"Mhm Whatever." She pouted rolling her eyes.

"Stop acting like that." He chuckled kissing her cheek before walking out the room.

Kacey sighed running her hand through her curls before she looked down at the edge of the bed seeing Montana's phone. Maia must of dropped it when she had left the room. Kacey was deciding if she wanted to go for it or not.

Do it
Don't do it
Do it
Don't do it

"Fuck it." She said reaching her arm for the phone successfully grabbing it. She turned the phone on and went to put in the passcode that she knew hoping he hadn't changed it. When she put the passcode in it unlocked and she smiled. She went to his messages and it was messages from Alyssa, Summer, Robert, a couple of his homeboys, and a couple unknown numbers that weren't saved but Montana hadn't opened them.

She exited out of the messages app and went to his Instagram. She went to his DMs and saw messages from the thirsty bitches trying to shoot their shot. Some messages were from other artists females and males trying to work with him or set up interviews. It was a message that caught her eye as she scrolled down.

"Yo you shittin' me right now."

Kacey jumped when she heard his voice and looked up at him with the facial expression of embarrassment and guilty ness.

Montana walked over to her snatching his phone out her hand. "I hope you found what the fuck you was looking for." He shook his head turning around walking towards the door.

"Mon." She called out to him but he closed the door as he walked out.

"Shit." She cursed. She grabbed one of her pillows before placing it to her face screaming in it. She knew she fucked up and she was more upset that she had one job and that was to not get caught and that was exactly what happened. Checking your spouse phone was like your way of saying you didn't trust them or had your suspicions. Kaceys mom always told her if you could take your time to check his phone to see if he's doing somethings he's not supposed to be doing why are you with him?

Kacey didn't believe he was cheating but her gut was telling her another things. It's just she had to make sure.

Kacey placed her hand on the table helping her to stand up from the bed. She went out to the hall before she walked successfully down the stairs. She walked into the living room as she saw Maia on the floor with her homework on the table and a pencil in her hand as Montana hovered over her helping her write properly.

"Montana can I please talk to you for a minute?" She said nicely.

"Nah you good, you see me doing sum." He deadpanned not bothering to look at her. Montana definitely did not want to talk to her. He felt disrespected by her checking his phone and being sneaky with it. She sighed as she walked over to them sitting on the edge of the couch.

"Love bug." Kacey said and Maia turned her head looking at her."Do you mind if I steal ya daddy away for a couple minutes?"

"Okay." Maia shrugged dropping the pencil getting up as she ran to find Major. She didn't mind because she didn't feel like doing her homework now and knew Kacey would take more than a couple minutes.

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