Meeting the Tortoise

Start from the beginning

"Oh yeah, I talked to him. He's lived for a long time, longer than this place even existed. He kind of reminds me of how Kurama used to act before I befriended him. He's a bit cold right now but I think he will warm up. He also said that there are more like him."

"Well, they are probably easy to beat since Naruto didn't have a lot of trouble beating that tortoise.. right?" Sakura asked.

Naruto shook his head grimly. "Genbu was heavily suppressed and he didn't have time to transform. If he transformed he would've been stronger than the Jūbi. The Otsutsuki are after his kind. They want to combine them into a being named Amenominakanushi, so that they could be the most powerful race alive."

Hiruzen's eyes widened. "Amenominakanushi? I've heard legends about that! They say that he created this universe and can destroy it just as easily! We must stop them at once. I will arrange a Kage summit and increase their training!"

Naruto nodded, "That is a good idea. I will revive the Jūbi and distribute its power across our shinobi." He took the IV out of his arm and got out of his bed. "I will gather all of the rookies. Come on Sakura, Sasuke." The three ran out of the hospital.
With Kurenai

They first got to Kurenai's team. "N-Naruto-kun!" Hinata said with a blush.

"Hey Naruto, what do you need?" Kurenai asked.

Naruto explained everything that happened. "So we need help from everyone all over to stop this threat?" Kurenai asked. Naruto nodded.

"I see.. how can we help?" Kurenai asked.

"Take my chakra." Naruto said as he tapped Kurenai on her shoulder, putting her in a shroud of blueish-white chakra.

"Hinata, give me your hand." Naruto commanded. She gave him her hand and squeaked as she felt a warm feeling go all over her body, all the way up to her crown.

"O-Oh my.. I feel a bit stronger now." She exclaimed.

He did the same to Kiba and Shino. Naruto then made 5 more shadow clones and had them go to the other Genin teams. "Kurenai, can you increase the difficulty of their training regimen? I will have to train Hinata personally." Naruto asked. Kurenai nodded.

Naruto then put his hand on her shoulder and teleported to a separate training ground. Two more Narutos appeared with Sasuke, and Sakura. "Now I bet you're wondering why I've chosen to train you three personally. It's because you guys are all reincarnations." Naruto said. They all looked at him like he had grown a second head. "Hinata, you're the reincarnation of the Rikudō's brother. Sasuke, you're the reincarnation of his son. Sakura, you're the reincarnation of his mother. Now, their chakra resides deep inside of you, and I have to awaken it first."

Sakura raised her hand. "Wait, can you tell us more about them?" She asked.

"Sure. The Rikudō's mother, Kaguya, was the reason why the Bijū exist. She put the whole world under an illusion and sacrificed people to it all the time. The Rikudō along with his brother, Hamura killed her. She created the Jūbi so it could protect her. When they killed her, The Rikudō split the Jūbi into nine parts. Hamura had the strongest Byakugan a human has ever had. Well, until Hinata came along, " Hinata blushed at his praise. "but he went to the moon to watch over the remnants of the Jūbi. The Rikudō's two sons are the reason behind the rivalry between the Uchiha and Senju clans."

"So we are the people you've described?" Sasuke inquired.

"No. Their chakra just clings onto you. You need to use that chakra. Doing so will sever that cycle of reincarnation as well."

"Oh.. so where do we start?" Sakura asked.

"Now. Sakura, I will need to activate the gene that deals with the dōjutsu you have. Same with the rest of you guys. The Otsutsuki chakra I have might work." He began to gather chakra at his hands.

"Wait, ningen. Don't do anything yet. Make a shadow clone." The voice of Genbu came from his head.

"Sure thing." Naruto made a shadow clone.

"I will give some of my chakra to you. Channel my chakra into that clone of yours." The tortoise said. Naruto channeled some chakra into the shadow clone and it morphed.

It's skin turned to a pitch black, with white streaks running through it. On its back was a black tortoise shell. It had big white eyes with no pupils, three heads and three sets of arms.

The three Genin jumped. "N-Naruto-kun, what is that?" Hinata asked.

"Naruto.. did you release the tortoise?" Sasuke asked. Despite the way the tortoise tried to destroy the village, it's chakra was calm and felt like an old man's chakra.

"It's a him. And he's going to help train you guys." Naruto said. Genbu looked upon the three Genin with an analyzing and contemptuous gaze. He walked up to Sakura.

Sakura wilted under his gaze. "This one.. albeit weak right now, she has so much potential.." The tortoise said. He gathered chakra in his left hand and hit her forehead with his hand. She immediately crumpled to the floor.

"S-Sakura-san!" Hinata said before running to catch her. She glared at the tortoise. He simply ignored her.

Naruto activated his dōjutsu and looked at Sakura. "Wow Genbu. You activated her kekkei mora really fast." He said.

"I know I'm strong, you ningen!" Genbu half-shouted at Naruto, in denial that he could ever get along with a life form.

"Ookay. Am I supposed to be... shell-shocked?" Naruto retorted.

"Screw you." Genbu said.

"Hinata, she will be fine, trust me. I can see the chakra pooling at where her third eye is supposed to be. She's probably going to look like the Otsutsuki we saw earlier." Naruto said. Hinata put her down.

"Now.. let the real training begin."

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