Chapter Thirty-nine

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Steve's POV

   "...and I said, 'um, how bout no?'" Amélie laughed loudly, and I was pulled out of my thoughts.
   I forced myself into laughter, and Amélie smiled at me.
  "I thought it was so funny." She chuckled, her lips spread with perfectly done, bright, red lipstick.
  "So, do you have any crazy college stories?" Amélie asked, and I shook my head.
  "No, not really. I got beat up a lot, so that's probably the craziest." I said before taking a long sip of my water.
  "Oh, no. May I ask why?" Amélie asked, and I shrugged looking up at her.
  "People tended to disagree in what I believed in."
  "I understand. You know, a lot of people think that way about what we do for a living. But, Steffen, we're paving the future, and I'm glad that you are doing it with me." Amélie reached across the table and placed her hand on my left hand.
   I suddenly became aware of my missing wedding ring, and I held in my sigh. Amélie's hands were cold. Too cold. It was almost as if they didn't have life behind them. Tony's hands were the opposite. They were rough with the scars from missions and working away in his lab, but they were warm and inviting. Amélie's hand were to cold and too soft. From what I could tell there wasn't a single scar on them, and it bothered me. Amélie was beautiful with her dark brown hair and matching eyes. Her livly smile always present, showing every tooth she had in her mouth. She was two perfect for everything that she has done. She has sat motionless as people were slaughtered before her. She's kidnapped little kids to do experiments on them. She's created machines to kill people with their worst fear. So, everytime she sends me that perfect smile, or holds my hand with those soft hands, it hurts. I have three kids at home. I have a husband. Yet, here I am holding the hand of a killer.
  "Are you excited for work tomorrow?" Amélie asked, drinking a bit of her soda.
  "We are testing the first prototypes tomorrow, right?" I wondered, and Amélie nodded.
  "It's gonna be incroyable." She pushed her hands out to the sides, looking up with a glint in her eyes.
  "Yeah. I can't wait." I agreed, and Amélie looked around the little reasturant we were sat in.
  "Oh non." She muttered, and I turned around.
  "The store's closed." She giggled, and I shrugged with a small smile turning back to her.
  "Seems it did." I agred, and Amélie waved a waitress to us.
  "Thank you for dinner Steffen." She smiled as I paid the check.
  "Of course."
  We both stood and started walking out of the store. Amélie flagged down a taxi, and she turned around as a man got out of the car to open the door for her. I smiled, placing my hands on my belt. Amélie looked down into the black car before glancing back at me. She took in a deep breath, and she closed the gap between us. I gasped as her lips crashed onto mine, and my eyes popped open. Amélie placed both her hands on my biceps, and I noticed her eyebrows were furrowed. I weakly kissed her back, not wanting to cause suspison, and she pulled away. She smiled at me, raising her shoulders slightly, and she climbed into the back of the cab. Once the cab dissapeard around the corner, I shuddered. I started visiously wipping at my lips with the back of my hand, trying to get the feeling off. I shuddered again, as a wave of regret washed over me. I walked over to a nearby bench, and I sat down on the wet metal. I shuddered again, pulling a tissue out of my pocket and wipping my mouth. When I pulled the tissue away, I saw the slight imprint of red lipstick.
  "Oh God." I murmered, and I continued wipping needing to get this feeling off.
  It's not that Amélie was a bad kisser, it was just I hated the kiss. I was married for goodness sakes. I was in love with the most amazing man to ever walk this earth. I love Tony so, so, so much, and here I was on a mission to save a country, just like I did seventy-four years ago, by kissing a girl and learning how to make a bomb. Maybe Tony was right, and I should've asked Fury to send someone else. However, Fury is one of the most cautious men to exist, so he had to have a reason behind sending me.
  I ran my hands through my hair, grimicing at their wetness from the seat underneath me. I stood up and tried my best to wipe the water off of my butt. I pulled out my phone, wipping at my lips once more, and I started to head down the street to my car. I placed my phone to my ear after dialing a number, and I pulled out of the parking space as the phone tried to connect.
  "Hello?" I heard Tony's voice on the other side of the line.
  He sounded tired and mad, and I placed my phone down in my cup holder after putting it on speaker.
  "What's wrong Baby?" I asked, and Tony sighed.
  "How'd you tell?" He murmered, and I shrugged turning on my blinker.
  "Because I love you." I smiled, and Tony sighed.
  "Yeah, well your children deicded to go out and fight some bad guys instead of going to a party." Tony muttered.
  "What?" I gasped.
  "I found Peter and Kelsey drowning in Hudson river. When I asked them what happened they told me that this raven-guy," Tony then paused, and I heard Peter yell something.
  "Young man, I don't care what type of bird it was, go to sleep!" Tony yelled, and I chuckled pulling into the parking garage of my hotel.
  Peter said something else, and I put the phone off of speaker phone. I climbed out of the car putting the phone back to my ear, and Tony let out a groan.
  "Here's your son." Tony murmered, and I sighed as Tony's phone was handed to Peter.
  "Hey Pete." I greeted my son as I waved at the receptionist at the hotel.
  "Hey, Pop!" He chirpped, and I pressed the button for the elevator.
  "So, what did you and your sister do that got Dad so mad?" I wondered walking into the elvator.
  "Well we were going to this party, and there was this blue explosion thing, and we followed it, and we saw those guns from the ATM robbery, and they saw us, and so we started to chase them, and then this crazy vulture guy showed up. It was so cool!" Peter exclaimed, and I sighed walking out of the elevator.
  "You understand that you could've gotten hurt, right?" I asked, and Peter groaned.
  "Yeah, yeah. Dad already gave us a lecture."
  "We're serious, Peter. There is enough going on right now, and if you got hurt, I don't know what I would do." I said, unlocking the door to my room.
  "Sorry, Pop." Peter apologized, and I closed the door behind me.
  "It's okay slugger. I'm glad that you're okay. Is Kelsey still up?" I wondered.
  "Yeah, I can go get her." Peter said, and I smiled.
  "That's be great, Buddy."
  I then heard the sound of air rushing through the reciver, as Peter started running, and I heard Tony yell at him to get off the ceiling.
  "Get up!" Peter yelled, and I rolled him eyes.
  "Peter don't wake up your sister." I scolded, and I heard Kelsey mumble somthing as she took the phone.
  "Hi Papa, how's France?" Kelsey asked, and I could hear the tiredness in her voice.
  "It's as good as France could be on a mission. I heard about what you and Peter did." I said, and Kelsey let out a half sigh, half groan.
  "Yeah, I know what I did too. Don't give me a lecture." Kelsey said, and I shook my head.
  "You have to listen to your Dad," I started, and Kelsey cut me off with a yawn.
  "Papa, imma tired." Kelsey murmered, and I sighed.
  "Okay, I won't keep you awake. Just remember what Dad said. I love you, Cookie." I said, and Kesley reapated the phrase.
  "Love you, Papa."
  The phone was then given back to Peter, and I said "goodnight" and "I love you". Peter said them back, and he gave the phone to Tony.
  "Peggy's asleep and putting her to sleep has been a challenge all day, so I won't put her on." Tony said, and I nodded.
  "It's okay. I miss you." I sighed lying down in the empty, hotel bed.
  "I miss you too, Capsicle. I don't have my personal foot stool anymore." Tony snickered, and I smiled.
  "Are you feeling short without me?" I teased, and I knew Tony was rolling his eyes.
  "Shut up." Tony hissed, and I let out another sigh.
  "Okay." Tony said, and I sighed again.
  "Honey, why do you keep sighing?" Tony asked, a dissprooving note in his voice.
  "Because I feel horrible." I confessed, and Tony sighed.
  "I wish I was there to cuddle you." Tony purred, and I shook my head.
  "Oh, Love, no you don't. She kissed me." I shuddered at the memory, and I heard Tony's breath hitch.
  He was silent for a moment, and I opened my mouth to start my apology.
  "It's okay." Tony said before I could start speaking, and I drew my eyebrows together.
  "It is?"
  ", not really. But I have to be right? It's your job. I know you still love me." Tony said, and I nodded sitting up more.
  "I love you so much, and I can't wait to come home. I wanna hold you, and I wanna kiss you until our lips are numb. I want to hold Peter and Kelsey, and tell them I love them. I wanna rock Peggy and let her fall alseep in my arms." I said.
  "Well, then hurry up and make that bomb." Tony ordered, and I smiled.
  "Yes sir." I smirked.
  "Oh yeah. You're gonna be saying that a lot when you get back here." Tony purred, and I raised an eyebrow.
  "I can't wait."
  Tony snickered, and I looked down at my watch. I looked back up not wanting to hang up on Tony.
  "It's late." I said, and Tony sighed.
  "Yeah. It is."
  "The kids have school tomorrow."
  "I know."
  "I have work."
  "I don't wanna go."
  "Then don't."
  "I have to."
  "I love you, Hubby."
  "I love you too, Darling."
  I held my breath, and I heard Tony let out a sigh.
  "Goodnight, Stevie." He whispered.
  "Goodnight, Tones." I then took the phone from my ear, and I hesitently held my finger over the "end call" button.
  "I love you." I repeated, and I heard a soft laugh come from Tony.
  "I love you too." He said, and I smiled.
  "You didn't hang up." I stated, with a teasing tone.
  "Neither did you." My husband pointed out, and I sighed kicking off my shoes.
  "This isn't fair. You shouldn't have to do this." Tony mumbled, and I nodded laying on my side.
  "I agree."
  "You have to go?" Tony sighed, and I nodded.
  "I do." I agreed.
  "You do." Tony repeated, and I closed my eyes imaginging him laying in our big bed.
  He was probably in one of my old t-shirts and a pair of boxers. Peggy's baby moinitor was most likely placed on Tony's left bedside table, there just in case Peggy had a seziure. Tony was probably curled up under the covers, always having been the cover hog. I wished that I could wrap one of my arms around his waist and nuzzle my nose into his neck, but I can't.
  "I love you." Tony whispered.
  "I love you too."
  I then heard the reciver go out, and I sighed. I took the phone from my ear and got dressed for bed.
  The next morning, I woke up and got dressed in a short-sleeved button up. I put on my fake glasses after pulling on some jeans, and I slipped shoes on over my feet. I drove to the bomb testing camp, and I saw Amélie's car parked a hundered yards away. I parked my car next to hers, and I grapped my breif case from inside. I started down to the camp, and I saw Amélie standing by Hans. Hans was dressed in a all black HYDRA outfit, and I felt my chest tighten at the thought of the war. I paused my steps, letting my breath even, and I continued walking. Amélie looked over to me and stopped talking to Hans. Her perfectly painted lips lifted in a smile, and she ran over to me.
  "Bonjour Steffen!" She excalimed, and she wrapped her arms around my shoulders.
  I forced a smile, and I wrapped my arms around her waist dipping her into a kiss. She giggled out of it and skipped over to Hans. He looked at me, his left nostrol flaring and his mouth twisted into a sneer. I walked past him over to Amélie's work bench. She lifted a black breif case up and onto the counter top with a grunt. She typed in a password on the minture keypad and looked over her shoulder at me. She smiled, unlocking the clips, and she lifted the lid. Inside were three bombs. One looked like a martini glass, the second a traditonal bomb, and the last was a tie clip.
  The first bombing would be at Stark Expo. Mrs. President, Kaylee Rae, was scheduled to be at Stark Expo that night for her birthday. Tony was throwing her a large party, and Amélie and I were going to go undercover. The first bomb to be realized at the expo was going to be the martini glass. The second bomb would go off in the bathroom, and the thrid would be attachted to one of Mrs. Rae's body gaurds that was really a HYDRA agent.
  Amélie looked up at me with an excited smile as she took the martini glass out of the breif case. Hans got behind a vibranium barrier, and I went with Amélie to the control center. Amélie placed the glass on a table in the middle of the testing grounds, and she ran back over to me twisting her hair into a bun. I turned on the controls, and I started to get the bomb ready.
  "Test one, High Explosive." I said, and I hovered my finger over the detonate button.
  "Five, four, three," Amélie started the countdown, and when she said "one" I pushed my finger down on the button.
  The martini glass blew up in a giant, orange ball of smoke and fire. Amélie's face lit up once we saw the outcome of the explosion, and she clapped her hands together.
  "High Explosive, efficent." She said, and I ran out with the second bomb.
  I placed it in the middle of the last explosion, and I ran back over to Amélie.
  "Test two, Atomic." She annouced, starting to set the bomb up.
  I counted from five to one, and the bomb blew up in a large mushroom cloud. We fired the last bomb, an Antimatter bomb, and it blew up perfectly.
  "Steffen, do you know what this means?" Amélie asked, and I shook my head.
  "It means that we did it, this is exactly the type of explosions we wanted!" Amélie exclaimed, and I nodded.
  "Yeah." I said softly, and Amélie gently rubbed my shoulder.
  "It's okay, Steffen. This is your first mission, I assume."
  I nodded, and Amélie rose on her toes and kissed my cheek. I winced at the feeling, and I held back the urge to wipe the kiss off as quickly as I could.
  "We'll get you prepared." She said, gently running her fingers through my hair, and we walked over to Hans.
  "I'm impressed. How many more of these do you have?" Hans wondered looking out at the explsion marks left in the ground.
  "Enough to complete HYDRA's mission, sir." Amélie said, and I nodded in agreement.
  "Is there anyway to disable the bomb?" Hans asked, and Amélie shook her head.
  "Unless you know exactly how the bomb works, and the bomb as already begun its count down then you cannot disable it." I answered, and Hans nodded giving me a suspsious look.
  "Fantastisch." He said, and Amélie smiled.
  "Good testing today. See you tomorrow, my dear." Hans bowed his head to Amélie, and she grabbed my hand.
  "Wilson." Hans muttered, and I nodded my head in a wordless goodbye.
  "We only have two weeks until the expo." Amélie said as we started back to our cars.
  "Yeah." I muttered looking out into the country side.
  "And we've already finished." Amélie continued.
  "Yeah." I said again, only half listening seeing my car in the distance.
  "That means we have two weeks were we only need to go to work five hours a day." Amélie had a smirk on her face when I looked down on her, and I swallowed nodding my head.
  "Yeah." I forced a smile, and Amélie moved herself in front of me.
  She hooked her long fingers into my belt loops, and I held my breath as her eyes sparkled with lust. I looked to my left wanting to anything, anything, but what she had in mind. Amélie lifted her heels to meet my lips, and I turned my head to the right. Amélie let out a little laugh and attempted to kiss me again. I pecked her cheek, moving her hands from my belt, and I opened my car door. Amélie snickered, and she pushed me into the seat. I felt my eyes grow big as the back of my neck beaded with sweat.
  "Are you a virgin?" Amélie asked straddling me in the car, and I wanted to push her off.
  "N-no." I whimpered, and Amélie raised an eyebrow.
  "Well then stop acting like it, Steffen." She purred in my ear, and I started to debate with myself.
  If I pushed her off I could risk my cover being blown. If my cover was blown so was the mission. If my mission was in danger so was the rest of the world. From what Amélie told me, HYDRA wasn't just planing on bombing up America. However, if I let her kiss me. If I let her touch me. I would never be able to live with myself. The love of my life was at home with my three kids waiting for me to come home. I loved him with every inch of my body, every part of my being, and every breath I take. If I betrayed him like this...I have no idea what I would do. I would never have the courage to go back in front of him.
  I bit my lip thinking about the consequnces of both choices, and I noticed Amélie's lips had gotten lower and lower on my body, and my shirt was untucked.
  "Amélie," I said softly, and she glanced up at me.
  "I can't do this." I whispered, and Amélie raised an eyebrow.
  "Why not?" She asked, and I looked down.
  "You know when you asked me if I were a virgin?" I asked, and Amélie nodded.
  "Well, I lied. I am a virigin, and I'm waiting for marrige. I'm sorry." I lied, and Amélie's eyes grew wide.
  "Oh mon dieu, je suis vraiment désolé. (Oh my, I'm so sorry.)" Amélie gasped, and I shook my head.
  "No, I'm sorry."
  Amélie got off of me, and I held in my sigh of releif. Amélie gently kissed my lips, and I grimced at their taste. Tony's might of have the bitter taste of coffee behind them, or the punch of some alcoholic drink, but they were warm, and soft, and comforting. The moment my lips touched Tony's, a spark spread through my whole body, and it gave me the biggest high you could possibly receive. Then when his lips left my own, the high went away, and I hated that feeling.
  "See you tomorrow at work?" She asked, even though she already knew the answer, and I nodded.
  "Yes." I smiled, and Amélie walked over to her car.
  "Au revoir!" She called with a wave, and I waved back.
  "Adieu!" I yelled, and I shut my car door.

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