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- Deku's P.O.V -
He looked like a deer in head lights. "Kacchan why do you have my phone?". I said as I walked closer to him. He put it down and looked away. "No reason but someone texted you". I grab my phone and look at the messages between "me" and Eli. "Kacchan?". He looks at me. "I'm gonna hang out with him". He gave me his "wtf r u talking about look". "It's just gonna be is friends". He turned back around. Oh god he's mad at me. I just wanna hang out with a friend. "Kacchan. Don't be mad I'm just gonna hang out with his as friends" I reach out for his hand but he pulls away. "No Izuku it's fine go hang out with him". Oh shit. He's maad. "Kacchan you can't be that ma-". I was cut off. "I'm not mad. You can go hang out with any boy you want that's fine." I was starting to get a little annoyed I never gave him shit when he wanted to hang out with his friends. "Kacchan. Stop it. You're being mean". "No its fine go hang out with this BOY that I caught staring at your ass." I'm mad. "Katsuki." He looks at me wide eyed surprised to hear his name. "Stop it. I never stop you from hanging out with your friends. Girls or guys and you're the one who likes both! I saw kirishima looking at ur abs in the training room and Ururaka kept asking for you. You don't hear me saying you can't hang out with them!". I started tearing up. "I don't say anything because I trust that you wouldn't do anything like that to me. Can't you just trust me?".
- Kacchan's P.O.V -
Really? All that happened? "I do trust you, baby I'm sorry. I was just mad that you wanted to hang out with him I was scared he was gonna take you away from me". I looked down I was ashamed he shouldn't have felt like I didn't trust him. "Really?" He put both hands on my face and brought my face up. "Ya". He pulled me into a kiss. "I forgive you but next time don't go thru my phone ok?". I laugh a bit. "Why you got something to hide?". He blushed a little. "Maybe". He smiled his smile and laughed. "I love you Kacchan". He said as he pulled me into a kiss. "I love you too, but I have a question?". He looked at me and nodded. "What's on your phone you don't want me to see?". His face turned bright red. "Uh well you see".

Ha cliffhanger!!

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