

"Fine..." you say reluctantly. Kenji always made you feel at ease. Taking a deep breath, you rip the letter open. A disk like thing falls into your hand so you put it on the coffee table. After a second, a hologram appears.

"YOUNG Y/N! ITS ME! ALL MIGHT! I AM A TEACHER AT UA NOW! AND IM HERE TO DELIVER YOUR TEST RESULTS!" The top pro hero screams from the hologram. You stay there in both awe and worry while watching in anticipation. Kenji noticed this and took your hand, giving it a squeeze.

"You did amazing on the written exam, getting the highest and perfect score this year. You should be very proud. As for you the practical exam, you did equally as perfect, if not better. You got the highest score on all exams by a long shot." All Might says, rather shocked by his own words.

Your heart was racing. You knew you did well but you didn't think you'd do that well. Kenji also was in shock by the news.

"I always knew you were a damn nerd but I never expected this... Holy crap you did amazing..." he scoffed to you in a whisper. You just stayed still while watching the hologram play, too in shock to say something sassy back.

"I'm sure you have figured this out by now, but welcome to UA! You did wonderful and we are happy to make you the best hero possible! Here are the rest of your results!" All Might spoke in his strong voice. There was a hand off screen that looked like it was motioning to the pro. The hero looked baffled then got the message and continued. "OH! YES! There was a secret part to the practical battle! Not only did the participants gain villain points, they gained hero or rescue points as well! Now here are your results!"

A screen popped up with a list of names and there results. You scanned the list but didn't have to read that far before you found your name.

1st: Y/N
Villain Points: 106
Hero Points: 52

You re-read it, making sure you weren't hallucinating.

1st: Y/N
Villain Points: 106
Hero Points: 52

You just sat, jaw dropped, staring at your results. You knew you did well but not that well. You had more than double the person in second place had! Hell, even more than second and third COMBINED! You were in a trace like state, thinking you were in a dream that felt all too real. You were snapped from your thoughts

"Holy crap... You did amazing! You left the others in the dust! Mom would be so proud of you right now! You really are a smart ass!" Kenji said happily pulling you into a hug. He wouldn't admit it, but he was a bit jealous. He was happy for you though nonetheless.

You gripped him tightly and slightly teared up with your head on his shoulder. The mention of your mother made you cry. You hoped she would be happy about this. She never wanted you to be a villain and supported you in being a hero. If only you could tell her you made it. That you did it.

Cursed Quirk - Erasers Daughter ~ BNHA X READERWhere stories live. Discover now