meet me halfway?

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Hi, y'all. I am now informing you that this will be my last Starker story for a while. I am transitioning more into Irondad sort of stuff because I've gotten a bit bored. I'll still take requests and stuff, but mostly it'll be platonic.

"Can you believe the abs on that guy?" Peter whispered to Ned as a random dude passed them in the hall. Ned glanced over at the muscled guy then sighed.

"We've seen better. Aim higher Peter," Ned stifled a yawn s Peter closed his locker door with a foot. 

"I know I know but still," He whistled through his teeth. "Those are some fine arms."

"Come on, you perv. We gotta get to class," Ned pulled on Peter's sleeve. Peter and Ned walked away from their disgusting locker bank and into the main hallway. Suddenly, someone rammed their shoulder into Peter as they walked pass.

"Hey," Peter said, annoyed. "Can you please watch where you're going?" Immediately he relized his mistake.

"What did you say to me, Penis?" Flash Thompson was standing right behind Peter's shoulder, having just run into him.

"Oh shit," Peter muttered. He wheeled around to face his bully. "I didn't say anything. Chill," Another mistake. Never tell an angry person to chill. Flash did not chill. Flash, instead, pushed (nope, shoved) Peter into a locker bank that ran along the side of the hallway. Peter hit the cold containers with a metallic clanging sound.

"Tell me what you said, Parker," Flach was nearly yelling now, waiting for a solid excuse to punch.

"I-" Peters voice got cut out by a punch to the face that made him fall to the ground. Then several kicks.

"C'mon, Penis, Tell me what you-" Flashed voice stopped as he stumbled backwards. "HEY." Flash yelled.

"Knock it off, Eugene." Another, annoyingly calm voice stated.

"Why don't you make-" Flashes ego-filled voice stumbled. "oh."

"yeah, I thought so," The calm voice now sounded cocky. Flash walked away slowly, not turning his back from peter's savoir. Peter opened his eyes to an arm reaching down to grab his. He pulled peter off the ground and held him at a close proximity.

"You good?" said Tony Stark, dusting the dirt off of Peter's shoulders. Peter stood, frozen. "Peter, are you okay?" Stark looked concerned, then took a step back. "Sorry, that was weird." Peter shook his head a few times to clear his head, then nodded.

"Sorry, i'm fine. thanks." With that, Tony Stark dissipated into the crowd. Peter looked around, disappointed. Ned, on the other hand, was freakishly hyper.

"ohmygodohmygod PETER," Ned whisper-yelled, grabbing Peter's arm. "Tony freaking stark KNOWS YOUR NAME," Peter gathered his books up from the ground, while nodding.

"And i acted like a total idiot." Ned looked a bit uncomfortable.

"I'd give you a two out of five stars for that interaction." Peter ginned. "But why would the popular straight playboy captain of the football team know your name?" Ned questioned. Peter shrugged. Then, Ned noticed that they were the only ones left in the hallway and glanced at the time on the wall. "Oh shit, we're gonna be late."

* * *

It was lunch-time at midtown high school and Tony Stark was contemplating. What was his contemplation about, you may ask? Well, two things:

1. am I gay?

2. why is that peter guy so goddamn cute and hot at one time?

He didn't have the answer to either of those questions. All he could do was think some. He'd had girlfriends before. None of them had given his the weird butterflies in his stomach though (like the way that he felt near Peter). They'd always said that he was hot, then he would automatically flirt. Maybe he was gay. He'd thought about it before, but it had always scared him. He would dream about a boy, wake up, then convince himself he was just imagining things. Now, to Peter. Why the fuck did he have to be so smart and cute and perfect? Fuck. Peter was a freshman in a bunch of senior classes. Tony though he was special, being a Junior in senior classes, but noooo. Also, for a nerd, he was incredibly well structured (not that Stark noticed that or anything). He seemed to take part in no sports, yet he was super fit? 

there's something about youTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon