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2 days had passed after the move to the hotel. Tangyi is now out of bed and moving about, but shaofei still complained cause he wanted him to rest more. "I told you I'm okay". Tangyi chuckled at Shaofei's worried face. Shaofei had turned into a mom, he was waiting on Tangyi hand and foot. Tangyi liked it but he felt sorry because it was meant to be him looking after Shaofei.

"The doctor will be here any minutes to change your bandages and check on your stitches".

'Our roles have somewhat swapped around' Shaofei was now his little personal assistant whilst Tangyi felt like the boss. He's officially getting discharged today and they get to go back home. "Okayyyy".

Whilst shaofei was packing up, there was a knock on the door. Quickly leaving the bags he ran to the door not giving Tangyi a chance to answer it. "Oh hello, yes come in" he said to the doctor.

After filling out the necessary forms, Tangyi was discharged. Shaofei had went into the toilet to grab the toiletries, when he came back he walked in on a shirtless Tangyi with his back turned to him, having his stitches looked at. That was the first time he has ever seen Tangyi's naked upper half properly. For some reason he felt jealous of the doctor for being able to touch Tangyi's toned back. 'This is ridiculous, am I in heat' he scoffed at himself for being silly but he still couldn't dismiss the thought.

His mind started thinking up dirty thoughts, he kept imagining himself digging his nails into Tangyis upper body whilst Tangyi rammed into him. All the blood in his body went south, a particular part of his body was starting to feel hot and strained against the fabrics of his trousers. 'Am I seriously getting hard right now' he shamelessly thought to himself. He was in his own thought he didn't notice the doctor saying goodbye.

"Fei...shaofei...SHAOFEI, the doctor's gone". Tangyi's voice brought him back.

After hearing his name, he dropped the pot of cream he was putting in his bag on the floor, luckily it was closed shut and nothing spilled "Ahh..sorry just thinking". As he was about to pick it up, but tangyi bent down and picked it up, their hands lightly brushed against each other.

Flinching away, shaofei backed away from Tangyi. The light contact had sent shivers down his spine, his erection was further growing in his pants. "Ahh what did the doctor say?" Shaofei asked in hope to change the subject and calm himself down. Tangyi placed the cream on the bedside table and faced shaofei.

He stared into his eyes. "Why are you so jumpy and unfocused all of a sudden". Shaofei was stunned over Tangyis bare chest, his chiseled abs, the 2 unmissable v lines that runs downwards to his Jean's where his manhood is. Shaofei gulped, his mouth watering just thinking about the size. His face flushed at his very shameful thought.

Tangyi raised his hands up to touch his head to check if he had a fever or was falling I'll. Shaofei flinched at the sudden contact. "Nothing...just thinking Hong ye should be her by now".

Tangyi didn't really believe him so he continued to stare at him, hoping he would break and tell him what's wrong. Shaofei avoided his stare and looked down, his hand slightly lifted up to cover his lower half. The intense stare was only adding fuel to the fire thats about to start in his pants. This suspicious movement made Tangyi look down towards his hands. Immediately he noticed shaofei was trying to hide the erection that was forming below.

Smirking, Tangyi suddenly had an idea. He moved closer to shaofei. The unexpected movement surprised shaofei, he stepped backwards but tripped over his own leg and landed on the bed. His eyes bulges out, he didnt know what to do. He was about to get to when Tangyi crept on the bed, both his arms caving Shaofei's head between them, his knee in between his legs. This positioned reminded Tangyi of the time he helped Shaofei cum. He bent down, his mouth hovered just near Shaofei's ears. He made his voice 2 times deeper and whispered "No need to cover it" into Shaofei's ears.

Shaofei covered his mouth 'did I just moan' his ears and face were red. Tangyi didn't expect shaofei to moan from just whispering. Tangyi moved his head and looked directly into Shaofei's own, he noticed shaofei was far gone as lust darkened his eye. Tangyi knew he was waiting for his next move. Tangyi's moved close, his lips hovering above Shaofei's own. Shaofei slowly moved his head closer whilst Tangyi brought his down, their lips a mere centimetre away from each other. Shaofei closed his eyes waiting for the kiss, Tangyi leaned in head angled slightly left, they were about to touch lips when the door swang open. Both men looked towards the direction of the door and met eyes with Hong ye before she turned around and slammed the door shut.

Both men didn't move, they held their position for 5 seconds, before Tangyi got up and laughed nervously. "I guess u're gonna have to cover it afterall" Tangyi said before he practically ran to the bathroom. Shaofei was left stunned on the bed. 'Did that just happen...How am I going to look at him again'.

Shaofei quickly got up from the bed, he held his face in his hands. He felt hot. He needed to cool down immediately. He saw a bottle of water on the table and practically ran over and finished it. 'Did I really moan' shaofei couldn't believe it. 'Why do I have to have such a lewd body'. He tousled his hair, making them stick up in different directions.

Tangyi was resting on the door, after he ran to the toilet. 'Omg that was scary..I really was about to devour him there'. Tangyi only wanted to play and little game on shaofei instead he ended up succumbing to temptation. He would be lying if he sais he wasn't sexually frustrated but he didnt want it to happen in an hotel. He wanted it in the comfort of their own home. He wanted their first time together to be somewhat special.

After shaofei calmed down, he called Hong ye back in. She was red and filled with second hand embarrassment. "Are u sure it's safe to come in". She asked teasingly. Shaofei blushed and hit her arm shyly.

Tangyi came out of the bathroom and couldn't look at anyone, he kept his head down and walked past them. Silence fell on the room.

"Are you guys ready to leave?". Hong ye asked wanting to break the silence. Both men nodded their heads. 'They need to fuck already' Hong ye thought as she wheeled the suitcase out. "I'll carry the bag, you can't lift anything yet" shaofei said, he looked up at Tangyi only to look back down again. He was still shy.

Shaofei walked behind tangyi, only then was he able to look up. Tangyi really looked handsome even from the back. Shaofei shook his head, he didn't want to start thinking dirty.

The car journey home was silent, only the radio was heard. Hong ye was driving because she thought Shaofei would be too tired to drive. Tangyi and shaofei sat at the back.

Tangyi was looking ahead but saw shaofei's head moving side to side from the corner of his eyes. Shaofei was starting to drift off, his head finally went all the way to the side as it landed on Tangyi's shoulder.

Looking sideways, tangyi stared at a sleeping shaofei and readjusted his head. He took his hand in his as he too rested his head on Shaofei's head and drifted off.

Coming to a red light, Hong ye glanced back through the rear view mirror and saw both men holding hands, fast asleep. Hong ye smiled marveling at the sight before driving off as the sun was starting to set and the street filled with people doing their own thing. That moment was peaceful, Hong ye wished it could always be peaceful like that but she knew that was only a dream and Shaofei's reality has been turned upside down all because of one cunning, clever stalker.

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