chapter 8

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After the kingdom was safe, Esme had her official coronation to become queen. She was happy the war was over. She was getting help being queen for the first couple months.

2 years after she took the throne, she completed her transformation. She was the most beautiful Griffen anyone had ever seen. She may have only been 11, but she thought it was time to get married. So she held a ball to find the perfect mate. At the ball she met a wonderful man named Harold. He was a griffen of course. They fell in love and were married within a year.

Two months after Esme and Harold got married, they went to the dragon kingdom to see Starblaze. He had gotten married the year before and his wife had laid an egg. When they arrived, Starblaze greeted his old friend. Esme met starlight, Starblaze's wife, and saw the egg they were guarding. Starblaze had asked Esme if she would be the god mother of his children. Esme accepted.

A few days after arriving, the egg hatched. It was a little girl. She looked a lot like her father. They named her lightning, since they knew she would shoot out lightning. The tiny dragon would be the next queen of dragons, the first one ever to be declared that at birth.

Esme and Harold returned home a few days later. Esme started feeling sick. Then she realized she was pregnant. She would get checkups whenever she could. I'm the middle of her pregnancy. She found out she was having twins. Esme and Harold were excited.

When Esme reached the end of her pregnancy, she was nervous. Harold promised to be there for everything. One day, she felt pain in her stomach. She knew it was time. She called Harold. He got her to the healing Chambers where an elf midwife was waiting.

"Breathe your majesty" the midwife said. "Ah! It hurts!" Esme yelled. The midwife checked her. "Okay your majesty, you need to push now!" She said. Esme pushed and screamed in pain. Harold had her hand in his. "Ah! Ah!!!!" Esme screamed. She stopped the push and struggled to breathe. "Again!" The midwife ordered. "Ahhhhhhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhh!" Esme screamed as she pushed. She stopped and tried to breathe. "Alright, I see the first head. Just one more big push and your first baby will be here" the midwife said. Esme pushed one more time. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Then she heard the scream of her first born child, a little boy. Esme was happy but still out of breath. The midwife gave the child to her assistant. "Alright, when you're ready, you need to push again." The midwife said. Esme nodded and pushed. She screamed again as she pushed. She stopped and pushed right away before the midwife said anything. She screamed in pain. She just wanted to be done. She stopped and tried to breathe. "Alright, one more big push and your second child will be here" the midwife said. Esme pushed one more time. "Ahhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" She screamed. Then, the scream of there second baby boy was heard. Esme cried tears of joy. So did Harold. They named there sons Gabriel, after Esme's father, and Edward. They decided to see who would be best for the throne when they were older. Or Maybe find a way for them both to take it.

As the years passed, humans were passing down legends of Esme. They thought it was all legend. But Maria knew better. She knew that was her adoptive daughter. She was proud of who her daughter became. When Esme would visit, she would ask her about it, but Esme denied it. She claimed it was a different Esme. Maria knew better.

Esme and Harold eventually had a set of twin girls. They were a happy family. The Griffens and dragons stayed at peace. And will stay at peace. Starblaze kids became friends with Esme's kids. They were all happy. And both kingdoms lived happily ever after.
The end

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