~Chapter Fifty Five~

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I must have fallen asleep after staring at the ceiling for a few hours. I looked around noticing the light was busting through the semi closed curtains and the alarm clock read 11:04.

I got out of bed, placing my robe on before heading downstairs. Everyone was gathered in the living room watching tv on the couch.

"Good morning" Billy said grabbing me by my waist propping me on his lap and giving me a kiss. I could smell the recent cigarette he smoked on his lips. He hasn't smoked in a while and it's only in times of stress. This whole thing with his dad must be stressing him out.

"Ugh I feel like I'm back in middle school again" Max whined from besides Billy. She and Madison were playing with some of the toys.

"Ah Hawkins High, our good ole days" I said patting Billy on the chest before giving him a kiss and standing up.

"Hawkins sounds so familiar" Jake said looking like he was trying to remember something. It was then that it looked like a light bulb had gone off in his head. "You guys had a tv news station due a segment on this town a few years back. I remember the mall fire and all the deaths. Plus the labs and shady government stuff" Jake exclaimed.

Max, Billy and I all looked at each other.

"We don't talk about it" Max said looking slightly sad. As the years passed we tended to focus less on the past. It became a touchy subject.

"Oh sorry I didn't know" Jake said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Okay who wants pancakes?" I asked changing the subject.

"Jake and I are going out with friends for lunch so we'll have to pass" Max said hopping off the couch and grabbing her jacket.

I then looked to Billy for his answer.

"I'd love pancakes but Madison and I have last minute shopping to do for a few people" Billy said scooping up the child.

"Well I guess I'm making myself pancakes then" I huffed as I walked into the kitchen. As I poured the batter into the skillet Billy walked in placing a kiss on my lips before saying goodbye.

I decided to spend my alone time by watching television and eating pancakes. Once the pancakes were consumed I went upstairs and ran the water to fill up the bathtub.

As the bathtub filled I decided to grab a sip of water. I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and began to fill it with some water from the sink. I turned around taking a sip when I immediately dropped the glass of water.

"Well, if it isn't the woman who made my son weak and vulnerable. You know he was shaping up to be a man until you came around and convinced him otherwise. Where's my son? Uh" Neil asked he looked slightly crazed.

"Billy didn't deserve the treatment you inflicted on him" I said avoiding his question and trying to stay calm.

"No that's where you're wrong. He deserved more for the way he was. Putting me in jail for making him a man was wrong. He disobeyed me and now he'll remember what it's like when he disobeys me" Neil spat. I found myself in the corner of the room shaking in fear. I looked around but there was no escape route.

"Are you forgetting I lived here? I know every nook and cranny in this place. It's no use trying to hide" Neil said. I took a gulp as Neil grabbed my arm.

Just then a knock came from the front door.

"Whoever it is get rid of them"Neil warned whipping out a army knife from his pocket. He pushed me forward towards the front door.

I opened to the door slightly to see Steve standing on the front porch.

"Hey Phoebe I really need your advice" Steve said shaking from the cold.

"Hi Steve uh now is not a good time" I said.

"Hey you okay? You look sick" Steve said pushing the door open even wider.

"Steve I'm okay" I argued trying to close the door. Steve, however, ignored my words and walked inside. I began to panic as my efforts to get Steve out of the house weren't working.

All of the sudden Neil comes up behind me placing me in a choke hold with a knife to my neck.

"Phoebe, Tina and I-" Steve began but immediately stopped as he saw me. "Who the hell is this?" Steve asked.

"Get out of my damn house" Neil yelled.

"Your house? Okay hold up. Your Billy's dad. No wonder why your son was an asshole in high school" Steve said raising his arms in surrender. I was still in a choke hold as Steve walked towards the door.

"Wait. Sit in the corner" Neil yelled to Steve. Steve sat in the corner of the room. "You say a damn word and she's done for" Neil threatened as he went looking for tape and rope.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now