~Chapter Fifty Eight~

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I found myself once again at Hawkins hospital, this time however, I was the one anxiously waiting while Billy was the one being operated on.

Max, Susan and I waited for the doctor return from surgery. The seconds ticking by like hours. I hear a voice ask "how is he?". I look up to see my dad standing next to my chair. I jump grabbing him in a hug letting the tears flow.

Behind him is Joyce with a very upset Madison. I walk over grabbing the child from her arms. I wrapped my arms around her never wanting to let her go.

We all sat down in silence continuing to play the waiting game.
An hour or so goes by and still no news. The silence was beginning to make me go stir-crazy.

"I, uh, I was going to wait until tomorrow's Christmas Eve dinner but I honestly need to take my mind off what's going on so I'm pregnant...again" I said while wiping the tears.

My dad gave me a weak smile patting my shoulder.

"Congrats" Joyce said weakly. I looked over to Susan who was bawling her eyes. I walked over giving her a hug.

"I'm happy, I'm just conflicted with emotions" Susan said trying to muster up a smile.

"I know" I said as I rubbed her back. Madison walked over with a box of tissues.

"Here Mimi" she said raising the tissues closer to Susan. The child was wise beyond her years.

"Billy Hargrove" a nurse called out. We all stood up at once.

"Are you all immediate family?" She asked. We all shook our heads yes. She scrolled down the paper.

"Phoebe Miller?"

"That's me" I said raising my hand slightly above my head.

"Follow me" she said. I placed Madison in Max's lap and followed the nurse through the swinging double doors. We walked down a long corridor with doctors and nurses rushing around. We stopped at a room turning to my left.

"He's severely swollen and had a few broken ribs" the nurse explained as we walked in. My heart shattered at his appearance. His eyes were swollen shut, his lip stitched together in the corner. Bruises covering his face, neck and arms.

I slowly sat down in the chair by his bed lightly touching his hand.

"He's in a medically induced coma to allow his body healing time" she informed me. I began to hold back the tears once more. The nurse gave me a sympathetic look before excusing herself.

I couldn't bare looking at him in this condition. I swiftly exited the room sliding down the wall letting the tears fall. I wasn't going to be weak in front of him regardless of whether he knew or not. He was always so strong in my presence.

Thoughts about killing Neil came back to me. I had killed a man. I also resented that person who held the gun and pulled the trigger on my mom and yet here I am, in that position now.

I just sat there hugging my feet crying into my lap.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now