Maybe I was taking it too far this time? Part of me was considering coming clean at this very moment, apologizing to Ashton and the team for messing with them. We could both win and lose at the same time. They had scared me when my leg was grabbed in the church, and I had scared them with faking my own death. In a sense, we both got what we wanted. I was so far deep into this prank that there was still a part of me that wanted to move forward with it.

And that part was much bigger. 

Showtime. I kicked the door with all the force I could muster, letting its handle slam against the adjacent wall with a loud bang. The team's heads all looked in my direction and from the shadows I began to crawl out the door as if my bones were perpetually breaking. I cocked my head to the side, letting the moon light up my face so the red contacts could glow to its most creepy potential. 

"Oh my God! What the frick is that?" Michael screamed. He stepped backwards with the other boys who stared at me with absolute horror. Luke, who was still on the ground, crawled backwards in a hurry, joining his teammates. 

"It's demon Karris!" Calum deemed, as he held onto Luke. I inched myself closer to the pack, convulsing myself in order to add to the theatrics. The boys were pinned up against the wall, a few of them covering their eyes with fear. 

"The witches got her soul! We sacrificed her on accident!" Michael screeched. 

"Ashton," I garbled, aggregating the best devilish voice I could find within me. I could see Ashton jump out of his skin, every hair on his body standing on end. 

"RUN!" Calum bellowed, the first one to start down the staircase. The boys asked no questions and wasted no time as the entire lot dashed away from the bell tower and descended down the steps, screaming in terror.

When the boys' yells became more distant, I hurriedly stood on my feet, running in the opposite way through the other door. I grabbed the camcorder off of the floor and raced down a hidden set of stairs to ground level. Phase two was completed and it's now on Berkley to commence phase three. 

I was back on the bottom floor where the church was. I had my back pressed against a wall, and slowly I peered my head around the corner. In the distance, I could hear the hockey team's screams coming closer and closer. I smirked to myself, pleased with the shortcut the secret stairway had become since I had beat the boys to ground level. From the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of light. I turned my head, seeing Berkley hiding underneath one of the pews on the first row. 

Phase three.

I took out my phone and flashed her the same signal, letting her know that I was in place. I crouched downward, speeding across the small stage at the front of the church and tumbled into position from behind the old alter. I sat quietly, waiting for the boys to enter at any moment. 

"Oh my God! Demon Karris is back!" Michael cried and a slew of screams followed after. I laid my body down on my belly, trying to catch glimpse of the show happening just a few yards away. 

In the same convulsing and creepy manner as I, Berkley crawled towards the hockey team. She inched herself closer and closer from in between the rows of pews towards the frightened boys. Berkley let out a deep, inhuman-sounding growl that caused them all to scream again. I smiled to myself, proud of my best friend's performance. 

It was my turn. Instead of crawling in the same way as before, I laid on the floor and arched my back. I bent my body backwards, walking on all fours from behind the alter. My messy hair cascaded down, dragging on the floor. Even upside down, the hockey team still looked as scared as ever.

"There's two of them!" Calum screeched, a shaky hand pointing at me. With a devilish smile, I eerily grinned at the boys.

"I want my mum," Luke cried to himself. The team all spun on their heels and ran away. They pushed open the doors and ran outside. The doors shut close, and their screams became muffled. Both Berkley and I came out of character with satisfied grins on our faces.

"That was freaking amazing," I gave Berkley a high five as she beamed up at me with pride.

"Thanks girl. The guys were so effing scared. I think Luke pissed his pants," Berkley chuckled. 

"This is the best Halloween ever," I confidently declared. We became silent for a moment, hearing the panicked commotion of the boys right outside of these Mission walls. 

"Phase three is almost done," Berkley mentioned, as she started pulling out her red contact lens from her eyes. I did the same. "Let's grab the last camera and reveal ourselves?"

"Let's do it," I grinned, my eyes wide with excitement. I watched as Berkley grabbed another camcorder similar to the one in my hands from beneath one of the pews. She looked at the screen, messing with a few buttons. 

"Dude, look at this," Berkley told me, brandishing out the camcorder. I glanced at the camera, a playback of phase three on the screen. The camera was at a perfect angle and it recorded everything from Berkley crawling from the pews, to Luke, Michael and Calum running out the doors hand in hand. 

"That's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," I mock-cried, dramatically emphasizing the amount of joy I had within me. Berkley laughed and playfully pushed my arm. 

"Come on, let's go finish off those assholes,"

✝ ✝ ✝

Chapter Word Count: 1593

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