"So they're all sitting right in front of the elevator doors, waiting for me to show?"

Bruce chuckled. "Not exactly. Tony, Thor and Steve had to go out, an A.I.M. Plot to steal some tech from an army base nearby."

We stopped and got out of the elevator.

"This is the floor with all our private rooms and stuff. Yours is the one right at the end of the corridor."

I opened the door. Floor to ceiling windows. And because it was in a corner of the building all the walls were glass. I nearly died.

"Wow! This is amazing... I LOVE IT!"

Bruce dumped my bag near the wardrobe.

"Come on, I'll show you the living area."

We got back in the elevator and went up a floor. When the doors opened I was amazed yet again at what money could buy. It was an open plan living area, kitchen and dining room combined with a lounge and rec room. It opened up to a large balcony and garden, which was awesome considering how high up it was.

But it did have the perfect soundtrack. The radio was turned on, playing 'One More Night' by Maroon 5. I wandered in after Bruce, unintentionally singing along.

"Coffee?" He asked.

I smiled and nodded, still taking in my surroundings. As Bruce made us coffee, I noticed someone sitting in one of the black leather armchairs, reading 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' by Shakespeare. He looked up over the book and I realised who it was.


What the hell was he doing here? I thought he'd been taken back to Asgard.

Loki sighed and shut the book. He put it on the coffee table and looked up at me.

"So you are Romanof's replacement?" He asked casually.

I nodded. Hold on, i was someone's replacement? I kept watching him, watching me. He stood up and started walking over.

Suddenly the phone rang.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, can you answer that?" Bruce asked

"Of course, sir." An out of body voice replied.

"J.A.R.V.I.S?" I asked Bruce.

"He runs the place." He replied, handing me the coffee.

"It's quite unnatural, isn't it?" Loki said, "But you do get used to it, in time. We in Asgard like to think we have superior technology, but you mortals often surprise us."

I eyed him warily. I don't trust him. His face was just about devoid of any emotion, but a smile was playing on his lips and his emerald eyes were reflecting my unease.

"Sir, it's Mr Stark," J.A.R.V.I.S exclaimed, ending the slightly awkward silence. "He's wondering if our guest has arrived yet and if we will be keeping that reservation tonight?"

Bruce turned to me. "You want to eat out tonight?"

I shrugged. "I don't want to be any trouble."

"It's Stark, he will want to give you a grand welcome regardless." Loki smirked.

"Sure, why not?" I sighed.

Bruce sighed too. "J.A.R.V.I.S, tell him yes and yes."

I don't think he wants to go out either.

"Very good, sir."

And there's that awkward silence again. I was about to ask Bruce exactly how grand said dinner would be, when the elevator pinged again.

"Hey Banner!" Someone yelled as they walked down the hall. "Could you make me a cof-"

He stopped dead and looked at me. I raised my eyebrows as Clint Barton stood in the doorway, shirtless, his hair still wet.

"How was your swim, Clint?" Bruce asked.

He just stood there, staring. What the hell is this? WHY IS EVERYONE STARING AT ME TODAY!? Is that cut on my forehead bleeding again?

As i checked, Loki went up to him and flicked his ear. Clint came back from fairyland and smacked Loki upside the head.

"What was that for!?"

"You flicked my ear. I told you not to do that."

"You were being rude."

"You're being a douche."

"Excuse me if I don't stare at a woman for minutes at a time, completely ignoring everyone else's existence, including my own."

"Shut up, ass hat."

"You quim."

"HEY GUYYSSS!" Bruce interrupted, rushing over to them and wrapping his arms around their shoulders. "I haven't introduced you properly. Loki Laufeyson and Clint Barton, this is Fox Summers."

I smiled and waved. Loki smiled back and nodded. Clint gave a murmured "Hi."

He went over and took his coffee off Bruce. We were all silent for a while, casually drinking, watching everyone else.

Clint broke the silence. "So when are the others getting back?"

And then they walked through the door, laughing like maniacs.

"Welcome back guys. I'm guessing everything went well?" Bruce asked.

"Oh it went smashingly." Stark exclaimed in a fake British accent.

Thor and Cap burst out laughing.

"Stark, you're an idiot."

"He is no idiot, Captain of America." Thor clapped him on the back. "He is a complete fool."

They cackled maniacally. Loki facepalmed and I heard him mutter "And he claims to be my brother..."

Bruce, Clint and I just stood there, very confused.

When they'd finally recovered they turned to us, Stark about to say something, and finally saw me. They went silent and I waved.

Bruce took his cue. "Guys, this is Fox. Fox, this is Tony, Thor and Steve."

Stark was the first to recover and swaggered up to where I was standing. he smiled and held out his hand.

"It's nice to finally meet you. Fury's told us all about you."

"Really?" I asked skeptically.

"Lol, no," he sniggered, "he never tells us anything." He went to the fridge and pulled out a beer and then threw another one to Thor.

"Hi." Said Steve Rogers, looking slightly nervous. "You're here to take Widow's spot, right?"

"Am I?" I was genuinely confused. "I hadn't been told I was replacing anyone."


"Aye, Stark. We often are not told the full story." Thor took my hand and kissed it. "It is in an honour to meet you, Lady Fox. I look forward to fighting by your side."

"Thanks..? It's great to meet you too. All of you." I smiled.

After that bit of excitement, everyone went back to doing their own thing.

I went and chatted with Bruce about his opinion on the new iPhone (Tony's opinion is that iOS6 is a piece of crap, apart from all the new emoticons).

So we sat and talked for an hour, learning about each other and 'bonding' (I don't exactly call playing 'Would You Rather?' bonding, but..), then Tony looked at the clock.

"Shit, we're going to be late. Everybody go put fancy clothes on, GO!"

I think we all forgot about dinner...

Witchcraft (An Avengers/Witchblade Fanfic) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now