Episode 4 & chapter 4

Start from the beginning

Looking at me now,Rise questioned:"Do you know our names?"

Gently smiling to him,I pointed to Lief:"You're Lief",pointing at Noi:"You're Noi",pointing to Pierce:"you're Pierce",pointing to Rise:"Now I know you're Rise",and finally pointing to Asch:"And you are Asch,the person,who may or may not kill me in my sleep."

Hearing the doorbell ring,Ava and I ran to the door,only to see an old lady ,explaining her worry for Ava.Noticing her confusing about,who I am,I reached out my hand to shake and introduced myself as her new next door neighbour/Ava's roommate.When the old woman(named Mrs Oats) asked Ava for a small favour, I decided that Ava had been through enough stress lately and volunteered to do it for her.It was only to deliver a small gift to a random address,how hard can it be?Seeing all the guys emerge behind us,whining that Rise wouldn't help them in putting on human clothing,sweet little Mrs Oats suggested something revolting.Closing the food on her face,we refused to listen to her rants about being young once,too.I'd only just met her and now all I can think about her is something as odd as this....

After placing the gift down,Ava bluntly stated:"You guys suck.'After that Ava and Asch got into a mini lovers quarrel,about having to imagine little Mrs Oats that way.Of course,since I was also annoyed at everything,I stated my opinion about it sounding like a 'lovers quarrel',giving up on preventing these arguments.Can they just be normal for once?Suddenly,Asch grabbed ahold of me by the collar,with fire in one hand,reading to kill me.As he was about to push the fire in my whimpering face,I looked him in eye and he dropped me to the ground.In a flash,appearing from a black creature,a beautiful lilac cat,stood there meowing cutely and sincerely.

Seeing that cat,everyone's(including the daemons) eyes widened in shock.Perceiving it to be mostly harmless, I began to slowly walk forward towards the cat.Seeing the regular cat approach the lilac one annoyed,I froze.Should I go over?Listening to Rise's observation,I found that this cute cat is from daemos.Assured that the cat is safe,Ava approaches it fangirling its cuteness.Leaving Ava standing there and joining Asch,I looked to see Asch's blushing face.The cat was so cute and had chosen him...Stating the obvious,I complemented Asch,saying:"Look Asch,he loves you,you must be really special.Come on,he's so so cute!You can pet him if he wants you,too."

Regaining his composure,Asch returns to is normally annoyed face,after hearing everyone talk about him.After giving the kitty a long,hard look,Ava stated:"Stop giving the kitty a mean look,Asch"

Slightly softening up at the use of his name,he questioned,shocked:"You said my name.Ive never heard a human say my name before."

Confused and oblivious,Ava wondered:"Huh...What does that mean?"

Looking to the nearest person around me,which was Lief,I whispered:"If he wasn't a prince and from another world and all,I'd think they were in loovveeee...like wanna get married and stuff..."

Tensing up at the subject,Lief whispered back:"I think it looks that way but I don't know if he might kill her...I'd probably kill her..."

Hitting his arm,I quietly replied:"Good to know you might kill me and my friend.Can you wait until they're fully in love,though?"

As if he was thinking about it,he took out one of his knifes :"They're already in love so can I kill you,now?"

My playful smile growing at his meaningless teasing,I giggled:"Not yet...actually not ever but don't worry if I ever want to die,I'll call you,okay?"

Nodding his head,we looked over to Rise,who was trying to avoid an awkward situation.Afterwards,Ava grabbed the present,assuring me that she actually wanted to go and took Rise,with her.Going into Ava's room, called an old friend,who I desperately wanted to meet up with and decided that I could come over tomorrow.Also,by visiting my old friend,I'd free myself,from the tragedy in my new home.Sadly,I'd have yo ask From permission from Ava,due to leaving her with this mess.

Suddenly,I heard a scream emerge from the kitchen.Rushing out from Ava's bedroom,I spotted the guy,who had a crush on Ava pinned against the wall by Lief.In fright,I shouted to Lief:"Stop,your hurting him,he's getting scared..."

Interrogating him,Asch stated:"Quiet Slave and quiet Human Lord.We know Ava and y/n sent you"

In effort to prevent this,I tried to reason with Asch,saying:"Asch,we didn't  send him but he's probably just worried about Ava,since people heard her screaming a couple nights ago...Just let him go..."

Not believing my words,Asch saw Ava and Rise arrive,asking:"Was this a betrayal?"

Rise,trying to reason with them and calm their hostility,explained:"I was with Ava the whole time,age did not once call reinforcements....but I don't know about y/n!"

Frozen at the falsely incriminating evidence,I waited for Asch to accuse me:"You,what were you doing in that special bed-room?"

Knowing us have to explain myself or even lie,I reasoned with him:"I did not call reinforcements as I do not know this man?Also,if I did want to kill you guys,I'd definitely call more people."

Suddenly interested in how he got into our apartment,Ava questioned:"Jake,How did you get into my apartment?"

Making sense of the situation,he rambled:"I'm the landlord so I have a key and I got worried when Mrs Oats-"

Panicking,I suggested:"Can you make him forget all this with your magic,please say you can..."

Filled with confidence,Lief assured us:"Leave it to me,",before knocking him out.What did he do that for?

When everyone began praising Lief,me and Ava became increasingly anxious.Giving them a direct order to put on human clothes,everyone was confused and began getting changed there.Blushing,Ava shouted:"Not here idiot."

Knowing there wouldn't be enough time for them to get changed,I swiftly ordered:"He's going to wake up so take him outside...."

Once outside,me and Ava stood there,worried expressions on our faces.Explaining a make-belief story too Jake,Jake explained what he thought happened,only for us so to instantly deny it.Apologising,to our relief,Jake left.Going back into Ava's room,we began our somewhat girl time,together and I asked permission to visit my old friend tomorrow!

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