Chapter Thirty-eight

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Peter's POV 

  Kelsey and I entered the main room to the tower, and I sent a quick text to Wade to add to the millions of messages that were still left unread. Kelsey placed her thumb on the little pad by the elevator, and it scanned her finger print.
  "Welcome home Mr. and Ms.Rogers. How was school?" JARVIS asked as we walked out of the elevator greeted by the sound of Peggy's screaming.
  "Great." I answered, and Kelsey and I both saw Dad sitting on the ground with his hands in his hair as Peggy had her head thrown back crying.
  "Peggy, sweetie, I don't know what you want from me. I pick you up, you cry harder. I give you food, you cry harder and throw it at me. I give you your binky, and you throw it at me and cry harder. I give you your stuffed toys, you throw them at me and, you guessed it, you cry harder. You don't need medicine because I gave that to you five minutes ago, you don't need to get changed, you aren't talking so it's not like I can ask you what's wrong. But, Peggster, please tell me why you're crying." Dad begged, but Peggy just wailed louder.
  "Jesus Christ." Dad whimpered.
  "Language." Kelsey smirked, and Dad looked up at her.
  "Hi." I muttered, and Kelsey threw her backpack at the couch.
  I placed mine on top of it, and Kelsey walked over to Dad. He slowly stood up, and Peggy's crying got louder.
  "Mama! Mama! Don't go!" She screamed, and Dad sighed with a tight lipped smile lowering himself back on the ground.
  "Peggy, I'm right here." He said, and he tried to bring her into his arms, but Peggy swatted his hands away.
  "Mmm." Dad grunted balling his hands into tight fists.
  "Hey, Pegs." Kelsey smiled plopping on the ground next to Dad.
  "Hiya." I smiled, following Kelsey's lead.
  "Do you want some crackers?" Kelsey asked picking up the box of "Teethers" and shaking it.
  I took a cookie out of the box, and I started to make the sounds that airplanes make.
  "Peggy look, here comes the airplane." I said, softly, and I started to move the cookie in a infinity sign.
  Peggy's screaming quieted down, and she watched with tears streaming from her eyes as I moved the cookie around.
  "Cerrt..." I made my best walkie talkie sound. "Captain Kelsey is the plane set to land? Over." I asked in a deep voice.
  "Cerrt, plane is ready for landing at Peggy Station. Over." Kelsey played along, and I started to make more plane noises.
  "Cerrt, landing. Over." I said, and I made a "woosh" sound as I put the cookie in Peggy's mouth.
  Her eyes grew wide as she started to chew the food, and her tears started to lessen. She then finished the cookie, and Kelsey and I did the whole plane skit over again. We did it a few more times, and Kesley started to play peak-a-boo with Peggy. Peggy let out a little giggle, and Dad laughed.
  "Oh my God! I love you two." He excalimed wrapping me in a hug and kissing the top of my head. He did the same to Kelsey and bent his back down to look at Peggy.
  "Hey, Pegs, are you gonna let me pick you up now?" He asked in a sweet, baby voice.
  "Mama!" Peggy excalimed holding her hands out, and Dad scooped her up.
  "Oh, I'm so happy you're not crying anymore! Mwah!" He kissed Peggy loudly on the cheek.
  "Mama!" Peggy giggled, pulling at Dad's hair.
  She then let out a little yawn, and Dad nodded. "Bed time." He annouced, and he started bouncing Peggy on his hip.
  "How was school today?" He wondered, and I looked from Peggy to him.
  "Fine." Kelsey answered rummaging through her bag.
  "We got invited to a party." I said, and Dad looked away from Peggy.
  "What?" He asked, and I bit my lip hoping he wasn't mad.
  "Yeah." Kelsey said slowly.
  "Finally! I thought you kids were never going to go out and do something like that! You are welcome to have parties here by the way." Dad said, and I smiled.
  "It's at this girl named Liz's place." I informed, and Dad nodded.
  "You kids should arrive in style. I'll drive you in one of my sports cars." Dad said, and Kelsey looked at me with her eyebrows raised.
  "This may be more fun than I thought." She said, and I nodded looking at Dad.
  "Yeah." I agreed, and Peggy's head fell softly against Dad's chest.
  "Let's put you down." He whispered, and he laid Peggy in the small crib she had in the living room.
  "Finally!" Auntie Nat gasped walking out of the elevator.
  "Did you get her to sleep too?" Auntie Nat asked Dad, and he nodded.
  "Congratulations." She whispered hugging Dad.
  "The same to you. Where's Bucky?" Dad wondered.
  "Holding Winter. She wouldn't let me hold her. She kept yelling 'daddy! daddy!', and everytime Bucky tried to put her down she wakes up." Auntie Nat sighed, and Dad shook his head.
  "Kids." He muttered, and Kelsey fake gasped.
  "I'm offended." She said, and Dad shook his head.
  "You were just as bad. You hated leaving Steve's arms when we first adopted you. Peter was pretty calm, you just wanted to talk 24/7." Dad muttered, and I let out a small laugh.
  "Well you kids need to get ready for the party." Dad said, and Aunite Nat gasped.
  "Party?" She asked, and I nodded.
  "Have fun." She smirked walking into the kitchen, and she came back out through the other side with a bottle of juice.
  "I gotta give this to Buck." She muttered walking back to the elevator, and Dad shooed Kelsey and I in with her.
  Auntie Nat left the elevator first, and Kelsey and I entered our floor. She walked off to her room, her face in her phone. I went to my room, and I called Ned.
  "What do you wear to a party?" I wondered once he picked up the phone.
  "I'm wearing my confidence hat." He said, and I looked around.
  "I don't have a confidence hat." I huffed.
  "Well, I think you just wear whatever. What's Kelsey wearing?" Ned asked.
  "I have no idea. Probably something black." I said, and Ned snickered.
  "You guys are still gonna pick me up right?" He wondered.
  "Yeah, and we're picking up Caymen and Cameron too. Dad's gonna bring the 13 Acura NSX."
  "YES!" Ned excalimed. "We're gonna look so cool." He added, and I nodded.
  "Should I wear a plaid shirt?" I asked.
  "Yeah, that would look cool." Ned said, and I took off the blue sweater I had over a plaid shirt.
  "When does the party start?" I asked Ned, adjusting my hair in my body-length mirror.
  "Like in an hour." Ned said, and I nodded.
  "Should we arrive early or what?" I wondered.
  "Why are you asking me. You know who you should ask? The party god. The king of parties." Ned said, and I rolled my eyes.
  "My dad isn't a party god." I murmered.
  "Yes he is. He used to go to parties every night, and he was the life of it!" Ned said.
  "It's honsetly scaring me that you know so much about my father." I said, and I could pretty much hear Ned rolling his eyes.
  "C'mon Peter, everyone knows that. If you look up Tony stark there are more articles about how he is a playboy, party animal than about him being Iron Man." Ned said, and I sighed.
  "That's because it's Tony Rogers."
  "Just go." Ned ordered.
  "Fine. I'll go ask him those questions."
  "Bye, Peter."
  "Bye Ned."
  I then walked out of my room, and I took the elevator downstairs. When Dad wasn't in the living room, I checked his lab. He was sitting on one of his desks a large hologram of an Iron Patriot suit in front of him. He jumped off and walked around it muttering things to JARVIS. The hologram got bigger, and Dad double tapped the midsection of the suit.
  "Add the heater here and spread it throughout the suit. Then add little ones on the shoulders because Rhodey's shoulders get cold easily." Dad said covering his mouth with his hand.
  "Hey Dad." I interrupted, and Dad looked up.
  "Hey, Pete." He smiled.
  "I was wondering when we should get to the party. Like what's the cool time?" I asked.
  "Late. You always arrive late." Dad answered.
  "Because if you make an enterance people will remember you. I used to be late to my own parties." Dad smirked, raising an eyebrow.
  "But we're always on time to Gala's and things." I said, and Dad snickered.
  "You know that your other father is Captain America right?" He asked, and I nodded.
  "Yeah, I guess that makes a differance." I sighed, and I looked around at Dad's workshop.
  "Do I look ready for the party?" I wondered, and Dad looked over at me.
  "Yeah." He said, and I nodded.
  "Thanks Dad." I smiled.
  "Sure, squirt." He smiled back, and I walked out of the lab.
  "Peter?" Kelsey asked as I walked past her room.
  "What?" I asked poking my head in the room to see her dressed in a "My Chemical Romance" t-shirt that was missing a sleeve and a leather mini skirt.
  "Are you gonna bring Spider-man?" She asked.
  "Do you think I should?" I wondered, and Kelsey shrugged.
  "Caymen does." She muttered showing me a string of demanding text messages from her best friend.
  "I'll ask Ned." I said lifting my phone.
Should I bring SM? I texted.
wut if my dad finds out?
he wont
'SM comes to teenagers hs party'...he's gonna figure it out as long as Flash is there vlogging bout it
do it anyway, itll b so cool
just do it
  I then turned off me phone, and I looked up at Kelsey. She shrugged double tapping the charm on her choker, and her helmet closed over her head before coming off. I nodded, and she sighed. She then went back to texting on her phone, and I went into my room to watch Netflix until it was time to leave.
We drove to pick up Caymen first, than Cameron, and lastly Ned. When we drove up to Liz's house the people in her front yard all looked over at Dad's car. They started talking to each other, and I looked at the back seat to see Ned and Caymen smiling obnoxiously. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window again.
  "Okay, don't do anything stupid. Don't get drunk. Don't do drugs. Use a condom." Dad said, and I looked over at him.
  "Do we look okay?" Caymen asked, and Dad looked back at them.
  "Hell yeah. You guys look great." Dad smirked. "I like the hat Ned."
  "Thanks it gives me confidence." Ned smiled, and Kelsey snickered.
  "Good. Now go have fun." Dad encouraged, and I got out of the car.
  "I'll pick you kids up whenever. Just text me." Dad said with the window down after I shut the door.
  "Okay." Kelsey smiled taking Cameron's hand.
  "Good luck." Dad smiled, and I sighed watching Cameron, Caymen, and Kelsey walk into the party.
  I blew out a breath of air I didn't realize I was holding in, and I made eye conact with Ned who was waving at my dad as he drove off.
  "You brought the suit?" Ned whispered, and I nodded lifting up my sleeve to show the spider man coloring.
  "This is gonna change our lives!" He smiled, and I looked up at Liz's house.
  It was pretty big. The walls at the front were completely made of windows, and you could see the two stories of the house. The frist room we walked into was probably as big as Ned's whole apartment, and there were people everywhere. By the back wall you could see a gaint pool surrounded by dancing, water speakers blaring Flash's mix. Horns went off as Ned and I entered the home, and the speakers sounded with "DJ Flash." I gulped looking around and seeing all the millions of people with cigarettes and red cups.
  "Okay, we're gonna have Spider-man and Ms.Vibranium swing in, say you guys are tight, and give me a fist bump or one of those half bro hugs." Ned said, and I looked over at him.
  "I can't believe you guys are at this lame party." I heard MJ say, and we looked over at her.
  "Your here too." Ned said, and MJ raised an eyebrow.
  "Am I?" She asked walking away, and I furrowed my eyebrows.
  "Oh my gosh, hey guys. Cool hat Ned." Liz said walking over to us, and I looked at her.
  "Hey Liz." Ned smiled widly.
  "Hi Liz." I said not sure why my voice was all squeaky.
  "I'm glad you guys came. There's pizza and drinks, just help yourselves." Liz instructed.
  "What a great party." Caymen said coming up from behind Liz already with a red cup.
  "Thanks." She smiled, and there was a sound of something breaking.
  "Oh, my parents will kill me if anythings broken, I gotta get that." She said, and Caymen shrugged.
  "Yeah, makes sense." He smiled, and Liz walked away.
  "Have fun." Liz smiled.
  "Bye." Ned waved.
  "Dude what are you doing? She's here Spider-man up. Where's Kelsey?" Ned whisper-yelled.
  "No, no, no, no. I can't. I cannot do this. Spider-man is not a party trick." I said, and Caymen groaned.
  "Look." I said turning to him. "I'm just myself."
  "That's a horrible idea." Caymen deadpaned.
  "Yeah, Peter, no one wants that." Ned complained, and my mouth dropped open.
  "Dude." I gapped before walking away.
  "PENIS PARKER! WHAT'S UP!" Flash's voice echoed throughout the house."WHERE'S YOUR PAL SPIDER-MAN? LET ME GUESS HE CAME HERE WITH YOUR DEAD BOYFRIEND?" Flash said, and I felt my throat close.
  "THAT'S NOT SPIDER-MAN THAT'S JUST NED IN A RED SHIRT?" Flash snickered, and I huffed.
  "How does he know your middle name?" Ned wondered as I walked away from Flash.
  "I honestly don't know." I admitted nodding in Kelsey's direction as I exited to the backyard.
  She went out the other way, and we met on the roof. Kelsey pressed her arc reactor, and her suit came on as I started taking off clothes. I looked at her confused, and she ran a hand through her hair.
  "What do we say?" I wondered.
  "I dunno." She muttered crouching down and placing her hands over her arc reactor.
  "Hey, what's up I'm Spider-man." I said trying to make my voice deep.
  "And I'm Ms.Vibrianium." Kelsey said after her helmet closed over her face, and her voice came out robotic.
  "I just thought we would swing by and say hello to my boy Peter, and Kelsey." I said.
  "What's up Caymen, Ned. How you doin?" Kelsey asked.
  "Is Peter and Kels around?" I said not sure why I was waving my hands.
  "We sound so stupid." Kelsey giggled, and I sighed sitting back on my heels.
  "We do don't we?" I sighed shaking my head, and she looked over the roof top of the house.
  "What's that?" She asked, and I lifted my head to see a blue cloud of smoke flash above the tree line.
  "Let's go check it out." I said pulling my mask on, and I swung off the building towards the explosion.
  I reached a golf course, and I held out my hand to see if my webbing could grab onto anything, and it just went about a hundered feet before faling to the ground.
  "Ugh." I grunted, and I started running to catch up to Kelsey.
  The sprinklers started going, and I heard Kelsey start laughing.
  "What? Did you do that?" I asked, and she flew backwards the look at me.
  "Nope." She shook her head, and I rolled my eyes holding my hand out for her.
  "Help me?" I asked, and she giggled.
  "Aww, little Spider-man needs help." She teased, and I rolled my eyes as she lifted me off the ground.
  "You suck." I hissed, and she laughed harder flying me over the golf course.
  "You can put me down now." I said, and she dropped me.
  I yelped throwing my hand out and shooting a wed and thankfully it caught on something. I kept swinging behind Kelsey, and we finally arrived at the sight of the explosion. I saw a man with a big beard fire a large gun that looked just like the ones at the ATM the other day. I gasped looking back at Kelsey as she muttered "lights out" and her arc reactor light and vizor dimmed. I notcied two other guys, and they talked about how times were changing.
  "This must be where the ATM robbers got their stuff." Kelsey said.
  "Yeah." I agreed.
  I then heard my phone start to ring, and I gasped as Kesley snapped her head in my direction. I looked down at my phone to see a call from Ned.
  "Really Peter. You can't turn your ringer off?" Kelsey hissed, and I looked up at her.
  "I'm sorry." I said, and I fumbled with turning the phone off.
  "Oh no." Kelsey said, and I looked up to see the two men pull a gun on who I assumed to be the buyer.
  I jumped off the bridge we were hiding on, and I held me hands up.
  "Hey!" Kelsey yelled landing next to me, and the three people looked back at us.
  "Look c'mon if you wanna shoot someone shoot me!" I yelled, and they pointed their guns at Kelsey and I.
  I shot a web at the closets guy's gun, and I pulled it towards me. Kelsey flew towards them, and she grunted as one guy punched her with a gaint taser. I jumped out of her way, and I shot a web at the guys legs. I pulled them out from under him. He placed his taser on my web, and I felt the sharp pain go up my arm. I gasped as my arm jerked, and I let go. The two men got into the car, and they started driving away. I turned around looking at Kelsey who still hadn't gotten up. I gasped sprinting towards her, and I rolled her over. I notcied her arc reactor was flickering, and I grabbed her shoulders and started shaking her. I then ripped the chest of her suit off, and I stared down at her not sure what to do. Her arc reactor then turned a solid purple, and she took in a large breath. I let out a sigh of relief, and her suits chest closed back around her. She then bounced up, and I put my hands on her shoulders.
  "Are you okay?" I wondered, and she gave me a sharp nod.
  "FRIDAY where are they?" She said, and I sighed looking around.
  "Only six minutes away. You can catch em." FRIDAY said in the comms, and Kelsey started to fly after the truck.
  I swung after her and spotted the car. I shot a web at it, and I landed my feet on the ground, sliding on my heels to stay with it. The back of the truck was still opened, and I saw the bearded man aim a weapon at me. It blew the door off, and I duck quickly  with a yelp. Kelsey aimed a blast at the wheel of the car, and it took a quick sharp turn to get out of the way. The sharp turn sent me flying into a bunch of trash cans, and I gasped letting go of the web I had on the back of the car. My head slammed on the concreat, and I let out a small grunt before jumping back up. Kelsey was still flying dodging the blasts, and I swung after her and the car. I shot a web out, and I flung myself forward once it attached to a tree. A blast hit my foot, and I went flying forward landing on my butt.
  "Oww, my butt." I whimpered, and I felt a hand lift me up on my back.
  I looked behind me as Kelsey put me on my feet, and I continued to run after the car. The man with the blaster fell back after Kelsey shot the car, and his gun fell out almost hitting me.  I kept running, and I looked around for a short cut to get closer to the car. I looked at the houses that we were going past, and I shrugged before slipping into the backyard of the closest one. I saw two boys playing ping pong.
  "Hey guys, good game!" I yelled running past them.
  Then I saw a dog run towards me, and I gasped.
  "Hey, hey buddy!" I smiled, and I looked around for a ball as the dog -I wish we had a dog- jumped up on me.
  "Sorry no time to play..." I shot a web at a ball "...go fetch."
  The dog went sprinting after the ball, and I swung into the next backyard. My web caught onto a tree house, and I swung forward making it fall to the ground.
  "Crap." I whispered, and I gasped as I fell into a shed.
  I brust through it, pushing past all the garden tools that this person had. I ran through several backyards, a little dissoriented, and I ran past a man who was barbecuing.
  "Smells really good!" I waved, and I swung into the next backyard.
  There was a party going on with a bunch of young adults, and I crashed into the pool due to the shortage of my web. I jumped out shooting another web, and I waved at the people.
  "Great moive!"
  I then fell into the next persons backyard, and I grunted. I looked next to me to see two little girls in a tent.
  "Hey guys." I smiled, before I rememebered they couldn't see my mouth.
  They both started screaming, and I watched as they ran away. I then swung to the front of the house, and I saw Kelsey and the truck zoom past me.
  "Almost gotcha." I mumbled, and I threw another web and launched myself forward.
  I kept swinging my webs, one after another, and I yelped as one web didn't catch and I went flying to the ground. I landed on my hand, hearing my elbow pop, and I moaned before flipping over and running. I then jumped on top of a roof, and I jumped off to grab the top of a car before I heard something latch onto my shoulders.
  "Pe-...Spider-man!" Kelsey yelled, and she sent a blast towards the car hitting the side before flying after me.
  "What the hell?" I yelled as the bird-man-thingy looked down at me with glowing, green eyes.
  He flew me over the city by my leg, and Kelsey aimed her hand at the thing. She hit his wing, and the man-thing jolted out of the way almost losing his grip on me. I heard a beeping sound as Kelsey balsted the thing again and a parachute came out of my back. I screamed as I went flying towards the ground, and Kelsey gasped before diving after me. The thingy -it looked like a vulture, so I'm going to call it The Vulture- the Vulture shot something like those guns at Kelsey and hit her jet pack. She yelled as her jet pack stopped working, and she came crashing down towards me. I tried to get the parachute off of me, and I ended up getting entangled in it as I hit the water. I then felt my back hit the water, and I heard a splash soon after me. I tried to get out of the parachute, and I felt something heavy land on top of me. I gasped feeling Kelsey, and I start to sink faster. I heard coughing, and I looked around for the glow of Kelsey's light to help her. There was then another splash, and I felt myself and Kelsey being pulled out of the water. I looked around me to see Kelsey's coughing out water as her helmet came off her head, and I looked up to see who caught us. The glow of Dad's Iron Man suit was bright compared to the dark water, and I sighed with relief. Dad placed us on top of a monkey bar play structure, and I took off my mask.
  "What happened?" Dad asked not bothering to hide the venom in his voice.
  "Sorry," Kelsey started, and Dad lifted his hand.
  "Don't. What happened?" He hissed, his voice getting louder, and I glanced at Kelsey.
  "Well we went to Liz's party, and our friends talked us into bringing our superheroes to the party." She started not looking at Dad.
  "So we were going to swing by, but we saw an explsion."
  "So we went to check it out."
  "And these guys had those guns like the people at the ATM."
  "And we started to fight them."
  "And they drove away."
  "And I ran through a backyard."
  "And I flew above the car trying to blast it, but that is really hard."
  "And I was so close, and this vulture guy grabbed me."
  "It was like a monster!"
  "And he picked me up and threw me in the water. It was crazy Dad."
  "How'd you find us?" Kelsey asked.
  "I've had trackers on your kids since the adoption. I also installed these heaters into your suits." Dad said lifting his hand, and I felt a warm heat spread from my suit warming my water soaked skin.
  "Thanks Dada." Kelsey smiled, and I nodded in agreement.
  "What we're you two thinking?" Dad sneered.
  "The guy with the wings obvioulsy is buying the weapons!" Kelsey pointed out, and Dad shook his head.
  "We thought we could...ya know. Take him down." I whispered, self-conscious.
  "Take him down now?" Dad asked with sarcasm. "Guys there are people who handle these things."
  "We took down the other four guys!" I argued.
  "No. You caught an ATM robbery and fought them for a little before they blew up a group of corner stores." Dad hissed.
  "But we were so close to catching this guy! If we just..."
  "No Kelsey. Do you kids understand that if I didn't come and get you that you could both be dead?" Dad spat.
  "But we had it handled. You didn't have to come all the way out here." I defended, and Dad shook his head.
  "I'm actually not here." He said, and his helmet popped open reaviling nothing. "I'm at home with your little sister."
  Kelsey and I sat their dumbfounded for a second as muffled talking came from Dad's suit.
  "Hey, forget the flying Vulture guy." Dad said, and I looked over at Kelsey.
  We then both looked at Dad and whined, "Why?"
  "Why? Because I said so!" Dad yelled, and I looked down at my hands.
  "Shh, shh. Peggy...Christ now your sister is crying again." Dad muttered, and I glanced up to look at Kelsey.
  "Dada," Kesley started.
  "No. Don't. I have enough on my plate right now. I have your Pop out of the country. I have a buissness to run. I have Peter leaving for Decthalon, and you leaving for Wakanda. I have Peggy to take care of and prep before Burce and I put the super soldier serum in her, and I have so, so much more right now okay? So, stop. Don't tell me that you didn't mean to. Don't tell me that your sorry. Just don't do what you did. You were supposed to be at a party. Not using your suits as party tricks. Or going off to fight bad guys. No. You were supposed to be having fun. With your firends. At a party!" Dad hissed, and then his voice softened. "Now, listen to me. You two are going to stay close to the ground. Build up your game with the little people. Can't you two just be friendly neighborhood superheroes?"
  "But we're ready for more than that!" I compalined.
  "No you're not. Did you not just hear my lecture?" Dad roared, his helmet snapping shut.
  "But we've been training!" Kelsey reminded, and Dad's suit shook its head.
  "You've been hitting punching bags and doing push ups. That is not training!" Dad yelled. "Now if you come across these weapons again. Call someone."
   I looked down at the mask of my suit, and I heard the sound of a car engine. I looked at Kelsey then up at Dad, and Kelsey tilted her head to the side.
  "Are you driving?" She asked.
  "Yes because I'm picking my kids up from the party. Goodbye Spider-man and Ms.Vibranium. End call." Dad said, and the suit then flew away.
  "Well, we're in trouble." Kelsey muttered, and I nodded.
  "You can say that again."

This chapter is REALLY long. I hope you like it though! I love reading your comments, by the way. Love ya! Thanks for reading!

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