chapter 3

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Esme knew she had to get out. She wasn't even sure how the dragon found her. Luckily for her, the dragon was sound asleep. Esme gathered her gear and quietly went around the dragon. She stepped on a loose stone and the dragon woke up to an alarm only he could hear.

He let out a huge roar. Esme freaked out. She ran as fast as she could but the dragon caught up with her. "Shh... Be still young one. I won't hurt you" he said. "You kidnapped me! how am I supposed to believe that?" Esme asked. "I didn't kidnap you. I saved you from other vampires coming towards your tent" the dragon said. "What do you mean?" Esme asked calming down a little. "Vampires hate your kind. They have been killed by your kind in order to save humans" the dragon said. "I am a human." Esme protested "wait, you don't know what you really are?" The dragon asked. Esme was just confused. Esme pulled out her purple stone. The dragon saw it and smiled. "Ah. It's you. I knew you would come one day princess" the dragon said. "Princess?" Esme asked. "Honesty I thought it would be another year. I know your parents. Listen, most dragons aren't like me. They kidnap children to get to adults. I allied myself with Griffins and the other mythological creatures that protect humans" the dragon said.

"You said you know my parents. Are they alive?" Esme asked. "Yes. They are the king and queen of your kind making you a princess" the dragon said. "Oh, how rude of me. I know everything about you but you don't know my name. I'm Starblaze." He said. "Starblaze. That's a handsome name" esme said. "Princess Esme. Your journey will be dangerous. Sadly, since my betrayal to the other dragons, I can no longer fly. I normally go out at night in order to protect people. But, I am willing to protect you though your journey" starblaze said. Esme smied. "I would be honored. But why cant you fly?" Esme asked. Starblaze showed his wings. There was a huge cut on each wing that went though and though.  "The other dragons did this to me when I told them I didn't want to hurt people. I had just learned to fly a couple days before. They said if I came back, they would kill me." Starblaze said. "That's horable." Esme said sadly. "Your parents took me in before you were born. They nursed me back to health. They have hope one day I will fly again.  When Your mother found out she was pregnant for you, many creatures wern't happy and gave your parents death threats. That's why your parents put you in that orphanage" starblaze said. "Now, we must get going. It's best to travel during the day. Hop on my back" Esme did as he said and got on starblaze's back. They went back into the woods and saw the Sun just starting to rise.

Starblaze walked with the young princess on her back. "So why didn't other creatures like the my parents for having a child?" Esme asked. "At the time they were at war with other creatures. There allies were elves and Merpeople." Starblaze said. "Wait. What about Griffins?" Esme asked. "Of course they were on that side. I almost forgot. Sorry" Starblaze said nervously. "What creatures are my parents?" Esme asked. "You'll find that out when you get there." Starblaze said. Esme was tired already. Starblaze chucked. "You would always fall asleep on me when you were younger" Starblaze said. Esme shot up. "Hu?" She said confused. "Ive actually was the one who took you to the orphanage. And for the first two years you and I would play together. You thought in was an imaginary friend. When you would fall asleep on me I would put you back in bed before your adopted mother came into your room" Starblaze said. "Is there a reason other families found me creepy as a baby?" Esme asked. "Its part of the fact your really a mythological creature. Your eyes are the big factor in that. Your dark brown eyes were intimidating for anyone except those who love you like your adoptive mother did. And your adoptive father." Starblaze said. Esme knew her eyes were dark. But why would anyone find a young baby intimiating? "Don't worry, your parents will give you all of the answers you are looking for."

They continued to walk though the woods. "There is a clan of elves up here. We can stop there and rest. They know about you and will be glad to keep us for a night. Is your stone still glowing?" Starblaze asked. Esme looked. "Yes." Esme said. "As long as its still glowing it will show us the way. There are only 4 resons it should stop glowing." Starblaze said. "What reasons?" Esme asked. "The first is of course if we arrive. The second is if you turn the wrong way. The third is if there is danger near by. And the last...." Starblaze trailed off. "What's the last?" Esme asked. "Is if you die." Starblaze said. Esme gasped. "We have to prevent that princess. Of you died on this journey, your parents would feel it and they would be depressed." Starblaze said. "I cant let that happen." Esme said.

It took them the rest of the day to reach the clan of elves. "Who goes there?" A female elf asked holding a spear at Starblaze and Esme. "Ah. Raejiisa. It's me, Starblaze." Starblaze said. The elf had beautiful brown hair that went all the way down her back and almost hit the floor, pointed ears, and blue eyes. She looked two years older than Esme. She dropped her spear and smiled. "Starblaze, forgive me, I didn't recognize you" Raejiisa said. "It's alright. You can come down princess" Starblaze told Esme. Esme got of Starblaze. "Wait, this is princess Esme?" Raejiisa asked. Starblaze nodded. Raejiisa bowed. " welcome princess. Our clan chief will be glad to allow you to rest before heading home. Come" Raejiisa said. They entered the elf village. There were many elves that saw Esme and were confused. The chief came out revealing to be a female elf. Raejiisa bowed to her. "Mother, this is princess Esme. She's on her way home to reunite with her family" Raejiisa said. Esme gasped. It meant Raejiisa was the Chiefs daughter. "Thank you my daughter" the chief said. She walked towards Esme. "Welcome princess and Starblaze. You have grown since I last saw you." The chief said. "When was that?" Esme asked. "The day you were born. No, I am not your mother. At the time my father was the chief so I worked as a midwife to your family." The chief said. "Oh, where are my manners? I am Elora. Chief of the fire elves. You met my only daughter Raejiisa. My husband is inside. His name is Paeral." Elora said. Paeral came out. "Princess Esme, welcome." He said. "Thank you." Esme said. "In assuming you don't know what you are" Elora said. Esme nodded. "Well, your parents didn't want you to know until you met them. Don't worry. Your journey may be long, but there are a lot of other elf clans along the way. They will gladly help you." Elora said. "Can you tell me what my parents are like?" Esme asked. "They are kind to all mythological creatures. Even if they aren't technically allies. They are great rulers too." Elora said. Elora led Esme to a small house but had a beautiful canopy bed. The shears were made to look like fire, with red, orange and some tint of blues. "Rest princess. You have a long journey ahead of you. It will be dangerous, but you will get though" Elora said. "Thank you Elora" Esme said. "Your welcome princess. Sleep well." Elora said and left. Esme went in her bag and pulled out some pajamas and put them on. She laid on the soft mattress and fell asleep.

The Purple Stone Of Truthحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن