he got me alone

367 21 6

♡ Heavy fluff ahead ♡

The night had progressed, the group laughing and sharing rather ridiculous stories together. The sound of roasting and the opening of a can was heard all throughout the night.

As most of the group had decided to go on a midnight walk, Conan had kept Connor behind. He looked rather pissed, but Connor couldn't find out why.

"Hey, you're staying back. You're staying with me,"
Conan half growled into Connor's ear, and Connor just obediently nodded, holding onto Conan's hand.

"You're mine, ok? Let's get that striaght. You are no one elses. You cannot get touched by anyone besides me,"
Conan says, pulling Connor into a tent. Conan pulled Connor onto his lap, which, of course Connor obeyed.

"Now we're alone. We can do whatever we want,"
Conan says with a small giggle, nipping at Connor's neck. Connor whimpered lightly, holding onto Conan's top.

Conan kissed Connor deeply, setting him down on the padding below as he got ontop of him. Connor closed his eyes and allowed Conan to take control of him, feeling Conan grind his hips against Connor's in the slighest.

All Connor could think was, oh god, don't come back now.

Conan put his tounge inside of Connor's mouth, tugging lightly at the collar of his hoodie as he pulled him up against him, putting his arm behind Connor's back to keep him up.

This had continued for a few minutes, alot of pulling away for breaths and for Conan to lick over Connor's neck. Connor let out small sounds, not wanting to be too loud.

Techinally, they weren't supposed to be here too much longer so they couldn't really go any further than what they had, which was teasing and rough kisses.

Conan was in the middle of licking and sucking on Connor's neck until they heard distance voices, Conan pulling away with a small string of silva coming off of his lips and back down.

Conan and Connor stayed silent. Everyone was telling each other goodnight. They guessed plans changed. Conan zipped the tent up, continuing to lick over Connor's neck.

Connor half whined and half moaned, holding tightly on Conan's top.

"Yes, Connor?"
Conan asks, looking up.

"Can we do this?"

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