Portal To Erdas

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Given a choice, Lloyd would not have picked to spend his birthday at school, if anything he didn't want to go at all for his final year. He wished he could forget this dump of a place and be like an eagle soaring through the sky, with no problems in the world, but he knew that wasn't going to happen, so like always he stuck his chin up and faced the music, and got ready for school. 'lloyd grabs his bag and phone and heads to school'.

'Lloyd arrives at school'.

As Lloyd looks at his school, he notices one thing, this was going to be the most slowest year ever. As Lloyd steps into the hallway, he notices his arch enemy Kelvin with his goon squad. Lloyd laughed at himself when he made that up his head. Not to be noticed he tries to evade them, by putting his hoodie over his face. With high hopes of evading them, he passed Kelvin without a problem. He was glad he didn't have to deal with him this early in the morning.

One thing no one notices though, Lloyd and Kelvin used to be best buds, but after their first year in high school, they distanced from each other Kelvin being the jock, while Lloyd being the freak. Kelvin started picking on Lloyd pretending he never saw him or even knew him. Deep down Lloyd knows he has just lost his best pal. Ever since then they have became bitter enemies.

'Lloyd looks at his timeline'

Lloyd: Oh great double maths, just when I thought I didn't have to run into Kelvin. Ahhhh. Since when did he have to turn into such a nightmare.

'Lloyd walks into his class in the back corner, his hoodie covering him, hoping Kelvin doesn't recognise him when he walks in'. But like always he saw Kelvin's smirked as he slowly walked to Lloyd.

Kelvin: haha, Lloyd is that you, didn't notice you, I guess you are used to that by now right. I mean who would want to be friends or even notice a loser like you. Ahaha.

Seth: oh no Kelvin, I... I think I see a tear falling. Hahaha aww poor Lloyd, you nothing but a poor excuse of a human, no wonder your father abandoned you. Hahaha

'Lloyd had enough of Seth and Kelvin, he shut the book, stood up, and spoke softly'.

Lloyd: Seth you talk about my father again, I will serve your head on silver platter and Kevin, if you ever talk to me again this year, I will literally end you, I've backed down from you for too long now, and I've had enough. You know what I'm like since we used to be "besties" so watch you mouth.

Kelvin: what are you going to do Lloyd, call your mum oh wait that's right... SHES DEAD. hahahaha

'Before Kevlin can say anything else, he notices, Lloyd turned red in the face, and tackled Kelvin to the floor so fast, Kelvin didn't even see it coming.' with Lloyd on top of Kelvin he started punching into Kelvin, Seth grabs Lloyd off of Kelvin and starts punching into Lloyd, but Lloyd didn't back down, he blocked Kelvin's jab strikes, and weaves through Seth, Seth tries to swing again, but Lloyd dodges Seth, followed by a roundhouse kick to the head, and followed by a final front heel kick KO'ing Seth, without noticing Kelvin tackles Lloyd from behind, and starts punching in to him. Lloyd block most of them, but not noticing Kelvin serves Lloyd a punch in the nose, blurring Lloyds vision. Kelvin hopes off of Lloyd, and finishes him of with a kick to the gut winding him. 'Kelvin spits on Lloyd's. "Your pathetic Lloyd, to think you could ever beat me". Kelvin helps Seth up, and leads him to the sick bay.

'Bell rings for Morning tea'.

Lloyd wakes up finally realising where he is, and what happened he started crying not caring who saw "I wish I could leave this dump", with more tears falling. He stood up, and walked out of the classroom and headed towards the office.

After walking around the corner, he notices a blue dim light in the classroom, he tries peaking through the window in the door, but the door was to foggy, so instead he opens the door and is in shock of what he sees in front of him.

Lloyd: A portal, in a classroom, what is this magic, an illusion. Hmm, maybe it's a portal to a different dimension, away from Kelvin and his goon squad. Maybe this could be my new start.

Without a thought, Lloyd slowly walks to the portal and enters the portal. Without hesitation, he was pulled through and landed on something hard. "ouch" says a stranger, that Lloyd has accidentally landed on

Lloyd stands up quick and observes the stranger. He was blonde and had nice innocent blue eyes, he wore a white and brown tunic, and blue jeans, and a wooly brown boots. He actually looked quite handsome. Lloyd noticed he was looking for a while and looked away, hoping he didn't notice.

"Hello my name is Lloyd, I'm sorry I landed you, but could you tell me where I am."

The stranger stands up and brushes the dirt of his jeans, and started to talk in a rich warm accent he most certainly hasn't heard before.

"Good day , my name is Conor, and this is ERDAS." Conor smiled at Lloyd, and welcomed him.

To be continued...

This is honestly my first time writing a story, sorry if it's horrible or not, I really did try. But I'm going to keep writing this story, cause it does get better.

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