Chapter 11

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I woke up late Friday morning. I hadn't gotten much sleep last night, on top of the nerves I had for my date with Harry today, Mary was up all night with nightmares again. I spent most of the night trying to calm her down, and when I finally did manage to get some sleep, it didn't last long. By the time I woke up, it was nearly one. I didn't know what Harry had planned for today, but I hoped I wasn't late.

I picked up my phone and Harry had texted me.

I'll come pick you up at five, babe. I can't wait :) x

The next message asked me where I lived, so I just told him to pick me up from the hospital.

I had a lot of stuff to do at the hospital before five, so I took a quick shower and started. By the time I was done, it was nearing four, and I realized I had no idea what I was going to wear, and then I realized I didn't even know where we were going. I texted Harry to ask him, but he said it was a "surprise" but to dress casually, and that we would be outside. Hmm.

I began to straighten my hair when Charlotte walked in.

"What are you getting ready for?" she asked. Shit. I forgot to tell her about this. How could I forget this?! I haven't even told her what happened between us a week ago. I have been so focused on Mary all week.

"Oh.." I started, "I've got a date with Harry." I nervously awaited her response, expecting her to be angry.

Instead, her face lit up.

"I knew it!!!!" she exclaimed. "That is so great, Carson!"

Smiling, she pulled me into a hug.

"Have fun, but don't stay out too late, okay??"

"I wont, Char. Thank you so much."

She left the room, leaving me to finish getting ready. I threw on a pair of white shorts, but stood half naked in front of my closet trying to figure out something to wear. He said casual but this was a date, so I wasn't going to dress too casually. I grabbed a shirt I had gotten a couple days ago. It was turquoise top with an open back. I grabbed some sunglasses off of my dresser and sprayed a little perfume. I took a look in the mirror and satisfied with how I looked, began to wait.

The longer I waited, the more my nerves got to me.

Mary walked in and flashed her big smile at me.

"You look so pretty, Carrie. Harry is going to love you."

"Aww, come here, Mary." I said.

She sat down on my lap.

"Are you nervous?" she asked me.

I laughed. "Extremely. But I think I can do it, don't you?"

"Yes I do! But I'm going to give you one rule okay Carson? Only hugging because if you kiss him you might get pregnant thats how it works."

I gave her a big hug while trying not to laugh even harder.

"Alright, Mary!"

"But really, Car, when are you going to tell him that--"

Suddenly Harry walked in. Mary jumped up and ran to give him a hug.

"Hi Harry! We were just talking about you!"

"Oh were you?" Harry asked, getting on his knees to be eye level with her. "I hope you were saying nice things!"

"Oh we were!" Mary said hugging him again.

"Harry!" I said kind of flustered. "How did you get back here?"

"Charlotte let me in! You know she really is a nice lady."

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