"Of course. What's the alternative you prefer?" 

"A genuine man. Baird has his...moments of trying to impress me, but on the whole, he just plays his own character, and that's the best performance he could ever give." 

Emperor Pietrovo nodded. "That's quite true, and very profound. I see you threw a theatrical analogy in there, as well." 

"Well, we all look through life through the lenses of our own experience. Now, I have a question for you." 

"Ask away, Abby dear." 

"First off, stop calling me that. Second, my question is simply this: If you're willing to go through such great lengths, taking an hour and half to get a room ready, just for my comfort, why is it you're contributing to my much greater discomfort?" 

"I confess to not understanding your question, Miss Wilde." 

"You have the power to have me taken back to where I belong, with my boyfriend. So why do you have me confined in your palace instead?" 

"This may sound cruel and impersonal, but you already hold that opinion of me anyway. My personal film company has a few projects lined up for you to act in, after which, I may consider releasing you. But until then..." 

"I'm assuming the Parental Advisory Level will be at like a level...10 or something?" 

The Emperor chuckled and led me around a corner into another hallway. "No, not at all. At highest, it would be a 7 or so." 

"If it's not 5 or below, I'm not doing it." 

"Well I'm not the person to talk to about that. The director—" 

"Is under your rule, so if you tell him 5 or below is all he can do with me, then that's what's gonna happen. Period. And there's no negotiating that." 

Emperor Pietrovo slowly nodded and unlocked a reddish door before handing me the key. He swung it open and beckoned me to enter. "I shall consider your demands, but until then, enjoy your new room. The kitchen is equipped with most anything you shall need, and if anything is required, press the green button on the back wall to request from the chef anything to your heart's desire. Good evening, Miss Wilde." 

Without waiting for me to answer, he shut the door. I stepped over to the knob and locked it. That done, I finally glanced over the room. It was indeed fancy. All the furniture was plump and red, the carpet was luscious and soft, and the walls were adorned with gorgeously-framed pictures of the royal family. They did have a nice gene pool, I did have to admit that. 

Despite the beauty and privacy of my new resting place, my thoughts drifted to Baird, and sadness hit my heart like an arrow. I could only wonder about his welfare. I dropped down onto the couch and cried. 


(Baird's POV) 

Khemera, Hannah, Jedrek and I had been talking for about 45 minutes when the door under the television slid downward, revealing the towering figure of Aaron. He offered me the slightest hint of a grin when we locked eyes, and then he stepped closer to us. 

Stopping before Khemera, he stated, "So, it's come to my attention that I've neglected to ask you a very important question." 

Khemera calmly nodded. "Ask away." 

"So, I'm aware that your truck ran out of gas, and that's why you got stranded here. But why were you foolish enough to drive down into this canyon in the first place? Where in the world were you headed?" 

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