~Chapter Fifty One~

Mulai dari awal

"Good evening." Says the guard to my left, somehow squeezing me in the middle. I flinch but keep my cool, "Yeah."

The guard on my right peeks over to my name tag, "Ms. Schneeblee?"

Reading over my own stolen name tag I reiterate his question. "Actually it's pronounced Schneeblay."


The dark silver doors open slowly but I'm more than eager to hop out. It's not my floor but it'll do for now.

"Would'a look at that, it's my stop. GOTTA BLAST." I squeak out.

The guards glare suspiciously and just before I step out they reread my name tag. With a sheepish grin, I scram out of the elevator and rush down the nearest hall constantly looking over my shoulder and nearly losing my mind when one of them turns the corner.

"Hey! Miss wait!" He yells, right arm outstretched.

My eyes widen as my pace quickens, turning a corner quickly without looking. And per my clumsiness, I bump right into someone.

"Oof." My air gets knocked out of my lungs but the person I've bumped into quickly holds onto me to keep me steady.

"Woah there, dudette." The soft American accent raises my brows and makes me completely still.

My jaw nearly drops at the strangely foreign but also familiar sight.

Blonde. Ocean blue. Suit and tie. Bomber jacket. Puppy dog looking expression.

There's no way.



The two strangers lock eyes and with fear in her eyes, (Name) whispered, "Help me."

Widening a goofy grin he gleams, "No need to tell me twice." Her new American friend snatches her wrist and they barrel down another hallway until he rushes into a room.

Shutting the door behind them (Name) began to feel the pain in her lungs. The fragile girl placed her hands on her knees and began huffing, shutting her eyes and solely focusing on the steady airflow reaching her brain. Heaving out her words she mumbled unconsciously, "Woah there, Steve Rogers."

Without missing a beat he perks up and practically shouts, "YOU REALLY THINK IM LIKE STEVE ROGERS?"

"Oh please, don't make his head any bigger than it already is, love." Says another, much more foreign voice.

"What like yours?"

"How dare you!"

New Units - 2p!Hetalia x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang