"Damn that is one moody ass teenager," Ingrid said laughing.

"That he is, babe, that he is."


"BABE! You'll never guess what just happened in the bathroom," Enoch said while running, jogging really because he detests running, to Ingrid.

"Oh my god! You peed."

"Okay yeah but that's not the important part."

"Then get to it."

"I'd get there if you'd shut the fuck up," he told her and she mimed zipping her lips, "thank you. Okay so I'm in there taking a piss, dick out, and Elena fucking Gilbert just bursts in there like she fucking owns the place."

"Nu uh."

"Yuh huh. She grabs the moody teen brothers face and is all 'Are you seriously high right now. I know who you are and it's not this person.' Yada yada, you know that hallmark movie shit? And then he's all," at this Enoch slouches down and flips his hair and imitates Jeremy, "'I don't need this' it's like every fucking moody movie teen, ever."

At this point Ingrid is dying laughing, "Oh my god! That's the greatest thing that's happened all day! Wow, we really have no life." They started walking out of the school. They got into her car.

"Oh so I had this dream last night—" she started before being interrupted by Enoch


"Shush. So I had this dream last night that a few vampires, family, are coming to town. I think it's like 2 or 3 brothers. And if I do say so myself they are hot."

"Ooh are they?"

"Yes but I get the feeling you won't get with either of them."

"Damn." he said disappointed, of course hot guys are coming and he can't even get with them. He's still stuck with the same old closeted people who use gay as an insult.

"You might have a one night stand with one but nothing more."

"Im perfectly fine with that. Hot vampire sex here I come." Ingrid laughs and shoves him.


"Okay so fuck marry kill, Tyler, Matt, and Jeremy," Ingrid asks. They're laying on her bed watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer and eating popcorn.

"Oh shit. Well I've fucked Tyler so I'm gonna kill him because he wasn't even that good."

Ingrid cackled, "You're such an ass. I love you."

"Marry Matt because he would treat me right, but he's not too fun for a one night stand. So I guess I have to fuck Jeremy. Maybe he's okay." Enoch says laughing, "Now your turn."

"Kill Jeremy, marry Matt, and fuck Tyler. Gotta see how bad he is myself, ya know?" They both laugh before Ingrid jumps up and yells "I'll be right back."

"Why the fuck would you say that, you dumb bitch? Now you're gonna die!" She just laughs.

She jumps back on the bed holding a bottle of sparkling grape juice, "It's all we have." she says shrugging. They continue watching the show interjecting with comments and fuck marry kills throughout. They soon finish the bottle.

"Ugh I want more," Ingrid whined.

"Yeah me too," Enoch replied before getting up and putting his shoes on, "I'll go get some. I'll be back in a minute."

As he walked out he heard her laugh and say, "No you won't."

Ignoring her he left.


He was standing in front of the fancy bottle section at the store. All of a sudden someone leaned beside him to grab a bottle. He turned to see a hot as fuck vampire.

"Excuse me I'm new in town and I was wondering if you could help me with something?" the handsome stranger said. Two things Ingrid said earlier came to his head "You might have a one night stand with one but nothing more." and "I'll be back in a minute. No you won't."

"No I won't," he thought before smiling at the man.

"Sure what can I help you with?"

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