Deaf Date #Jalex

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Title: Deaf Date

Pairing: Jalex

Genre: Free written - Fluff

Warnings: Homosexuality

Description: Jack gave him his number. Jack likes him.

Word Count: 580

Authors Note: Originally posted on my Tumblr.


"Yeah, he's really nice, dude! Plays the guitar, just like you! Full of energy; funny as hell; I think he's pretty cute, by your standards, too!"

And that was how Alex had managed to find himself sat on a park bench, chocolate eyes treading across a silent, pale canvas. He gently prods a finger at the boy, poking lightly at the warm sleeve of his brown sweater, and smiles when they make eye contact. He waves his hand, giving a sympathetic look towards the poor boy he had been set up with; they couldn't even speak to each other.

"Can," Alex starts off slow, silently praying to a higher power that this boy had learned to read lips within his twenty-some years of life. "You," The boy's eyes are watching intensely, staring down the shapes Alex's pink lips form, and he nods, waiting for the next word. "Type," He mouths, carefully swaying his phone before the boy's face, gesturing with his thumb towards the keyboard. "Your," He's placing his phone between the boy's fingers now, a light tingle surges through his body when their fingertips brush, sparks booming against his skin, heart smashing against his rib-cage. "Name."

The boy's fingers work away on Alex's phone, the screen making small clinks when his finger nails would tap a certain area. He finishes up his small, sweet message, then flips the screen to show Alex. "Hi im jack :))"

Alex smiles widely, and nods, taking the opportunity to speak the boy's name out loud, testing the way it rolls from his tongue, as he can't hear. "Jack, Jack-o, Jack Daniels; yeah, I like that."

He takes the blue iPhone between cold fingers, a shaky, visible breath escaping his lips. "im alex :) where r u from??" The message is small, but he figures he may at least learn a few things about Jack while he can; his phone is low on battery charge.

"Baltimore :) U?" Jack is aware of Alex's icy breath on his shoulder; he's watching over his thin figure, a wavering breath washes over Jack's neck when he makes a mistake, knows he's made him laugh.

Rather than typing, Alex carefully takes his phone away from Jack, his fingers splaying over the screen. He flicks at the applications, scrolling across his games, and social media, until he finds his map. He presses down on the icon for the application, and it quickly loads up. Pinching his screen lightly, he zooms towards Europe, then pinches closer, and closer. Jack lets out a small squeal of excitement when Alex points towards Essex, and mouths "from here", a completely swoon-worthy sound, which has Alex weak in the knees within seconds. He decides, silently, that he really likes this deaf boy.

Jack's thumb presses down on the home button, big brown eyes glancing up at Alex, and he bats his lashes lightly. Alex smiles, and gently offers his phone towards the boy, head tilting as he watches Jack's fingers. An application opens; the white screen has names, and phone numbers filled across, and he watches as Jack pushes down on the small, blue "plus" sign, in the top right corner. He furrows his brow, confused, as Jack's long, thin fingers begin hitting lightly at the keyboard, filling in information.

"Jack Barakat, four-zero-nine, seven-seven-eight-one," He arches an eyebrow, reading loudly as Jack's silent form types in the information, and gives Jack a curios stare, before it clicks.

Jack gave him his number.

Jack likes him.

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