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Hermione went through her closet and found nothing she could wear for tomorrow's event. "When was the last time you went shopping?" Draco asked as he looked at the scattered clothing on her bed. "Why do you even wear such gloomy colors?" he questioned as he picked up some grays, blacks, mud brown, and a glum green.

Hermione dropped herself on her bed, "I don't really do shopping Draco,  and I have no idea what looks good on me" she confessed. "I look good on you" he winked at her, she pinched his waist and rolled her eyes, blushing. They both laughed.

"Seriously? And where did you get such clothing?" Draco dropped them, "You look good in anything for me Mione but I'd kill just to burn these hideous pieces of cloth".

He held on to both her arms and pulled her up, "First thing tomorrow morning, I'm taking my girlfriend out for shopping" he announced.

Hermione blinked in disbelief, "And who's your girlfriend?" she smirked, "You are" he kissed her forehead along with his response.

"But I have work" she remembered, Draco sat beside her at the foot of her bed and rubbed his chin, "That could be a problem..."

"How am I supposed to look for a dress in time?" she sighed and massaged her temples, all problematic.

"I can go dress shopping for you"Draco suggested, "You're kidding" Hermione said in disbelief, "I'm not. I can be out of work since I do own the place" Draco assured her.

"Right" chuckled Hermione "By the way, why do you work like the rest of them? Doing surgeries, attending operations and working on even the smallest wound of a patient".

"I own may own Guerison but I'm stilk a healer, just because I'm at the highest position means I don't continue doing my job as a healer. No injury is small when you know it has damaged your body" Draco explained with full sincerity in his response,  "Besides, it's an achievement being able to cure people's pain".

Right there and then,Hermione saw for herself the changes in Draco. The man she never knew she'd see and love, I can't believe this creature is my boyfriend.

"Take a picture, it'll last long" her thoughts were disturbed by Draco flashing his signature smirk. She rolled her eyes at him, "Ferret" she said under her breath.

"I heard that hairball" he shot back, he pushed him off the bed and he landed on his butt. Draco laughed as he stood up, "So its settled then, tomorrow I'm buying you a dress".

"Draco, I don't think it's necessary, Ginny might own an extra dress I could just borr--"

"No! I'm buying you a dress not because you need it, but because I want to. And besides, you are my girlfriend after all" he bent down and gave her a toothy grin "And my girlfriend deserves the best".

"Draco, it's really fine" Hermione declined out of shyness, she didn't want to tire him and allow him to pay soemthing she was gonna use. "I can just use a simple--"

"Nope" he cut her off again "This conversation is over, I'm buying you a dress and you'll look even more gorgeous tomorrow night".

"Okay fine, but I'm paying you back whatever the cost is" she gave in, Draco pinched the bridge of his nose, "Well aren't you stubborn".

Hermione didn't feel okay with allowing him to just spend things on her, it felt like she couldn't depend on herself and she was afraid of being judged that she may be dating Draco for his wealth. She didn't, she knew that for herself, she was independent and can spend on things for herself.

"You're not paying me back and that's final. Now stand up and I'll list down your measurements" Draco made sure that was the end of their discussion.

"Any color preferences?" Draco asked, Hermione opened her mouth to respond, "Wait don't answer that" Draco stopped her remembering the colors in her wardrobe.


Hermione entered the Auror headquarters, as usual it was a busy department with cases flying in all directions, aurors carefully planning out their strategies, and all sorts of crime and action work.

She received another mission, that was still beneath her level but above the ability of any usual auror, Harry was in charge of releasing the missions, so Hermione was able to talk him out to not give her facile missions.

Harry had to consider her condition but she demanded more challenging missions and he gave in, but he didn't allow her to go on her former operations until she has fully recovered.

She was able to finish it quickly with Brent and came back by 3:00 in the afternoon,where Ginny was waiting for her at her office, "Hey Hermione"She gave a cheerful smile, "Hi Gin" Hermione smiled back "Are you ready for tonight's event?".

"Speaking of which, I was thinking of getting ready at your place if it's okay with you" Ginny said, "Of course. I don't see anything wrong with that"Hermione agreed, "Then let's go! We need to get ready" Ginny exclaimed as she checked the time "We only have about 3 hours to prepare", and the two friends apparated to Hermione's apartment.

"Who are you taking with by the way?" Ginny asked, "Draco" Hermione said plainly, "For real!?" Ginny squealed.Hermione unlocked her door and they both entered, she saw a matte black paper bag on her center table.

This must be from Draco she thought as she opened it, "Is that your dress? Well come on let's see it" Ginny was filled with excitement, Hermione pulled out a ravishing deep red gown, it had an off-shoulder, sequined, and beaded top, and the skirt was made out of layers of fabric.

"Wow" Ginny stared in awe at the beautiful gown "Where ever did you find such jaw-dropping gown?".

"Draco got it for me..." she blushed, I expected him to get me something I wouldn't like, but this is the total opposite.

"HE CHOSE THAT!?" Ginny boomed "Well I'm impressed by his choice of clothing".

"So am I" Hermione couldn't agree more, "Now go on, wear it"Ginny told her, and they both proceeded to preparing for the night's event.

A Love Awaited(Sequel to Pureblood)Where stories live. Discover now