Peppa pig and Taeyong

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" I want nothing to do with you after what you did you sorry piece of what ever you are. You call your self a pig. You have four eyes. I hope you Roy in hell with Bill and Boots" That's the most hurtful thing Peppa ever heard. That was from her ex Chenle. He broke up with her because she broke his phone, crashed his car and got mud all over his Polly pocket carpet. What a troll? She also prank called Rebecca Rabbit on his phone and Rebecca is his other ex so Chenle threw her out and now she's back to square one but she moved back in with her roommate Dora. " I Don't REALLY WANT YOU HERE BUT I HAVE NO CHOICE OH AND DID I MENTION I HAVE A BOYFRIEND?!?!" She's so annoying. Peppa's already done with her but she has nowhere else to go she doesn't want to move back in with her parents because George and his Girlfriend Tina T-Rex is living there. So she's so done with everyone especially Dora and hear loud mouth. She called Luna. " Hey ugly face I'm here what do want? I have a song to sing with the moon in two hours so hurry up." As Peppa said she's done with all of them. " Find me someone." " Just use Toonder" What is Toonder? Where they all go to find potential love interest. " Ok!" Just then Dora jumped out the window to her boyfriend Mark Lee. " Weirdo." Dora then came back inside to introduce the two to her boyfriend. " OH DID I FORGET TO MENTION I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!!! THIS IS HIM!!! HE'S MARK!!! SAY HI TO MARK!!!" " OMG! Shut up!!" Looks like he's annoyed by her. " And I'm not your boyfriend. I'm just someone you meet Two weeks ago. All we did wa-" " They don't need to know that!" Peppa's eyes met with the most handsome person/prince she ever met in her entire life. Love at first sight. Even though he wasn't paying attention to her she was giving him loads. She felt as if the world stopped.. she was so entranced that she couldn't hear Dora screaming at her. " PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA PEPPA
Then she snapped out of it " Hmm? What?" " You were just staring, I hat were you staring at huh? I hope not my boyfriend? Oh and you were staring so long Luna left." She looked around and the amazing face was gone.

This is love? Mark X DoraOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora