Sakura Otsutsuki!

Start from the beginning

Deidara looked at Sakura. "What are you doing her, un?" He said with a dismissive glance. "Get out of here before you get hurt."

"Just for safe measure.." Nagato's Tendō put a black rod into Naruto's stomach.

Sakura felt a deep rage in her stomach that was threatening to spill.

"Take my power.. my dear reincarnation.." A voice came from Sakura's head. She began to pull on the chakra that seemed to resonate from the voice. It was powerful, overwhelming.

Sakura's hair shadowed her eyes. "You killed Naruto. He was our only hope against the Otsutsuki.."

"Otsut what?" Deidara asked. Sakura disappeared in a black portal and appeared behind Deidara and sliced his neck wide open and killed him.

"Yes my child.. show these lowly humans how weak they are compared to us.. Take more of my power." Sakura eagerly took more of her chakra, hungry for more. Her appearance changed. Her horns grew a bit longer and a white kimono with black magatama framing the collar and cuffs manifested on her. Nine black spheres appeared behind her as well.

"Prepare to pay for what you've done." Sakura said before appearing in front of Sasori and stabbing him with a Tomogoroshi no Haikotsu and killing him.

After that, Sakura went for Nagato's paths. She went for Chikushōdo first, engaging in a battle of taijutsu with her. The path attempted a roundhouse kick but she blocked it and stabbed her in the ankle with one of her bones and threw her into Jigokushidō, disabling them both.

"Two down, four more to go.." Sakura said before she unleashed a volley of chakra fists at Ningendō. He avoided a few at first but it proved fruitless when he was annihilated by more chakra fists.

Sakura turned around and saw Asuradō flying at her. She simply made him fly into her dimension of acid. She put up two fingers. She bent both of them and sent all of her black spheres flying towards Gakidō and Tendō. They dodged them and Tendō attempted to use Shinra Tensei to push them away, but they simply weren't being affected. Sakura turned her black orbs into a flat surface and wrapped it around Tendō, disintegrating the path instantly. After that, she teleported to Gakidō and tore out one of the black rods in his head and then kicked him away.

Sakura stabbed herself with it and sensed where Nagato was. She was about to teleport to the location but she was stopped by a hand. She aimed to strike with one of her bones but the person parried it. She looked behind herself.

"Sakura, I'm going with you. Don't kill Nagato." The voice came from a certain blond boy. He kept his hand on her shoulder and then they teleported into a very fake looking tree.

Konan immediately went in front of Nagato to defend me. "You will have to get past me first.." She said in a threatening way. Her paper wings looked s bit menacing behind her.

"I'm not here to fight. I just need to talk, and possibly heal you from that ailment you have." Naruto said in a calming manner. Konan stepped to the side and Naruto began to explain their situation to Nagato.

"Hmm. I see.. that's how you knew my name.. and that girl over there? What happened to her? My Rinnegan is not reacting too well to her chakra.." Nagato said. His eyes twitched over and over again and his body felt the intense desire to get away from her.

"She's a reincarnation of that Otsutsuki I fought in my younger years." Naruto said.

"I see.." Nagato said. Naruto began to walk towards him before he felt a presence that was eerily similar to Kaguya's.

"Zetsu.. what are you doing?" Naruto asked, not even turning around to look at the vile creature.

"You are going to disrupt my plans of bringing back Mother.. How do you know about my plans..?" Black Zetsu asked.

"I'm not gonna tell you, you might cause us a lot of trouble in the future." Naruto said before turning around attempting to put Zetsu in his dimension. His eye quickly flared up in pain as he failed to do so.

"You don't get it do you, lowly creature?" Black zetsu said as a black kimono with white magatama and 3 black spheres manifested behind him. "I am aiming to make my mother's race superior again!" He laughed. He fired a sphere at Konan. She barely managed to dodge it. It kept going into the distance before it turned around and began to fly backwards, and it hit her square in the shoulder, disintegrating it immediately.

Sakura immediately flared her chakra, and a gray chakra cloak appeared around her. "Black Zetsu.. stand down." The black orbs around Zetsu immediately disappeared as he "melted".  Naruto immediately pierced the creature with several black rods.

"Now that that's finally over.." Naruto said. He went up to Konan and healed her shoulder. After that, he went up to Nagato and took the receivers from his back and began to put chakra into him. His skin regained its color and his bones became less and less visible.

Nagato finally stood up for once. "Thank you, Naruto." He said. A year threatened to spill from his eye.

"Sakura, I will have to teach you how to control that Otsutsuki chakra of yours." Naruto said. He led them out of the tree and into Konoha.

"Old man, we have new allies!" Naruto yelled as he entered Hiruzen's office.

"Oh my. Naruto, you certainly have a way with words, don't you?" Hiruzen said as he smiled at the new recruits.

Naruto scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, Nagato, we need to recover some of your paths so that we can distribute the Rinnegan they have." Naruto said. Nagato nodded. They left the tower and dropped Sakura off at her house. They then went to where the battlefield was and extracted the Rinnegan from them.

"Why are you going to keep them? What if they fall into the wrong hands?" Nagato inquired.

"There will be no 'wrong hands' once we get everyone united. I also need to seal the Jūbi into someone, most likely Sasuke." Naruto responded. He put all of the Rinnegan into containers with formaldehyde.

"Ningen, you won't need the Bijū, just use some of my chakra. It should be more than enough." Genbu said in Naruto's head. "Okay Genbu, so do I just summon the Gedō Mazō and seal some of your chakra within it?" Naruto asked. Genbu nodded.

Naruto teleported to his Kamui dimension.

"Kuchiyose: Gedō Mazō!" Naruto said as he slammed his palm on the ground. The decayed statue appeared, in all of its glory.

Naruto made a Genbu-chakra infused shadow clone and threw it into the Gedō Mazō's mouth.

Naruto was expecting it to turn into the Jūbi, but instead it became bloated and almost exploded. It's skin became a few shades darker as all of its eyes fused into one.

"Hmm.. I see. My chakra is much too powerful for a terrestrial form such as that one. You can revive it once you learn how to control my chakra." Genbu said.

"Well can't I just learn right now?" Naruto asked.

"No.. you're much too weak. Your Otsutsuki chakra is untamed and your chakra wouldn't react too well to mine in it's current state. That's why when you made that clone infused with my chakra, it winded you even though it wasn't even yours. I advise you stay away from using my chakra until further notice."

Naruto sighed dejectedly, "Okay.. We still have six years left to prepare and get as strong as possible. Can I atleast seal the statue into Sasuke?"

"No. That would kill him. You only survived your sealing because you've been exposed to Otsutsuki chakra before, and the chakra you gave them was diluted. Just wait and let them become stronger. Focus on Sakura and yourself especially.. you have Otsutsuki chakra from the main branch of that retched clan."

Naruto nodded and teleported out of his dimension and into the place Sakura, Hinata, and Sasuke were supposed to meet up.

"We have a lot of training to do.." Naruto said.

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