"Atleast someone finds my cooking amazing" she said making slight teasing eyes at Tangyi who just sat there and ate quietly.

"You should come more often, so my cooking will be appreciated more". She turned towards me before scooping more food on my plate.

"I do appreciate it ma, but I'm used to the amazing taste" Tangyi said before sticking his tongue out.

'What a child' I thought but he looked cute doing so.

His mother and him kept teasing eachother and all I could do was sit there and smile at the warm air surrounding me. I didnt realise tears were rolling down my cheeks until Tangyi tilted my face towards him and wipe it.

"Fei, what's wrong?"

"Son are you okay?"

Both their voices snapped me out of my trance.

"Are you hurt anywhere? Is your stomach okay?"

I quickly readjusted myself, wiped at my eyes and offered a toothy smile. "I'm okay.. I guess I just remembered something". I told them. "Sorry, let's eat" I said looking g at both of them.

'Why am I suddenly missing them' I thought before shaking my head to dismiss that thought. By the time we had finished eating and I had helped clear out the dishes it was dark.

"Stay the night son, are you sure you're okay?". Tangyi's mother asked. Her hand holding mine.

"Yea I'm fine, thank you and sorry about earlier"

"Oh dont worry about it" she pulled me into a hug. "Try not to keep things in, trust me it's bad for you" she said before pulling away from the hug and climbing upstairs. Her expression somehow turned gloomy. I wanted to ask her why she suddenly looked down but she was already up the stairs.

I stroked my arm, feeling the warmth that resonates from her touch.

"Fei have a bath and I'll get u something to wear". Tangyi said as he pulled me upstairs.

After soaking in the bath for a few minutes, I came out and got dressed in one of Tangyi's tshirt and shorts.

"Took your clothes to the laundry, it should finish washing and drying by tomorrow" Tangyi said as he tidied up the bed.

"Thank you and sorry for turning up randomly" I said as I pulled the damp towel from my hair and placed it around my neck.

He came and stood in front of me. His hands held my face and I leaned into his touch. He lifted my face up and looked deep in my eyes. "Never feel sorry for coming to see me" he said giving me a big smile.

I immediately smiled back as his fingers stroked my cheeks.

"All you need now is a good night sleep okay. I'll be your pillow tonight"

I pushed his chest lightly at his cheesiness but still nodded my head at his suggestion.

We both got in bed and like he said he didnt let me lay on the pillow, my head was on his chest and our legs tangled with eachother.

My breathing synchronized with his, sleep slowly takes me away with his finger drawing light patterns on my back.

'This is my happiness, he is my happiness'.

I woke up feeling stiff from being in the same position all night but I didnt mind as long as I was close to my special person.

"Slept good?" Tangyi asks me when he noticed I was finally awake.

I simply nodded my head against his chest.

"I need to go to the store for some groceries, wanna come?"

The bodyguard who guards my heart (HISTORY3 TRAPPED fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now