Chapter 12 // Cheat ?

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I woke up and the boys were still asleep, I got up and checked what time it was. It was 6am. I decide to make breakfast for boys and I. I turned on the stove and cooked scramble eggs and bacon, once I was finished I tried waking up Jack and Johnson."uh stop Marissa !" Jack said grabbing me making me lay on his body. "We have to go school, this is our second last week of school". "Okay okay Marissa" he said while giving me a wink and biting his lower lip. Gosh, his hot. We all ate breakfast and took turns taking a shower, we left the apartment and went in Jacks car to go school.

We arrived at school as soon as the bell rang, my first period was English with Jack. He held my hand while others looked confused. I'm so annoyed of that face when people look at me when I'm with Jack. We entered the class and sat together. "Okay class, it's the second last week of school so you better be prepared on what your planning to do in the future and next week is prom and graduation so it's going to be really busy next week". I didn't know what I wanted to be in the future a nurse, a doctor ? I was oblivious but I did sign up for two universities, one in Omaha and one Vancouver. "So Jack, what university are you going to ?"."I don't know, haven't applied yet"."what ? Jack, why haven't you applied yet ? You need to go university for a better future"."look you're not my mum, you're not my dad so don't you lecture me about my future"."sorry, I'm just worried for you". Jack ignored me.. Again and I was super annoyed, I just cared for him, I didn't want him to be jobless.

Jack walked out the classroom once the bell rang and he didn't even wait for me. I stood still for a moment and wondered why he was being such a bitch and chased him outside the classroom finding him kissing Johnson' girlfriend Angela. I started to run away from the scene and I ran into Johnson. Johnson saw his girlfriend Angela and Jack kissing then Jack broke the kiss with Angela and looking pissed, I didn't know why. Johnson ran to Jack and punched him on the face and I followed on slapping him. "MARISSA I SWEAR TO GOD, SHE KISSED ME!"."I don't know Jack, I don't know"."trust me Marissa" he said grabbing my arm, I slowly took my arm away from him and looked at Angela. She looked so enjoyed, so I slapped her. Basically my first "cat" fight ever. Jack and Johnson separated the two of us while I had one of her hair extensions in my hand. I throw her hair extension on the floor for her to pick up while Jack was holding my waist and everyone staring. Before I left with Johnson, Angela yelled out "I ONLY USED JOHNSON TO GET CLOSE WITH GILINSKY". We both turned around and I saw Johnson looking so sad, I walked up to Angela "how low of you ? Using someone who actually loved you and cared ? wow. Good luck with a Gilinsky because you know what ? He will never give a shit about you and you're fake hair". She looked at me mad and furious and turned around leaving the scene with Johnson while Jack followed along.

"look guys, I didn't kiss her. She kissed me, and I swear Marissa I would never cheat on you and Johnson I'd never kiss your girlfriend". I turned around looking at Jack "ok, sure but if I ever catch you kissing someone whether if they kissed you, we are over".

A/N : WHO LOVED THAT CHAPTER ? VOTE AND COMMENT GUYS <3 ugh I had school today but it was actually fun, my last 2 periods were PE and my friends and I did no shit 😂

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