The Truth

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"Tori I...I love you too" Draco said, Astoria smiled as she wrapped her arms around him, he hugged her back. "I know you do...You still do". Draco's eyes shut for a moment, You dumb excuse for a fiancee wake up! What the heck are you doing!? Do you seriously want Hermione to burn you alive?!

"Now, does this mean we can get back together?" Astoria was hopeful, "Excuse me what?!" Pansy kicked the door open in rage, Draco snapped back to his senses. He blinked at Astoria and realized he was holding her, he swiftly let go. "What in Salazar's name just happened?" Draco was dumbfounded, "Don't play innocent Draco!" Ron snapped "Why did you just say that you love Astoria when you're about to marry my best friend?!".

Draco's jaw dropped, "I--WHAT?!". "It's true isn't it?" Astoria chimed in, "No. It's not." Draco replied, "But you said you loved me!" Astoria argued, "That was before. Plus you two had already ended your relationship months ago" Pansy spoke up. "What have I done? Where's Hermione?!" Draco stood up, worried. 

"We don't know. She just left, she was supposed to come check on you but looks like she overheard you two talking." Pansy replied, "Why are you acting like you don't have any idea of what you and Astoria were talking about just now?" Ron questioned. "I don't know..." he ran his fingers halfway on his hair, thinking for a moment  "All I remember was Astoria came in to give me something then the next thing I know, I'm hugging her".

"Unless..." Pansy tapped her chin. "You were imperiused".

All eyes went to Astoria, she looked frustrated "I don't understand...He said this would work. He said I could have Draco back". "Did you imperius me?" Draco asked, Astoria burst into tears as she looked at Draco, "I...I did" her voice cracked "With Hyperion's help". Draco sighed and held his head, "Ron, you better look for Hermione. Pronto!" Pansy ordered, Ron nodded and quickly apparated.

"I have to find her" Draco said and was about to step out of his office but Astoria grabbed his wrist. "Please Draco... don't go. Don't leave me" Astoria pleaded, "Let go of me Astoria" Draco said with a taut voice "What you did...could make me lose the one thing I've ever loved. Stay away from me, stay away from us, while I still have a small amount of tolerance for you". Draco apparated, leaving Astoria distraught. "If they're meant to be, don't get in the way. Desperate is not fit for any girl" Pansy tells Astoria.


"Miss Hermione" Matilda the shopkeeper greeted the sad brunette with a smile, "What's wrong dearie?". "Just a bit unwell, do you mind if I sit here for a while?" Hermione forces a small smile, "Of course not my dear. Go ahead, your favorite spot is vacant" Matilda says, Hermione makes her way to a balcony with a slightly rusty rail, with plants hanging from it, there was a cafe table with two chairs, with an amazing view of greens that calmed Hermione's soul.

Her crystal, brown orb circled at the breathtaking view in front of her, she sighed as more tears ran down her face. Why do I have to be cheated on again? What did I ever do for me to deserve this...

"You're ruining the serenity Hyperion" Hermione hissed, "Sharp" Hyperion commented from behind her as he sat on the vacant chair. "Why does the bride-to-be look troubled?" he questioned, Hermione fell silent. She was in no mood to talk to him, or to anyone. Millions of thoughts were just swirling in her mind, she didn't know what to think exactly. 

"Oh come on, a penny for your thought?" Hyperion said as his eyes lingered on the heartbroken brunette. "Your cousin just told his ex that he loves her" Hermione said in a dead voice. "He did?" Hyperion sounded surprised "How awful! I tried to warn you before, but you were much too head-over-heels for that cheap excuse for a cousin". 

"Look, Hyperion, if you're here to just make me feel worse, the exit is just over there" Hermione rolled her eyes at him. Not feeling any better with his company, "I deeply apologize" he said, "Why would he say something like that when he already proposed to you?". "I don't know maybe he decided that he was really making a mistake marrying someone like me. A muggle-born. Some who couldn't reach the likes of Astoria Greengrass". Hermione growled as she wiped a tear trickling down her cheek.

It pained her thinking that her doubts, her insecurities were confirmed by Draco himself. "I see, well he really is an idiot for doing that. You're nothing like Astoria, better I must say" Hyperion comforted "You're not pureblood, not a model, not skinny sexy, not in a wealthy family, not known for beauty and fashion. All the things Draco wants...You don't have. Too bad".

"I think now, you should consider going to France. Draco's the one holding you back right?" Hyperion reminded her of that contract, she wanted to consider it, since she felt like there's nothing for her now. "I'm sure France has a lot to offer, the training could do you good. Help you keep your mind off of him, help you forget ". Hermione clenched her fist resting on the table, Hyperion held it. "Don't take it the wrong way, you're magnificent. Like I said, nothing like Astoria. Draco may not clearly see what you are, but I do". Hermione got the message, he was confessing. 

"Cut the crap Hyperion" Ron had finally arrived, "Ron, I told you not to follow me" Hermione said, "I had to. We found out the truth. This guy is behind all this" Ron gave Hyperion a death stare. "I have no clue what you're talking about Weasley" Hyperion acted all innocent. "Oh please, stop pretending like you didn't help Astoria imperius Draco to say that he still loves her" Ron spat, Hermione was taken aback. "Too bad for you, Draco's got strong will, he snapped out of it before he could even answer Astoria saying that they should get back together".

Hyperion's brows furrowed and his jaw tightened, "Why would you do that?!" Hermione shouted in disgust, "You're smart, aren't you? You must know why by now." Hyperion stood up "Astoria wanted Draco, and I wanted you. Unfortunately, the plan failed.". "Get out of here" Ron looked at him hard, Hyperion looked disappointed but left with nothing else said. "You okay?" the redhead went to his friend, Hermione shook her head. "Just relieved".

"But why are you not okay?" Ron sat down, "I've been thinking...What if Hyperion was right?" Hermione still couldn't stop crying "All the things I've been doubting, maybe Draco isn't sure of what he wants for him to be able to say that to Astoria". "Didn't you hear what I just said? He was imperiused. He was controlled to say that" Ron reminded her, "But Draco is also in control of what he says" Hermione held her head "Maybe I should go to France and let Draco make up his mind. Maybe he's had some second thoughts by now...Maybe--"

"And maybe you're wrong. For once" Ron cut her off "Don't walk away from love again, you have it in your hands, you can't let go now". Hermione looked up at Ron, "Believe me when I say, between Hyperion and Draco, I'd choose the ferret for you. He knows how to take care of you, and he knows your worth Mione. As much as I hate him, I'd like you to stay here, for him. The bloke's gonna weep for sure when he finds out you're leaving him. But I'm sure he'd follow you eventually.".

Hermione chuckled, "Thanks Ron..." she let out a heavy sigh "So much...Very much. I needed that". "On a scale of 1-10 rate me, who's the better talker and comforter, me or Harry?" Ron asked the two friends burst in laughter.

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