Chapter 13

393 13 1

Nat's POV

Real Life

I woke up and without opening my eyes I knew that sonething was wrong. I felt something cold against my skin and I understood I was on a metal chair. I tried to move, but I discovered I had my hands and feet tied on it; not that I was surprised.

I slowly opened my eyes and when I saw where I was my blood froze: I remembered that place too well, it was the house I lived before everything started, before I became what I was.

More precisely, I was in what was my old bedroom: everything was like when I left (or was forced to) it, my old toys on the floor, the blanket with the ballerinas and the musical notes.

-Oh you're awake finally!- a male voice came from the door.

A man entered the room: he was more or less of my same age, tall, blonde hair, quite big.

It took a few seconds to my brain to understand who he was: Brandon, one of my old team mates and the most dangerous one.

-Did you miss me?- he said approaching.

-What am I doing here?- I said.
He smiled.

-Don't you recognize this place? It is our home- he said.

Little note for who doesn't know Brandon: we grew up together in the same home for a few years, before I left.

-Why did you take me here?- I said growling.

He laughed and stopped at few centimeters from my face.

-I brought you home again, we'll be together like old times, like when we were children- he said.

Ok, he was completely mad.

-I won't stay here- I said.

-Oh yes, you will! I won't let you escape!- he said.

Suddenly the door bell rang and he smiled.

-It seems we have to play later, my dear сестра - he said and then took a needle and put it into my arm.

Everything became blurred and I fell asleep before I could understand what was happening.

Wanda's POV

Private DM




What happened?!


Someone took Nat!


Omg😱 Is it about the shooting that happened in NY?! We heard at the news!


Yes! I tried to look for her but it seems she isn't in US anymore😱


Bucky thinks that she may be in Russia. You know, most of her enemies are there


That is true🤔 I'll look there!


We are going to help you. Are you able to come here in Washington in a few hours? We are going to leave for Russia tonight💪


Yes I'll come as soon as possible😱

Real Life

And so that night we were on a plane, heading to Russia.

-How was the man who took her?- Bucky asked.

-He was wearing a mask, but it was Russian for sure. His hair were blonde and he was quite big- Steve said.

-I know one person that looks in that way... but if I'm right then we must find her as soon as possible- Bucky said.

I took his hand, I was so nervous and scared! I didn't want to lose my friend and I couldn't imagine how Steve was feeling in that moment.

-Who is he?- Steve asked.

-Her брат, her brother- Bucky answered.

I knew that Bucky and Nat already knew each other years ago, but I didn't know they were so close to know each other stories.

Nat never told me about her story, her past, her family and of course I didn't force her. Maybe she wasn't trusting me like him but I didn't care that much, she was still one of my best friends.

-Her brother?- Steve asked.

-Yes, the man who adopted her after her parents death already had a son, Brandon. They were team mates too, but year after year he became more and more crazy- Bucky explained -When we found him we must be very careful, we don't know what is happening in his mind-.

-Maybe he wants his family back, that is why he took Nat- I said.

-Yeah that could be an option- Steve said.

Nat's POV

Real Life

I woke up again and this time I was in another position: I was sat on my bed, my hands were handcuffed at it.

Brandon was sat at the end of the bed, smiling.

-Finally! I couldn't wait anymore!- he said standing and smiling like a baby.

He took one of the toys from the floor and approached to me.

-Remember this?- he said showing me a bear -You used to play with this on this bed with me-.

-You are completely crazy- I said trying to free my hands.

-I... I just want my family back, you understand? You are my сестра- he said.

He then put the toy again where it was before and approached to me with a book.

It was a fairy tales book that our dad used to read us.

-You want to listen to a tale? I can read your favourite one- he said.

I sighed. He became even worse in years and I suspected that it would have become even worse with time.
I had to escape as soon as possible.

I tried to elabprate more escape plans as possible while he read the story but he suddenly stopped.

-Oh it's late! We should go sleeping or dad will be angry with us!- he said and stood.

He freed my hands to take me to sleep and that was my occasion: I jumped and run towards the door.

It growled when I reached it: it was locked!

He reached me and took my arm, throwing me towards the bed and I hit my head against it.

-I said that we must go sleep. I'm the oldest brother and you have to listen to me- he said and put another needle in my arm.

Everything became blurred again and I felt him tie again my hands and feet at the bed, covering me with a blanket.

-Good night, сестра- he said and everything became black.


сестра = sister

брат = brother

Brandon is MY INVENTION ⚠️

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