•• Chapter 16 : LAST BREATH (END) ••

Start from the beginning

"That's fine. He's not dead yet" I said as we marched outside

"Wait He's what?!" She screamed..

"Yes he's still alive and kicking but yeah... I Killed his memories" I explained.

"Ohhhh... I see Red injection... Well aren't you being bad here." She asked. I look at her and asked "why?"

"His wish is to die but you didn't let him.... Aren't you being a jerk?" She said as she frowned. I laughed "well that is right but... I guess dying is easy death for a person like him" I answered and she nodded her head. "I See... I understand" she replied.

We reached the gate and people are waiting for us outside.

"Your highness" All of them called us.

"Clean the mess" I ordered. They moved as fast as they can yo clean the whole house and replace the destroyed things.

"Where are we supposed to throw the bodies emperor?" Asked by those guards

"Bury at the most farthest place you can ever think of" I said and all of them nodded.

They carried the dead bodies and put it at their cars and drove away.

Well I don't want dad to wake up in the morning and saw this unbelievable mess...The memories might comeback if its triggered. .

"Lets go..." I said to arshly. We entered the car and drived away.

I looked outside the window and saw the mansion slowly getting away from us.

Thank god. All is done.

"Everything will start again at the begining huh." Arshly said as she wiped those blood on her body. "Yeah... Hey don't touch the chair. You're messing my clean car!' I said and she laughed.

"Then stop giving me the cleaning orders. Am sick of those scared faces." She replied. "You really are a Queen born to kill" I said. I saw her eyes rolled as she vonyinue what she's doing.

After minutes of traveling we're now back at home.

"At last! My kingdom!" She screamed as she goes out the car.

As we walk near the door. Livius is suddenly jump out if the window and run away from his guards.

"What did you do to him?" I asked Arshly while looking at livius running.

"Well I ordered them to watch over him and do whatever they can to stop him" arshly replied and laughed so hard.

"Same vibes" I said and laughed.

As we walk near them they noticed us. Livius as fast as he can. Run towards Arshly.

"Arshly are you okay? Why are you full of blood? Are you hurt? who did this yo you ?" Livius repeatedly asked.

"Im fine. livius. Afterall this isn't mine from the start and if this is mine. I am at the hospital now." she replied

Livius inhaled as he sighed.

"Then who??" Livius askdd

" Its done now livius." Arshly said as she smiled and I guess Livius understand about it.

Because of happiness Livius cried while he smile.

"Thank god... now can I have you for the rest of my life?" Livius asked as he wiped hid tears and smiled.

"Yeah... Tsk selfish guy" Arshly said and laughed walking inside. Livius just followed her.

This love birds...

I was supposed to follow them when I received a call from the people I really want yo hear the voice again.

Naahh... I don't care less anymore.

I answered it and heard the voice am asking for. He's back... From the start..

Thank god it effect. I guess I don't need anymore subjects huh...dad's experiments is successdful.

He asked me when we will going to visit him. I smiled only as I looked at the sky.

"Of course daddy.. we will be there tomorrow. Wait for us kay?" I said. He replied okay and the call was ended.

I didn't expect that... Even if theres to much sacrifices. We still did it and we end everything and started from the start.

I entered the house and saw the both of them laughing and smiling. Damn thank god everything ended so well...

-End of the story-

Special chapters upnext!









(^/// _ ///^)

..Thanks alot..

From alienzx fam

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