A Tragedy in the Night

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Things settled down and went back to a happy afternoon at the BBQ. May's good news had Ed feeling proud as he  fantasized about being a father. Soon everyone went back home to spend the rest of the evening with thier loved ones. Ed and May had plans to rearrange the basement and give Ed a man cave so that all of his "scary and dangerous" hobbies couldn't hurt the baby. Edd and Marie were going home to simply relax and watch a movie. Eddy and Lee were busy cleaning up after the party and getting thier son Eddie ready for bed. It was a nice end to a wonderful day.

It was close to midnight when this would all change. Lee was awakened by the smell of smoke. After sniffing the air, she saw an orange glow from outside her bedroom window. She jumped from her bed and looked out to see Ed's house engulfed in flames. "Eddy wake up there is a fire!"

Eddy jumped out of bed and saw Ed's house, "Call 911!" Eddy shouted running down the stairs in his boxers and undershirt. He ran out in his yard and across the Cul DeSac stopping infront of Ed's house and began shouting, "Ed! Ed! Are you ok?" A window busted out of the top floor. Ed climbed out of the window coughing. He climbed down the roof and stumbled over to Eddy. Double D came running up with Marie both in thier night clothes.

"Ed are you ok?" Double D asked.

Ed grabbed Double D's shoulders and only said, "Where is May?"

Everyone looked around and began screaming her name. There was no answer. Ed panicked and screamed, "Noooo Maaaaay!" As he ran toward the blaze. Every one pleaded screaming, "Ed no!" but it was too late he busted through his own front door and into the flames. Lee ran out carrying Eddie and her cell phone. "Fire department is coming! Where are they?"

Marie hugged Lee terrified, "Ed ran in to find May."

The house started to creak and lean. Edd and Eddy stood there staring at the blaze still yelling Ed's name with tears in thier eyes. When they heard a response, "Over here! Guys help!", looking down they saw the window they used to use to go in and out of Ed's basment room fling open. They ran over next to the house, "Come on Lumpy, you gotta get out!"

"Take May." Edd and Eddy tried, but the window was too small to fit an adult.

Without thinking Ed set May down and began hitting the frame of the window and the cement around it with his fists and forearms. The window shattered and it's metal frame ripped loose from the cement of the home's foundation. He kept hitting, almost as if with super human strength breaking away chunks at a time of the concrete with his bare hands. Once Ed felt the hole was large enough he lifted May with his bloody arms safely out to Eddy and Double D. Double D picked up May and got her away from the house and to safety.

Eddy reached out to Ed, "Come on Ed you gotta move!"

Ed reached out to Eddy when a beam and part of the first floor collapsed and flames raged out of the basement window.

Eddy began crying uncontrollably, "Nooo! Ed! Goddamnit come on!" He started crying thinking "I just watched my best friend die."

Eddy backed away from the blaze and put his head down when an arm lunged out, "Eddy! Help!" Eddy without thinking lunged into the heat grabbing Ed's hand  and began to pull with all of his strength. He pulled Ed out and the two scooted away from the fire as quickly as they could, just in time for the whole house to collapse behind them. Ed's coat was still on fire and Eddy began smacking out the flames. Ed winced in pain. A huge hole in his coat and shirt showed Ed's badly burned back. Ed got on his feet and limped over to Marie who was holding May in her arms. Ed knelt down on the ground and took May from her. "May?" Ed gently touched her face smudging it with a mixture of black suit and blood, May did not respond, "May?" Lee and Marie began crying. Ed looked at the sisters confused, then back to May, "May?" Tears welled in his eyes and he pulled her close resting his face in her chest, "May don't leave me. Please princess. Ed will be good. Please May."

Double D walked up to them, "Ed, let me see her." Ed loosened his grip on May so Double D could check on her. Edd placed his fingers on her wrists. "She has a pulse! Eddy get the car!"

Ed became alert and Eddy ran into his house to get his keys and some pants. "Come on Ed we have to get her in the car!"

Ed picked May up and Double D ran to the car. Edd threw open the back door as Ed climbed in holding May in his arms. Eddy returned yelling, "Get in sock head!"

"No you go! I'll stay with the girls and wait for the fire Department!" Eddy started the car and peeled out as he sped through the Cul DeSac honking his horn parting the crowd that had gathered. In the car, Eddy focused on the road speeding through Peach Creek toward the hospital they passed the fire truck and a police car heading toward the fire. The police car quickly turned around and began to chase after Eddy.

"Eddy cops!"

"Like I care. This is an emergency!" He upshifted and sped up even more taking advantage of the police car behind him to blow through stop signs.

He brought the car to a screeching halt infront of the hospital with the cop car shortly behind him. Eddy stepped out with his hands up as Ed bolted into the hospital. "Hey, we got an unconcious lady and a burn victim here." The cop ran toward him,

With a pat on Eddy's shoulder the cop said, "I'd know your heap anywhere Eddy. Thought you could use an escort."

"Dammit Johnny! You could have at least killed your siren!"

Eddy ran into the hospital and Johnny got back in his car and raced off back toward the fire.

Inside the hospital Ed paced back and fourth as the Nurses had taken May behind a curtain. "Ed it's all good the cop was Johnny."

"What's happening Eddy?"

"I don't know yet Ed, they gotta check her out. Did you tell them about the baby?"

Ed completely forgot and walked through the curtain. " Uhh, Miss nurse ma'am be careful, May has a baby in her tummy."

The nurse nodded and shooed Ed out of the room.

A doctor walked out and toward the curtain where May was when he suddenly stopped.

"Son you need to be treated immediately, your back is severely burned."

" I won't leave May."

"But young man you need medical treatme..." Ed cut him off and said sternly.

"Save May."

The doctor didn't argue and went in to check on May. He came back out moments later, "She will be fine. It's smoke inhalation. We are going to give her oxygen and IV fluids."

"What about the baby doc?" Eddy asked.

"Women are amazing creatures. I'm sure the baby will be just fine. We will do an ultra sound once she regains conciousness."

Ed felt relieved and dropped to the floor to his knees. "Ed do good Eddy?" before falling flat on his face. Eddy and the doctor rushed to his side.

The doctor placed his hand on Ed's wrist to check his pulse. His eyes grew wide at what he felt. Picking up Ed's arm there was no resistance. It was as if he had no bones. He checked his other arm, his legs, and felt around his neck and head. "Nurse get me a stretcher and prepare a room in ICU now!"

Two nurses ran off to do the doctor's bidding and the doctor tuned his attention to Eddy.

"How did he sustain these injuries young man?"

"He ran in to a burning house to get her out, broke out the cement frame around a window with his bare hands and then a bunch of burning stuff fell on him. He seemed ok though."

"Young man, your friend has completely shattered both of his arms and one of his legs. His back is completely covered in 3rd degree burns, and I suspect he has a major concussion."

Eddy smirked a little, "That's monobrow for ya, he's pretty tough."

"Young man I don't think you understand, we need to call his loved ones. It will be a miracle if he survives the night."

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