Chapter 6

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After a day of confusion, Johnson and I walked to school together. We talked about random things which made us both laugh . As we were about to enter school, I immediately see Jack and blonde headed girl kissing. My heart started to sink and the image of them kissing just seemed to replay and replay. I felt sick. I ran as fast as I could passing them kiss as Jack turning his head calling me so that he could "explain".

Jack started running for me, and being the non sporty person in this whole existence - Jack caught up with me and grabbed my arm. "Marissa. Look I can explain" Jack begs as he wraps his arms around me. "Are you serious right now ? You were kissing another girl ! How can you explain that? You know the dumbest thing is, I actually thought you've changed" I pulled away from his hug leaving him speechless. I loved him so much but why would he do this to me. Especially when he knew I loved him.

Jack and I never talked since, I'd ignore him in class and I was extremely quiet around him. Jack did the exact same thing. The bell rang and I walked out of class and someone tapped my shoulder, I was hoping it to be Jack but it wasn't, it was someone else. "Um hi? Is there something wrong ?" I asked confusingly." Hi, um my names Carter and would you want to go out for lunch sometime? Not as a date though. Sorry this is stupid, you barely know me but I just heard you and Jack broke up so yeah, it's alright if you don-" I cut him off, he was clearly shy speaking to me - I felt sorry for the guy but I was definitely interested going out for lunch with him. "Sure, i'd love to go out for lunch we you, hopefully we can get to know each other better. And actually you know what, would you like to sit with my friend Johnson ?" I smile."Yeah sure, thank you" He smiles back.

We walked together to the cafeteria as someone bumped into me with most of their strength almost making me fall. "Hey, what the hell!" I yell. He turned around and it was Jack, he completely ignored what I just said."Are you okay ?" Carter asks."Yeah I'm fine" I was lying, I wasn't fine. I needed Jack.

We all sat and talked, it was a lot of fun getting to know Carter but it didn't take my mind off Jack. Nothing did. Carter and I walked out of the cafeteria and I see numerous people looking at me, giving the dirtiest looks. People whispering in each other's ears, I felt as if I was in a circus, I felt I was a freak. I saw Jack holding hands with the girl that he kissed while they both glared at me grinning. I didn't know what was wrong ? Until they started calling me a slut. Carter immediately grabbed my wrist and walked me out of the school and hugged me while I rested my head on his chest "It's okay" He said in a cheering tone.

During the past months, I felt Carter was there a lot and also my best friend Johnson. Carter and I became much closer and I actually started forgetting Jack.

Johnson and I walked to school as usual and I started questioning him about Jack. "Has Jack always been like this? You'd probably know cause you're his best friend.." I ask."Surprisingly no, his changed a lot as in relationship wise but not much of our friendship". Soon as we entered the school hallway, I see Carter and Jack violently brawling each other. I ran and hugged Carter before he could lay another punch at Jack. "Marissa can I talk to you ?" Carter asks as he wipes his bloody lip with the palm of his hand."Yeah, sure but are you o-" Carter cuts me off. "Jack grabbed me out of no where" Carter yells pointing at Jack. "Marissa! His not good for you!" Jack exclaims as he begins to walk closer to me with open arms. "How is he not good for me? He was there while you were chatting up other girls, constantly cheering me up. We're best friends but I'm 100% certain he could pull off being my boyfriend better than you" I walked over to Carter making sure he was okay then left the scene.


Unpredictable || Jack GilinskyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu