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After we got home yesterday. I had holed myself in my room. Tangyi came in a few times to check on me, bring me food and water but I didnt get up from underneath the covers I had wrapped around myself. Now it was the next day. I barely got any sleep last night, I kept rolling around on my bed drawing random conclusion in my head.

I couldnt go to Tangyi because I felt it wasn't fair. I told him I needed to be alone so going into his room in the middle of the night would be hypocritical of me.

"Fei.. come eat please" Tangyi said knocking on the door. I didn't say anything, I have no energy to get up.

"Please. You need to stay strong". He said again in an attempt to persuade me.

There was a long pause. He didnt say anything and he didnt knock. 'Maybe he's gotten tired of begging me to eat. I don't blame him' I thought to myself.

The next thing I knew he bursts through the door, walking straight to my bed. I was taken back, shock adjourned my face. "That's it. Get up" he said lifting me off the bed and carrying me into the bathroom.

"You need to stay strong. If you think you much, it will only make it worse" he said in a stern voice. Eventhough his voice was strong his actions were still gentle. He placed me at the edge of the bath tub before switching on the tap.

I stayed there quiet, it was too late to protest as he jerked down in front of me and unbuttoned my shirt. I was too drained to take off my clothes yesterday, hence I was still in yesterday's attire.

"Get up for me" he said placing my shirt on the floor next to his leg.

I slowly got up, my hands stiled beside me. His warm eyes looked into my tear stained one. "Raise your leg up" he said sliding the trousers and boxers off my legs before I stepped out of them. Our current position makes my cheek blush, not only because it looks sexual but also because it showed his caring side.

He stood up and gently lifted me into the bath. The warm water engulfed my body calming my nerves, my eyes immediately closes as I further relax and soak into the bubbles. My head rested on the end.

"Here fall asleep on me instead" he said lifting up my body as he too climbed inside the tub. 'When did he strip' I wondered but my mind was too worked and tired to even think any more. Right now all I want to feel is his heartbeat pounding a beautiful and calming lullaby.

He wrapped his arms around me as his head takes a position on my head. He lightly strokes my arm, his legs tangled with mine. Before I knew it I was drifting to sleep.

"I got you" tangyi said placing a small kiss on Shaofei's head.

They both stayed like that for a long time, the breakfast downstairs long forgotten and cold.

After dozing off in the tub, both of them were now dried up and dressed. "Do you wanna go out or stay in doors?" Tangyi asked shaofei as they both sat down at the table for a very late breakfast.

"I don't feel like going out"

"Okay we can stay home, watch a movie, play games". Tangyi said smiling at shaofei.

He knew shaofei needed some space but sometime keeping busy helps. So as his boyfriend he needs to cheer him up.

"Has Jack called yet?" Shaofei suddenly asked while he moved his food around in the bowl.

"No not yet. let's not think about that today. Okay" Tangyi said reaching across the table and clasping his hand on Shaofei's.

"What if it's true, how will I ask my parents. This is going to destroy my family"

Shaofei eyes were getting wet, as he feels tears build up. He felt stuck. He couldn't help but believe what the guy said. His emotions were all over the place.

"When it comes to that we will figure out the next step". Tangyi reassured him. "For now stay calm and don't think about it".

"Should I call my parents and ask them. Surely that would be faster"

"No. You need to be sure about what u are going to ask before asking" tangyi stroked his hand. "Don't make rash decisions".

Shaofei nodded his head. He knew he needed to calm down but he couldnt. Tangyi got up and walked over to shaofei and held out his hand. "Come on, let's go play. I'm not going easy on you cause you're my boyfriend".

Shaofei chuckled but allowed Tangyi to drag him into the living room.

They have been going at the game for about 15 minutes. Shaofei had forgotten what he was thinking about, he was now smiling and joking around with Tangyi. He was glad Tangyi was with him through all of the hurt he's going through.


Tangyi's phone vibrated.

"Hello, mom"

"Is everything okay? Slow down. What happened".

Tangyi shot up from the sofa upon hearing his mothers distressed call. 'Not again'.

"Mom calm down, calm down. Please don't cry". He said pacing in the living room. Shaofei stood up and looked at Tangyi 'what's going on'.

"Okay mom hold on. I'm coming" he said hanging up and running out to the room to get his things.

Shaofei was confused. He ran into Tangyi's room. "What's wrong? Was that your mom? Is she okay?"

Tangyi was picking up a few clothes out of his wardrobe and putting them in a duffel bag. "Its happened again. Why now. I'm sorry I have to go" Tangyi said, panic apparent in his voice.

"What's happened again? Tangyi talk to me". Shaofei asked coming closer to him. He grabbed his arms and turned Tangyi to face him. "Breathe. Tell me what happened?"

"Not now. I really need to go". Tangyi walked out of the room. He put on his shoes. Shaofei ran after him and held him back again. "I'm coming with you". He was about to turn around to get his jacket when Tangyi stopped him. "No baby. Stay here. You need to stay here and wait for the result. Trust me I'll be back in a few days okay. I promise". He said before running out of the house.

Shaofei stood there completely confused at what had just happened. He decided to run after Tangyi but was too late as he had already zoomed off in his car.

'What the fuck is going on. What's happening to his mother'.

Shaofei ran back in and picked up the phone. He was about to call Tangyi but stopped. 'He won't pick up. He's driving'. Instead he rang Zhaozi.

"Hey zi. I need you here" he said before hanging up.

Shaofei collapsed on the chair. His mind spinning with different questions.

'I hope I'm not too late. Fuck. I shouldn't have left her alone'. Tangyi thought slamming his hand on the steering wheel. "FUCK". He said zooming off into the distance.

The bodyguard who guards my heart (HISTORY3 TRAPPED fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now