~Chapter Thirty~

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Billy and I pulled up to the party around 10 o'clock being fashionably late. Something Billy prided himself on but was also partially due to me helping move the Byers in.

"You ready?" Billy asked. I straightened out my skirt as I got out of the car. I flashed a quick smile.

"Billy" the crowd cheered as we walked in. Billy was deemed the life of the party and it truly didn't start until he arrived.

"Billy the new kid is waiting" Tommy called out, pushing through the crowd. Billy and I followed Tommy outside to the kegs.

"Ahh if it isn't the king of Hawkins. You finally arrived" Tucker said. He was wearing a button up shirt with jeans and cowboy boots.

"Longest to stay on the keg stand wins" Tommy called out.

"The prize is your girl" Tucker said flashing me a grin and a wink. I stuck my finger in my mouth pretending to gag.

"You've got a deal" Billy said. I looked at him mad.

"Billy what the fuck? He's not worth it" I hissed.

"Phoebe it's fine. I'm gonna beat his ass" Billy said taking off his jacket and unbuttoning his shirt. Billy gives me a sloppy kiss on the lips before standing next to the keg.

"EVERYBODY. WE GOT A KEG SHOWDOWN. WINNER GETS PHOEBE" Tommy yelled, everyone cheered.

"Billy don't do it" I said grabbing onto his arm but he shrugged it off.

"You're mine" Tucker said pointing to me.

"Let the keg stand begin" Tommy yelled as Tucker and Billy were shoved into a handstand position. The crowd began to count.....45,46,47.

I could see Billy's strength start to weaver, his mouth slowly starting to reject the constantly flow of beer. He spits the nozzle out and his feet are planted back on the ground, Billy lost. He hits the keg with his fist cleverly frustrated that he lost the challenge.

"Gonna have to get you a new charm for Tucker's girl" Tucker boasted as he wiped the corners of his mouth grabbing my chair. His hand then grabbed mine, but I pulled away.

"Hey leave her alone" Billy yelled getting up in Tucker's face.

"Hey man, I won fair and square" Tucker yelled. Tommy and a few others coming to the defense of Tucker.

"Yeah man, you did agree to the terms" Tommy said. Billy glanced over at me and I quickly looked away my hand clinging to my opposite arm.

"Challenge me" I said in a barely audible voice.

"What?" Tucker asked.

"Challenge me. You win fine I'll be your girl. You lose and you leave me alone" I said raising my voice. Tucker looked around.

"Easy. You're on" Tucker yelled getting back to his original keg. I slipped off the jacket I had on and threw it at one of the guys. I then pulled my hair up into a bun securing it out of my face.

"You ready?" Tommy asked the both of us. I shook my head yes. My feet were lifted in the air and the nozzle of the keg was placed in my mouth.

"GO!" Tommy yelled. I tried my best to block out the sounds of the crowd, focusing on winning.

"56,57,58" the crowd chanted. From the corner of my eye I could see Tucker spit the nozzle out and kick the keg. I in turn spit the nozzle out and jumped on to the ground.

"Suck it asshole" I said before walking away. Billy running up to my side.

"Hey you did it" Billy said. I turned around looking up at him.

"Don't talk to me, I just need space" I cried to Billy.

"Your mad? You won Phoebe" Billy said clearly not understanding why I was upset.

"Billy, don't you see? Your reputation was more important than me tonight, you were so willing to risk our relationship and look you lost" I yelled, a crowd was beginning to form.

"I did this to impress you" Billy yelled back.

"I don't need you trying to impress me I just need you wanting me" I said before exiting through the house and out to the front lawn.

I plopped down on the grass and stared at the stars. I decided I was going to walk home not wanting to interrupt Nancy and Jonathan and needing space from Billy.

I walked along the pitch black road for a few minutes when I heard a car come barreling down the road. I turned around to be met with headlights of a pick up truck approaching me at lightning speed.

That was the last thing I saw.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora