Its all platonic, right?

426 22 11

"Connor, come over here. We need to talk,"
Conan calls out, Connor lifting his head in response.

He was helping set up a fire with Hank and Ralph. He got up, brushing off his rear end and walking over to Conan.

"Yeah? What is on your mind?"
Connor asks. Conan bites his lip, and Connor tilted his head.

"So like, you know why we invited you, right?"
Conan asked simply, his hands  interlocking from the back.

"No, actually. I just got told to get comfy,"
Connor replies, playing with his sleeves lightly. He looked down for a split second.

"Hm. Well, I guess i'll show you what you're missing tonight,"
Conan whispers in Connor's ear, biting Connor's earlobe lightly afterwards.

Connor's breath hitched, his face burning up.

"What are you referring to, Conan?"
Connor asks, looking up at his rather tall friend, gazing into those blue eyes of his. Conan held the gaze for a second.

"Well, this campfire isn't all about roasting marshmallows and telling those pathetic ghost stories. At least to us,"
Conan says, a wide grin spreading across his cheeks.

"So what is it about then, Conan?"
Connor asks, shifting his shoulders. He was curious, really. His mind managed to stay innocent through Conan's dirty hints and flirts.

"You're too precious, oh my lord. Anyways, I want to take this time to get you alone and tell you how I actually feel about you,"
Conan replies, tilting his head to get closer to Connor's ear.

"I'm going to show you whose the dominant one here, Connor,"
Conan adds, putting his hands on Connor's waist and pulling him close.

"You know I've had a crush on you for so long, right? I've always wanted to be close to you and examine you, and really be able to see how pretty you are up close,"
Conan explains, and Connor can feel himself warming up by the second.

"Im flattered, Conan. Fortunate enough, I love you too. Like alot,"
Connor replies, putting his arms around Conan's neck, playing with the strands of hair that found its way to the back of his neck.

"Perfect, my darling. This is our first date, yeah?"
Conan replies, kissing Connor's jaw. Connor felt his heart thumping-- he never expected it to go this far.

"I guess so,"
Connor replies, looking at Conan when he pulls away from his jaw.

Conan grins, leaning in for a kiss before Jerry, quite rudely interrupted the moment. 

"Hey love birds, the set up for smores is ready when you are!"
Jerry yells out, Hank's chuckling audible by the slightest.

Conan let's out a sigh, grabbing the back of Connor's head and placing a soft kiss on his delicate lips.

"We'll continue this later, yeah? Somewhere a little more private,"
Conan says, kissing Connor one last time before walking over to the campfire and claiming a chair. 

Connor did as well, sitting down next to Conan and getting started on his first smore, hummimg lightly to himself.

When he finished his first one, he ate it happily. Of course, they were andriod safe. They had to be, really.

Conan looked over at Connor, a slight chuckle leaving his mouth, Connor looked over at him, confused.

Conan grabs a nearby blanket, putting it over his and Connor's head, placing a kiss on his lips and licking the corners of his mouth.

"You had chocolate on you,"

Conan says, Connor giggling lightly.

"You could've just told me and I would've gotten it off,"
Connor replies, Conan laughing and shaking his head afterwards.

"That would be no fun, now would it, baby boy?"


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