Yes He Was My Friend #2

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“Thats it!” I screamed. Everyone looked over. Most people know I depend on my sketch book. Those who know that, they saw what was going to happen next and so did Lindsay.

I pounced on her jamming my fist into her nose. I hopped up and grabbed my bag off the ground and my drenched sketch book off the table. Aaron was helping her up, trying to move out of the way of her bleeding nose.

The door was on the other side of the room I stood there looking at the people starring back. I wonder how long it will take for me to get across the room. Through all those gazing eyes. I wonder how long it will take for the office to call me down, to talk to Ms. S our hell bound principle.

One step - two steps - three steps, I want to run I want to go home. I could hear Lindsay groaning behind. “Your going to get it pipsqueak.” She mumbled under her breath. I was half way there. Maddie walked up to the door, looking confused as ever. I could tell she new what happened when she crossed her arms and started tapping her foot on the ground.

I gave her a huge smile and pulled up my hood. From now on I don’t care any more of what people think. I wont care about what they think about, me.

I decided I wouldn’t turn around...well maybe one peak. I got to the door and looked over my shoulder. The first glimpse I got was the sneering students at Lucy’s table. There eyes were bright red, not per-say, but if they were that would go great with the scene. The other students were either looking down, to afraid to make eye contact with me or they were watching me exit the lunch room.

Hell, I’m in so much trouble from school, but also from Lucy and her.... Friends.

“I can’t believe you did that, your like my god now.” She trough her arms up in the air and grasped my shoulder, as we walked down the hall.

“She deserved it.” I whispered. Holding up my sketch book. “Look what she did!” a grin stretch across her face. She squeezed my shoulder.

“You are so going to get suspended.”

“Ya I know.” We both laughed while we strolled down the hall.

Yes He was My Friend- JB Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now