1-4 | Meeting

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The bell rings for lunchtime, startling me as I wake up from sleeping in Math class. I then dash out the door, when the teacher stops me.

"Why are you leaving?"

I show him the note, and strut out sassily.

I keep walking until I smash into a suction of people walking towards the hallway for what I assume is the meeting being held this afternoon.

But I haven't had any food! Oh no!

I knew I should have eaten in Maths!

I try to get past to the cafeteria, but the current is too strong and I too get pulled in by the magnetic force of the hall.

"Hello?" I call out to find someone I know in the crowd.

Instead, two hands cover my eyes. Who is this? I hear a muffled laugh underneath the breath of the person. My eyes are uncovered, and a brownie is in front of my very eyes.

I take a massive bite into it, the chocolatey slice oozing with strawberry twists melting into my mouth.

These are my ones, the ones I made for...

"Cheers Tommy." I say as I turn around to wrap my arms around him, saying praises about the brownie.

"Anytime." He smirks

We charge towards the hall to hear our fate, waiting in the "sacred" building.


We are lined up in an order, but luckily we get to stick together, and take our seats.

Whatever you have to throw at me, I'm ready.

The principal is walking to the stand, followed by five standout guests.

These must be the factions, I thought.

And it was clear that many others did too. I look closer to each person in detail as they come up to speak.


The first one, the sweet lady from Amity, Anita. I remember making brownies with her and Bre when I was little, if I find her later, I might give her some.

That is, if Bre hasn't eaten all of them already.

She talks about how peace is the most important virtue of all, and how the amity serum allows us to remain peaceful.

Anita sits down as the next speaker comes to talk to us.


The arrogant man from Candor comes to the stand, and rambles on about some honesty bullshit. Does he ever shut up?

Because I wish he would.

I see Bre gazing to her left and see Tommy talking to Charly. She looks right to see Nash sniggering under his breath, and me looking just a bit terrified.

Just a bit.

"There there." She whisper-mouths, trying to comfort me as best she could.

I think.

I hate that man, I wish the Choosing ceremony was right now, so I could leave Candor. But where would I go?

The arrogant Candor man stares in our direction, and then leaves, as a smurf-like lady wearing lots of blue comes and rambles on about smart things, like geometry and trig and all that bullshit.


She must be another Erudite.

She looks to be evil, maybe it's the VP's twin sister or something, but she seems so nice, and sounds distantly familiar.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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