❀ Little Things 2 ❀

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Lee Felix

Ever since Felix's elimination, the boy seemed to have become a bit insecure

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Ever since Felix's elimination, the boy seemed to have become a bit insecure. He would practice twice as hard as normal, and he also tried to perfect every little mistake he made. If he ever said something wrong in Korean, he'd get way more frustrated with himself than usual. These things didn't fly by unnoticed by Haerin. Realizing that the boy's insecurities were taking hold of his mind, Haerin knew that she needed to cheer him up. So while Felix was in the dance studio practicing, Haerin bought over 100 sticky notes, and plastered them all over his bed. Each note listed a reason why she loves him, and why he is one of the most amazing person in her life. When Felix came back home to read them, he broke down in tears in Haerin's arms.


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Kim Seungmin

The first time Seungmin had a nightmare, he was alone

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The first time Seungmin had a nightmare, he was alone. He hadn't had one since before he became a trainee, and now it was happening in a place he wasn't used to living in. Too afraid to leave the comfort of his bed, but too afraid to stay alone, they boy called the first person to come to his mind. When Haerin received the call, she immediately left her room to save Seungmin from his paranoia. Thanks to Haerin's younger brother, she knew exactly how to handle the situation. It wasn't long until she had the younger boy safely cuddled up against her, falling asleep contently with his face pressed securely in the crook of her neck.


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Yang Jeongin

Yang Jeongin is completely and utterly Haerin's baby boy, and he knows it

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Yang Jeongin is completely and utterly Haerin's baby boy, and he knows it. Although 90% of Stray Kids are free from school, this maknae still has to suffer. On top of working hard to succeed in the music industry, Jeongin also has to make sure he succeeds in his school work. Waking up early in general is a pain for some, but waking up early for school is a pain for all. In order to make these mornings for the maknae less stressful, Haerin does whatever she can. Each weekday, the girl would get up before Jeongin to make him a hearty breakfast. She'll gather his bag and his notebooks into one area, so he won't be running around in a frantic search for his belongings. And finally, she'll gently wake up the boy with a small peck on the forehead, and send him off to school with a homemade lunch.

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 𝔻𝕒𝕙𝕝𝕚𝕒 ❀ Stray Kids 9th memberTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang