Chapter 6

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Nat's POV

Private DM


Good morning sleeping beauty!

[Seen 3 hours later]


Hey Cap! Good morning!


Your boss is angry because you skipped work today😬 I told him that you feel sick






What was that?🧐


I don't like bad words😁
Well you can stay calm, he thinks you are ill


I'm never ill, he would never believe that! 😱 I'm dead, I know😵


Nah, I wouldn't say so 🤔 It can happen that you are ill, you are human🤷‍♀️


Btw, did you have fun yesterday?


Yes and your friend is very nice👍 I think Bucky likes her🤔🧐


Well good luck to him! Wanda doesn't like to spend time with men, I told you...


Yeah... I'm so sorry for her😔 How did that happen?


They were on a mission. He took the bullet saving her. From that day Wanda has completely changed and her power became a little instable😔


She has powers? Interesting🧐


Yeah😊 Well, I was thinking to go to the headquarters and explain everything, and then go to train, you want to come with me?


Yeah I'd love to😍


Wanda's POV

Private DM


Hey there!




How are you today?


A little hangover but I can handle it💪 You?


Same here👍 Actually I'm bored, did you already have breakfast?


Is it an excuse to see me again?🧐




Well I already had breakfast, but I bought a new coffee machine, you want to come here and try it?😊


Sounds great!

Private DM






Steve's friend is coming here!😱


Is it a good thing? Or not?


Well he invited me out and I said no but invited him to my flat 😬


Well I would see it like a fresh start! It's time for you to start again!


Yeah... Oh he is here! Talk later😱

Real Life

The bell rang and I took a deep breath. I opened the door and my heart missed a beat: I didn't remember he was that good!

-Hey- he said smiling.

Oh my God kill me now!

-Hey... Please come in!- I said closing the door.

-Your flat is very nice- he said.

-Thank you... Sorry, it's a little messy- I said blushing.

-It's ok, mine is probably worse- he said laughing and I laughed too.

He was very nice, maybe Nat was right and it was really time to move on.

He was very nice, maybe Nat was right and it was really time to move on

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