Chapter Three

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TIME SKIP: One day before the wedding

Steve’s POV

    I laid in my hotel room, thinking about my soon to be husband, listening to Bucky’s snores from the couch. I sat up to see Clint sprawled out on the floor and I turned to look at Sam who was sleeping on the floor and squinted, trying to figure out where he hid my phone. I hated the stupid rule that they made up: “No phone on ‘Steve’s Bachelor Getaway Weekend’”. No contact with Tony or anyone one else, just them. I sighed as Bucky started to wake up and I decided it was time to get up too.

    “Morning Steve.” Bucky said sitting up.

    “Hey, Bucky.” I waved smiling and hopped out of the bed and into the shower. Once I got out I saw Bucky in a blue short sleeve button up shirt with yellow flowers on it, and gray swim trunks. Sam was next to him wearing a tight red t-shirt and black trunks, and Clint was wearing a loose black shirt and purple tunks that had little arrows. I rolled my eyes at his small obsession with arrows, and looked at Sam who had a big smile.

    “Get dressed, we are going to go swimming!” He cheered, and I couldn’t help but smile. I ran back into the bathroom and threw on my Iron Man swim trunks and a red short sleeve button up. I looked down at my shorts and wondered if Tony missed me too, but was pulled out of the thought by Sam and Clint’s obnoxious chanting.

             When we got to the beach we messed with each other in the water and sat on the beach drinking, eating, and laughing. Towards lunch time I was sitting by myself, on my towel, while Bucky, Clint and Sam were getting more booze and something to eat. My shirt was off and I was letting the warm sun onto my body. A duo of girls then walked over to me drunkenly. One had a black top with royal blue straps, and a high waisted bottom that was blue on the front and back and black on the sides. The other girl had a red swimsuit that had little Captain America shields on the bottom half and the white top was so small it didn’t really cover anything.

    “Hey,” the first girl said biting her lip. She held out her hand and said, “I’m Eve.” I shook it firmly as she eyed my bicep.

              The next girl held out her hand and said, “I’m Peyton.” I shook her hand too, and she brushed her long blonde hair out of her perfectly make uped face.

    “Steve.” I introduced, and the girls nodded their heads.

    “So, are you alone?” Eve asked sitting down in front of my towel.

           I shook my head and pointed at Clint, Bucky and Sam saying, “No, I’m with them.”

Eve pulled her curly hair up into a ponytail and asked, “Are you from California?”  

I shook my head and answered, “No, Brooklyn.” She nodded and bit her lip again. She had little eyeliner and mascara unlike Peyton’s big make-up.

    “So, what do you do for a living?” Peyton asked unable to look away from my abs. I laughed covering my tummy with my arms.

    “I work at S.H.I.E.L.D” I answered and both girls gasped.

    “Do you know Captain America!” Peyton asked, and I heard Bucky’s laugh from behind me.

    “Hey Cap, remember you are getting married in a day.” Clint said handing me a colorful drink.

    “I am Captain America.” I told the girls and they both turned a dark shade of red.

    “Sorry, we didn’t recognize you.” Eve apologized.

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