Chapter Thirty-five

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Steve's POV
My goodbye day at Coney Island was fun but too short. Soon enough I was dressed in my suit, my shield on my back, standing in the living room in front of my kids. Kelsey was nervously playing with her black choker her and Tony made. She had explained to me what it did over and over again, and even Peter tried to explain it to me. However, the only thing I got from their explanations were that it had something to do with nanotech and her suit. Peter was looking at the ground breathing slowly, and Tony was comforting Peggy who just had a sezuire. I was slowly working up the courage to say goodbye.
"Okay. I should go." I said softly, and Kelsey crashed into my chest.
"I love you so much Pop! Please, please, please come back." She begged.
"I always do don't I?" I asked, and Kelsey nodded.
She then let go of me, and Peter weakly looked up. I saw his eyes slowly filling with tears, and I bit my lip.
"Hey, Buddy. Don't cry." I whispered pulling Peter into my arms.
"Promise me you will come ba..." His voice cut out, and he let out a shaky sob.
"I al-already don't, don't know, where Wade, where Wade is. I don't wanna, don't wanna lose my Pop t-too." He muttered, and I nodded.
"I'll come back." I whispered, praying that it wasn't an empty promise.
"I love you Peter." I said, and I squeezed him tightly.
Peter pulled away, and Kelsey took his hand. I rubbed the curls on top of Peter's head, and kissed Kelsey's cheek. Tony then handed me Peggy. I placed the todler on my hip, and I smiled down at her.
"Hey, Pumpkin. Papa's gotta go for a little while. Be good for your Mama okay?" I said, and Peggy looked at me with big, brown eyes.
"Oh, and you two." I gasped looking over at Peter and Kelsey. "Don't be stupid super heroes okay?" I teased, and they both nodded.
I then turned to Bucky, his arms wrapped around Natasha who was holding Winter. I hugged him tightly and kissed Natasha's cheek. I then smiled down at Winter, and I turned around to look at Tony. He was walking Peggy over to the rocker she had in the living room. He bent down placing our baby inside, and he stood back up. I smiled at him, and his expression turned into a scowl. I brought my eyebrows together walking over to him, and he started to walk away to the kitchen.
"Tones?" I asked, and Tony opened the fridge ignoring me.
Why is he ignoring me?
"Baby, I have to go." I said, and Tony turned around with a container of baby food in his hand.
"Then go." He said, and I raised my eyebrows.
"Can I not say goodbye to my husband? Not a kiss or something before I leave?" I tried to be sweet.
"Nope." Tony said, and I felt my mouth drop open.
"Why not?" I asked.
"I don't like how Fury is sending you on a mission to another country, on another continent, to go to this dangerous HYDRA base, and make this girl fall for you to get information." Tony shrugged, and I rolled my eyes.
"Tony this is for the greater good of the world." I argued, my voice getting louder as my patience faltered. "You would've done the same."
"Not without you." He spat.
"We do everything together. And excuse me for not wanting my husband to leave and go screw with a girl while I have to take care of a sick baby and two teenage superheroes." Tony sneered, and I huffed.
"You think I want to go? I would much rather send some SHIELD recrute on this mission and stay here with my family, but I can't. Now I have a job to do Tony, and if I don't go help the people that HYDRA could potentially blow to up what kinda a father would that make me?"
"A present one. One that was around and supported their kids." Tony yelled, and I felt my jaw tense.
"Why are you being so selfish? The kids are thaking this better than you are, and who said I wasn't supporting them?" I hissed.
"Oh. I'm sorry, Captian Rogers. I mean I already knew I was a shitty person, but now I'm selfish too." Tony grumbled, and he walked out to the living room.
"Tony! We are not done." I yelled after him.
"Bite me Rogers." He hissed, and I stomped into the living room.
"Is this because you think I'm cheating on you with this mission?" I wondered.
"Well you technically are, and I've seen the file. The girl is pretty okay on the eyes." Tony said picking up Peggy, and he started to feed her.
"Now I don't wanna yell around Peggy, so go on your mission Captian America." Tony did a mock salute and turned back to Peggy, bouncing her on his hip.
"Did you really read the file or did you just see the picture of Amélie and assume I was a bad husband?" I asked, and Tony rolled his eyes over dramatically looking at me.
"I saw the picture of Amélie, and I closed out of the file not bringing myself to read anymore. I'm sorry that I'm such a horrible person that I don't even want to imagine the love of my life with someone else." Tony spat.
"So you didn't read what she is planning on doing? The whole reason I didn't tell Fury to get someone else to go on the mission is because when Amélie figures out how to make this super weapon the first place she is going to fire it is the tower. Yes, our tower. Then it's going to the White House and the Pentegon. And these bombs are supposed to be huge, and you can't stop them unless you know the exact way to deactivate them and the only way to figure that out is if I get Amélie to give me a chance with HYDRA. I'm not just doing this because I'm bored or whatever you've made up in your head. I'm doing this so that I can protect the kids, the world, and you." I finished, and Tony stared at me blankly.
"Is that a good enough reason for me to go?" I asked, and Tony muttered something under his breath.
"I thought so." I scoffed, and Tony looked down at Peggy who was falling asleep as she ate her food.
Tony was silent for  few minutes, and I glanced down at my watch seeing I didn't have much time before I had to leave. I wanted to say goodbye to Tony the proper way a husband should, and I don't want to leave with this fight. I watched Tony as he rocked Peggy to sleep, and I huffed looking down at my watch. I had twenty minutes to get down to the SHIELD base, get my any extra information, and get on a plane to France. I looked up at Tony, knowing if I waited any longer I was not going to make it. I sighed looking up at Tony again.
"I have to go. I love you." I muttered, and I walked to the door.
I was almost out of the living room when I felt a hand wrap around my wrist. I was spun around, and I felt the soft lips on Tony press to mine. I placed my hand on the side of his face kissing him back. I held him for an extra long second when he tried to pull out of the kiss for air. I then opened my eyes, and Tony looked at me as though he were memorising all of my feautres.
"Come back." He finally said, and I nodded.
"Of course." I whispered, and I pulled Tony into another kiss not wanting to say goodbye just yet.
"I love you." He said, and I nodded.
"I love you too." I then left the tower for SHIELD.

Tony's POV
"He's gone?" Natasha asked behind me as I watched the door not sure what I was waiting for.
"Yeah." I answerd, and I felt Natasha's hand on my back.
"It's Steve. He's gonna come back." She said, and I nodded.
"Yeah. I'm gonna go check on the kids." I said, my words barley above a whisper.
"Okay." Natasha stepped out of the way as I walked to the elevator.
I rode up to my floor, and I walked into the hallway. I heard the TV running in the kids play room, and I sighed.
"Hey Jar?"
"Sir?" Jarvis answered.
"Tell Nat to watch Peggy for me, please?" I ordered.
"Will do." Jarvis said, and he was quiet for a moment.
"Ms.Romanoff said she will watch Ms.Peggy." Jarvis said, and I nodded.
"Great." I said walking into the kids room.
Peter was texting on his phone, and I saw that no one was texting him back. I sighed feeling bad for the poor kid. No one knew where his boyfriend was, and Wade wasn't answering Peter's texts or calls. Now, One of his dads left for a dangerous journey to another country. I felt bad for Kelsey too. She had to say goodbye to one of her dads, and was choosen to be part of a super program at Midtown High. She was constantly busy with the program, and in a few months she was going to Wakanda.
"Hey kidos." I said, and Peter looked up from his phone.
"Hey Dad." Kelsey said working away on her computer.
"Power off. I'm gonna take you somewhere." I said, and Kelsey turned from her desk.
"Where?" She asked.
"You'll find out. Suit up." I smiled, and the kids nodded.
Peter went to his room to get dressed, and Kelsey double tapped her arc reactor, her suit closing around her body. I smiled doing the same to mine, and Peter ran back in the room pulling his mask over his head.
"C'mon." I said opening the window and flying out.
Peter's web shot out and landed on the building behind me before he came swinging out. Kelsey flew out after me and squeezed a small, hidden button on her choker that made her helemt snap over her face. I smiled at the kids, and I felw off. We twisted through the buildings of New York and soared over the Brooklyn Bridge. I always did this to clear my head and relax, and since the kids decided to grant themselves with suits they got to come with me today. Plus I think they needed it.
I finally got to the clearing, and I sat on top of an old abandoned building. The ocean hit the shore underneath us on the Manhattan beach, and I could see the light of my suit in the water along with the glow of Kelsey's arc reactor. Peter did a flip to land on his feet next to me, and he walked over. Kesley slowly landed head facing the beach, and her helemet dissappeared into her choker.
"I come here to just breath, and right now I think you kids need that." I said, and Peter sat down, Kelsey following.
We sat in silence just watching the birds soar over head, and the ocean hit the beach. Peter leaned into me, and Kelsey did the same. I wrapped my arms around them and sighed. After a few minutes I heard small, sleepy murmers coming from my daughter. I looked over at Kelsey seeing her asleep, and I smiled.
"Hey, Pete?" I asked checking if he was awake, and he lifted his head.
"Yeah?" He yawned.
"Let's go home." I whispered, and I shook Kelsey awake telling her the same thing.
We flew back to the tower, and I checked on Peggy, who was alseep, before thanking Natasha and going to my cold, empty bed.

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