chapter 7

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Esme and her Griffens we're training hard the next few days. Esme knew the dragons could attack at anytime. Elves and Merpeople were willing to help just like they did years ago. The day of the attack would happen, Esme knew it was happening. So she woke up early that morning and got Starblaze. He also knew. "Starblaze, what does your father look like so I know?" Esme asked. "He's a rare white dragon with blue eyes. Instead of breathing fire, he breathes lighting. White lightning. I look more like my mother. I didn't get anything from my father other than those cuts." Starblaze said. Esme nodded. "Let's get ready" Esme said. He nodded.

The Griffens we're everywhere ready to fight. Simon went and snuck to see how far the dragons were. He came back in a hurry. "Well?" Esme asked. "I see well over 10,000 dragons. They look like they will be here in 20 minutes" Simon said. Esme nodded. Elves were on the ground. Merpeople were in the water in case dragons fell there and didn't die right away. The dragons may have 10,000, but Esme had 30,000 on her side. The dragons were out numbered and didn't even know it.

King Haku came into view. He didn't see the Merpeople which took up 20,000 of the 30,000. He only saw the elves and Griffens. He thought he would win. Then he saw something that shocked him. His son, not only healed from the burns from firebolt, but flying with the queen on his back. "Firebolt! I thought you said he was dead!" Haku yelled. "There was no way he could have survived those burns. Not even elves could heal them. You know I have poison in my fire" firebolt said. "And I burned him very good." He added.  "I'll attack first. Ready?" Haku asked. The dragons cheered. "Attack!" He yelled. He let out a white lightning attack. "Attack!!!" Esme yelled.

Her side cheered and Dodged the lighting attack. Starblaze let out fire to the other dragons. The Merpeople came out of the water with strong bows and arrows to knock down some dragons. Esme had the sword the elves gave her. It was glowing a bright red for all the dragons. Then, Starblaze let out his own lighting attack. He was shocked. Esme was as well. "How did you do that?" Esme asked over the sound of battle. "I don't know. I thought only my father had this ability" Starblaze said. Then, Esme and Starblaze came face to face with Haku. He was laughing. "You can't stop me. Your a weak little girl!" Haku mocked. "Don't be so sure" Esme said. She never used her fire, ice, or water power. He focused on her heart and thought about fire. With a deep breath, she let out a huge fireball shooting right at Haku. He was shocked. Then Esme breathed ice to try to freeze Haku. But he dodged the attack.

The battle went on for hours. Haku was up against Esme and Starblaze the whole time. Esme protected her allies and friends. Haku was staring to get tired. The other dragons were calling by the hundreds. "Esme, I think I know what we need to do. We have to combine our powers" Starblaze said. "How?" Esme asked. "I'll do a white lightning attack, you do your fire, ice and water all at once. You can do it. My father won't be able to dodge this." Starblaze said. Esme nodded. She closed her eyes and looked in her heart. Starblaze did the same for his attack. They both were ready. Haku laughed thinking they were giving up. But when they opened their eyes, he saw determination in them. Esme took her hands and was able to get fire, water and ice in her hands instead of breathing them. Starblaze opened his mouth to reveal white lighting in his jaws. "In the name of queen Arora and king Gabriel, you will never threaten humans, or any creatures that swear to protect them!" Esme yelled. She released her powers and Starblaze did the white lightning at the same time. Haku tried to dodge but it didn't work. It was fallowing him. "No!!!! I'll take you both with me!!" He yelled. Before he could attack, the blast hit him. He immediately fell to his death. The other dragons saw their king fall. They stopped fighting. They knew who the new king was. The first to approach Starblaze, was firebolt. He bowed. "My king, we will fallow you. If you wish to punish us, we understand" firebolt said. Starblaze was surprised. Some of the other dragons were shocked. They didn't want what they saw a weak link be king. "I will only punish those who go against me. My first act as king is to ban the hunting of human. Instead, we must protect them, and we can eat vampires insted. Trust me, they taste better and are harder to kill" Starblaze said. The dragons realized that humans were easy targets. That's when they accepted there new king. "My second act as king, is being allies with Griffens, elves, and Merpeople. Of they will accept us" Starblaze said. "As queen of the Griffens, I will my friend" Esme said. Leaders of the elf clans agreed. The king of the Merpeople, Aquarius, came and agreed. "And my third act as king, is all dragons, male or female, must be treated equally. The dragons agreed. Esme was proud of Starblaze.

That night the wounded were being cared for by Esme and by the elves. Esme knew Starblaze would have to leave to return to the dragon kingdom. Now that dragons were on there side, their only other threats were werewolves, vampires, and imps. That night Starblaze took a look at the kingdom he practically grew up in. He knew he would have to find his queen. Before he had left his kingdom before, he did like one dragon who shared in his views. He had no idea if she was alive or not. Her name was Starlight. He hoped she was okay. Esme came up to him. "Ill miss you my friend" Esme said. "I'll miss you too queen Esme. We may need each other again someday. Dragons live a long time, and I know all be around to see your own family furnish." Starblaze said with a smile. Esme smiled back. Starblaze learned he could transform into anything now that he was king. So he turned into a human form. He was quite handsome as a man. He may have been the same age as esme, but in dragon years he was a man. "I just wanted to try this. Goodbye Esme. Thank you, for everything" he said. He went back into his dragon form and took one more look at Esme. She hugged him. "Good luck, king Starblaze" Esme said. "And good luck to you queen Esme" Starblaze said. Starblaze let out a roar. The other dragons knew it was time to go home. They took to the air and Starblaze did as well. They disappeared into the sunset, going home.

Esme was happy. She went to her room and pulled out the purple Stone that started her adventure. She thought about her parents. They have only been gone a few days, and now the dragon was was over and there was finally peace. And to think it all started with a purple Stone, that would lead to the real truth.

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