Chapter 1. The Great White Winged Lion

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Beasts. A beast is to be any non-human, large animal. Who are mostly four legged. That is the literal definition of the word. Though not everyone thinks of them that way. Usually people think they are cruel, filthy, large, harmful, destructive creatures. Like Sea serpents,as long as 50 feet; Dragons, as large as a mountain; Trolls, as revolting as a bloody nightmare. But they are all myths, right? Even if they were real, would they really be so gruesome? Let me tell you a story, a legend. The legend of the winged white lion.

There were a few white winged lions. The Great White lions had many names. But the scientifical one is Leoluminalas. They were first seen in 790 AD. The time of the early Vikings. They are one of the most beautiful beasts known to man. They had snow white fur, with swan like wings. They were very graceful creatures. They were also one of the most dangerous. Even then, as Cubs they were extremely play full. And when I say playful, I mean REALLY playful.

There have been many cases of which sailors have seen them. Some say they have seen it flying, dashing through the clouds and making strong winds for their ships. Others say they have seen it speaking with the great sea monster. Or even playing with the dragons. Which really did happen if your asking, Usually near mountains.  And It's not really the safest place to be if your asking.

The beasts are known to be the guardians of light, creatures of the moon, and they had a cause, or, you can say, nemesis. 

Long ago, in the dark ages, there were darklings. Nocturnal creatures, Some fed off of nightmares of very living thing. Others were the vengeful souls of those who have passed, but suffered an unholy death. Yes, very spooky stuff. 

There were many who found a way to control them, the first was Abaddon the Dreaded. He was a feared hunter of beasts, his ambition to control the darklings blinded his of the dreadful price he had to pay.

 As he ventured in to the Shadow valley, home of the darklings, he was utterly consumed. The darklings found a way inside him, turning his heart black, for the poor man had only but a flicker of light in him. Abaddon was filled with rage and regret, it was all it took to keep him alive. He forgot who he was, all he wanted was to consume fear. This is why we don't mess with evil shadows kids!

It started off slow, but as the decades past by, Abaddon grew stronger. Then came the White Lions. No one knows where, or how, but they came. There was the great battle, of light and darkness. The great battle was so extreme, it shifted the world. Literally.

Of course, the lions won, and finally there was peace. Abaddon perished. But that doesn't mean the darklings were no more. There were still some left, too few to thrive, but enough for people to practice black magic. Bad, bad people who probably  

The Leoluminalas would be most active at the night of the full moon. It was also said that if you meet a Leoluminala, and befriend it, you have been chosen to equally become a guardian of light with mystic powers. They were called the chosen ones.

There have been generations of those hold such powers. Naturally, the chosen ones had to restrain those who practiced dark magic. The The last one, his name was Merlin Aldric Alberto. He was known as the greatest wizard alive. He is also famously known for finding the rightful king of Avalore, Auther Pendragon.

There were only be 4 or 5 leoluminalas around the world. Females would live as long as the males, so for 240 years. As time went by, they evolved. Growing larger, living longer, but slowly decreasing in numbers. As time went by, in 1200 AD, there was only one left, but no one knows if it survived or not, for it was only a cub.

As humans had been thriving, populating, and discovering more places, the beasts had gone out of sight, never to be seen again.

Ever since then, all had forgotten the Leoluminalas, and darklings. They were just written off as myths, fairy-tails, just like the dragons, and the sea monster. But there are some magical creatures still thriving. They all now live in the Enchanted forest, a place very few would step into. 

Except for that one crazy lady, bravest person to ever step in there, but she never came out. 

The Enchanted forest is the world's widest. Big enough for all the remaining mythical creatures to live in. Though it did have a lot of help from Merlin. The forest is right beside the kingdom of Enchantadore. Many know of Merlin's aid to the forest, but most believe it is cursed, because of the crazy lady. Therefore, no one goes near it.

Unless it is the only secret pathway to the Castle...



I added a few things here so I'm sorry if ya'll got notifications and hoped for an update...

The beautiful picture up there was made by anna-lakisova on Deviant Art.

I hope you all like this chapter! —Author 

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