~Chapter Four~

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The school day flew by thankfully! I had lunch with Nancy and her friends again. It was nice because they acted like I've always been apart of their group and I enjoyed it. Classes were the same old boring classes but what was different about today was Billy wasn't in school. He didn't attend Science class or PE. It didn't bother me any as I got the lab table to myself today.

I was now back at home spending the next few hours doing whatever I could to fill the time until I had to go babysit. I started and finished some homework, while also brainstorming some ideas for Billy and I's science project.

Around 6 o'clock I made myself dinner, which consisted of a bowl of pasta loaded with grated cheese. I ate it while watching tv and around 6:50 decided to head across the street.

I knocked on the front door and waited a few seconds before the door opened to reveal Susan.

"Phoebe come on in" she said gesturing for me to sit in the living room. I sat down on the couch and waited to meet the daughter she had mentioned yesterday. The red head, the same girl I saw getting out of Billy's car came sprinting down the stairs.

"Hi I'm max" she said emotionlessly. Her mother must have told her to be polite before I arrived as she watched her interaction with me.

"I'm Phoebe" I said with a smile hoping she would lighten up.

"Neil and I will be back in a few hours" Susan said rushing out the door with Neil.

"If you want Billy he's in his room" the young said with a shrug.

"I'm not here for Billy if that's what you think" I said with a furrowed eyebrow, girls must be knocking down their door for Billy and possibly using Max as an excuse to get closer to him. Max's demeanor immediately changed at the sound of me wanting to be here with her.

"Great you want to go to the arcade?" Max asked. I hesitated due to the fact that I didn't know where the arcade was and if she was allowed to even leave the house.

"I guess as long as it's not too far" I proposed.

"I'll just ask Billy to drive us" Max said sprinting back up the stairs before I could even protest and say a word.

A minute later Billy came stomping down the stairs with a mad look on his face.

"Let's go, oh Max this is your babysitter. Penelope right?" Billy asked with a grin

"Phoebe" I responded unamused at the game Billy was trying to play.

"Whatever I ain't driving either of you now. Good luck with this little bitch she's a handful" Billy spat. He grabbed the cigarette that was tucked neatly behind his ear and lit it taking a quick puff before blowing out the smoke. He flashed a quick grin before leaving.

"I bet he didn't mean that" I said to Max hoping my kinds words would cheer her up. She had a sad expression on her face.

"Oh I'm not sad about that, Billy always says that kind of stuff to me. I'm sad we can't go to the arcade. They have games like DigDug, plus I hold the highest score on some of the games" Max boasted proudly.

We walked back to the living room and watched a movie until Neil and Susan got home. Susan handed me $10 and asked if I would babysit again next week. I shook my head yes before walking back to my house. My dad was home from work and was fast asleep in the recliner that was positioned in-front of the TV.

I slipped my clothes off and switched into pajamas before I laid in bed pondering how one human-being could be so mean to his sister. Slowly my thoughts faded and I fell asleep.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now