
No matter how hard they tried, how vicious they got, the vampire in captive would not give up anymore information. He was a broken, lifeless body shackled to a wall, and the only words he'd say was his leaders name.

Kai's patience was thinner than a sheet of ice and he was dangling by a thread. Sage stayed beside him the whole time, keeping him from charing after Zoe and demanding answers. They kept that information to themselves and made up a lie to tell the other guards. They still needed a plan, but Kai was making it difficult for Sage to come up with one. She was prepared to knock him out so she could think clearly and not listen to his feet tap rapidly against the floor, or his constant mumbling.

They stayed in her room to talk but all Kai did was pace around the room. Sage propped her elbow up on the small table and let her chin fall on her knuckles. She watched him for a good five minutes until he started voicing his thoughts. They ranged in ways Sage could have never imagined.

"This is so stupid!" he growled. "We really shouldn't be wasting our time like this. We should be confronting her. What if she's already making her move? We should go check."

"Do not touch that doorknob."

Kai stopped in front of the door and groaned. He ran his hands down his face before raking them through his hair.

"Sage, this isn't right! We need to do something now!"

"We need a plan first."

"We can think of a plan after she's away from Iris and in a place where we can watch her."

"I don't think you've taken her position into consideration. She's a princess, or at least everyone in this mansion believes so, including the King. Hell, she's Iris's bride! We can't just attack her."

"Who cares! We'll just tell them who she really is–"

"It won't be that easy."

"We have to at least warn Iris! I can't believe you're taking this lightly, Sage."

"I am not." Sage stood up from her chair and slammed her hands on the table top. "I'm being careful and considerate. You want to protect Iris, I get it, but guess what, Zoe already has his attention, we can't just rush in. We have to be tactful. She might attack first if she realizes we know her secret."

"That's just a guess, Sage. Yes, her kind is strong, but she's alone in a kingdom who hates their kind, she'll cower before she fights."

Sage closed her mouth to disagree. That was a good point, which made her believe her first idea stronger; Zoe didn't come here to hurt Iris. What could she want?

"Okay, but Kai–"

The door to Sage's room opened and Kai was already bolting into the hallway. She groaned before rushing after him.

"Don't do anything stupid!"

But saying that was too late. Kai was determined, angry, and worried, and all those blinded his senses.

They were back outside on the walkway just yards from a backdoor. Sage stumbled to a halt and watched the scene unfold.

Kai tackled Zoe straight on. She landed on her back and he straddled her waist, hands gripping her neck.

"I know exactly who you are!" he bellowed. Zoe gasped and clawed at his hands.

"What the–Kai!"

Sage turned around and quickly grabbed onto Iris's shoulder, who appeared behind her. He struggled in her grip, as she squeezed his shoulders and forced him back. She tried to calm him down but Iris had his wide eyes set on Zoe, and his concern was all too real.

"Let–let go!" Zoe screeched and kicked her legs. She tried glanced over Kai to peer at Iris, but Kai forced her head straight.

"Don't you dare look at him for help! I know who you are and what you want, I won't let you lay another finger on him."

Zoe whimpered and wiggled and fought to get free, but Kai knew right away it was all just for play. He knew she wasn't human, because despite his hands curled around her neck, she wasn't trying to breath properly. And the fear in her eyes wasn't from the thought of death, but the idea that she was caught.

"Show them," Kai seethed. He squeezed her neck tighter, blocking out Iris's protests and glared into her eyes that began to fade–fog.


"Your fangs! Show them!"

Zoe, Sage and Iris flinched at his hollering demand. Iris broke free from Sage but stopped rushing towards Kai when he witnessed Zoe start to relax.

No way...

And with one final inhale, she began parting her mouth open.

But Iris didn't see the end results. Suddenly, a flash of black slammed into Kai, knocking him off of Zoe.

Everyone watched as Kai and Hyde rolled onto the floor before stumbling to their feet. Then as quickly as Hyde  appeared, Kai lunged for him and they both toppled over the four feet wall, sending them down with grunts.

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