It's Always Something

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Lee walked into Ed and May's house carrying a box of dishes she had obtained on clearance for a good price. She wen't into the kitchen where Naz was wiping down the counter and began to place them in the cabinet. Naz noticed something was off. She walked over to Lee. "Hey, you okay? You seem a little angry."

"Rough morning. Just a little cranky."

Naz placed her hand on top of Lee's stopping her from putting away the dishes. "C'mon Lee something happened. You were fine before you went to talk to Marie."

Lee let out a sigh, "You remember that record company guy Marie was tied up with when all the media and stuff happened?"

"How could I forget?"

Lee paused, "That's Marie's dad. He's still here, right across the street."

"Well that's a good thing right?"

"No! He abandoned us when we were kids, he left our mom on her own, and he just comes back like nothing happened? No way."

"Well, there's two sides to every story Lee, and people can change. Look at you, you have changed so much since we were younger."

"I get that Naz, but how do I forgive something like that. I just can't."

"Well my advice would be at least talk to the guy, if you're going to hate someone at least do it for the right reasons." Naz walked away from Lee. Lee looked up out the window and saw Marcus and Marie smiling and carrying a table across the Cul DeSac. She shook her head and went back to putting away the dishes.

Some time later the moving truck came pulling into the Cul DeSac. It was parked and the back was opened where Ed and Double D were both riding. "That was so fun! It's like a space ship May!" Ed exclaimed running around the side of the truck to greet her. Mean while Edd was pale and holding his mouth and stomach, "Oh dear. I feel so sick." Eddy patted him on the shoulder, "Heh heh, ya gotta get better at rock, paper, scissors, Sock Head."

Lee walked out to Eddy, "How was it?"

"Eh not bad Ed did most of it on his own, he doesnt really need help. What's your deal?" Eddy looked at Lee with concern.

"Whadda ya mean?"

"Spill it Lee, I can tell when you have an attitude, what's going on." Eddy was distracted by seeing Marie and Marcus talking to Edd. "Hey why is the music guy still here?"

"Long story. I'll tell ya later." Lee walked over to congratulate May and Ed on the house. Everyone started unloading the truck when a police car pulled into the Cul DeSac. Johnny stepped out and was greeted by Kevin. "Hey 2x4 you come to help out?"

Johnny looked around sternly, "No I need to see Ed." Ed hearing this popped out of the truck, " Hi Johnny!" he exclaimed happily.

"Big Ed I need you to come over here please." Ed did as he was told. "Ed I gotta take you in."

Eddy and Edd heard this and immediately came over, Eddy shouting"Hold on Johnny, what the hell are you arresting Ed for?"

"Surely there is some mistake, Ed is harmless."

"Guys, I know it sounds bad, but I have to do my job. There was a 911 call yesterday about 3 men who were badly assaulted. We have CCTV foootage of Ed leaving that alley." I have to take him in for questioning."

"But Ed was protecting his princess."

"Turn around Ed." Johnny began to hand cuff Ed and recite his rights when May came rushing out. "What is happening!"

"It's ok princess, Ed will be ok." Ed was scared but smiled sweetly at May.

Johnny put Ed in the car. Edd rushed over to Marie and Marcus. "Double D what the hell is happening?"

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