"Show yourself!" Stephen shouts, his voice feels distant and foreign to his own ears as he locks eyes with Tonys reanimated corpse.

The eyes are that same sickly green.

"Stop this!"

Tonys body glares down at him before he morphs into a tear stained Peter Parker.

"You killed him!" He sobs.

Stephen pushes out both hands and the illusion shatters.

Nightmare stands tall above him, he hums, seemingly impressed. "I've never had a sorcerer break my illusions so quickly." A quick motion with his hand sends Stephen flying back, back colliding harshly with rubble.

His head hits the rubble and everything fades out.


Peter watches with fear as the white cloth beneath Stephens head slowly begins to turn red, soaking up blood from a wound that appeared seconds ago.

When he turns Stephen onto his front, he looks as bruises begin to develop across his back and yells out for someone to help.


He startles awake with the sound of breaking glass and his body being flung forward.

The black sports car he's in tumbles down the cliff and he can feel his ribs crack and glass pierce his skin.

The car finally settles and he is only partially aware of the water quickly flooding the wrecked vehicle.

oh god- it hurts it hurtsithurts-

He's scrambling to unbuckle himself when he hears a little girl cry out. "Stephen!"


He looks to his side window and tries to smash the glass with his elbow. When he finally manages, he pulls his body through. Everything hurts- it hurts-


He has to get to her. It was his job to keep her safe. Mom you have to believe me I tried-

The rain is so heavy and it's so hard to hear anything, but he keeps looking, standing on shaking legs and using his wreaked car to keep himself upright.


The voice is directly behind him and turning around reveals a young girl.

'14 years old, Donna Strange. Dead upon arrival. She appears to have had a seizure while swimming.'

Her skin is pale- too pale- lips blue, hair and clothes soaked.

"I thought you were gonna be a doctor." She accuses. "Couldn't even save me."

He's not sure when he started crying.

"Donna," his voice cracks painfully, barely being heard over the loud thunder storm. "Please, I tried."

"Well you didn't try hard enough!" She screams. "I'm still fucking dead! Just like your precious Tony Stark!"

Please this isn't her- it's not her it's not her-


The sound of her screams and his sobs drowns out the sound of the storm.

Ironstrange one shots Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant