Chapter 6:

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"Lillian?" I don't want open my eyes. Stop calling me that

"Lil?" He repeats himself. How can he read my mind?

I force my face out of the pillow, "Whaaaaa?" My pillow is covered in slobber. I force one eye open and see him smiling at me.

"Are you alive?" I force my limbs to move my body on my back. They hurt being sprawled out.

"Nah," I sloppily run my hand over my mouth.

"What's wrong?" he is leaning on the glass door.

"You're letting in the heat," my voice sounds monotone. 

He smiles, closes the door and walks in, "What's wrong?" I try to adjust my eyes to the brightness.

"Uh..." comes out. Say something. He walks over and sits on the side of the bed.

"Lilly, the maid heard you screaming in your pillow. She was worried,"

Didn't realize I was screaming. I wipe the dry slobber off of my mouth, "What time is it?"

He looks at his shiny silver watch, "5pm?"

"How long was I sleeping?"

"Sleeping? More like screaming?" he chuckles.

"Shut up," I look at him. He is trying to contain his breathing. He shuts his blue eyes for a moment.

"Talk to me," he opens them and looks at me.

I deeply sigh, "I got into a fight with Rod."

His shoulders shrink, "And?" I can't read his face.

"He's just mad." I don't want to explain this to him.

"Why?" he looks at me quizzically.

"Because..." my sentence trails.

"Oh," He knows exactly why.

I don't say anything to him. I look at the ceiling and listen to his hallow breathing. Rod is right. I should be more persistent about asking why I am here. I only asked like twice. I feel my stomach fall.

"Well guess what!" He happily says.

"What?" I look at him and smile.

"I got a surprise for you,"


"Yeah!" he stands up.

"What's that?"

"I can't tell you... it's something I have to show you,"

"Yeah... what's that?"

He winks at me and I feel something turn in my stomach, "I have dinner plans for the both of us. Shower and get ready. I sent Bethany to get you something nice. It should be here within the hour. But take your time. I'll be down by 7:30,"

"We do?" Great.

**"You sure, we can do this?" I look up at him.

"Of course," He leads the way through the tree.

"I'm not a very good climber," I say up to him. I carefully hoist my body up.

"I know!" He slowly gets higher than me. He's always been the better tree climber. I grab onto another branch and pull up. I watch him descend higher than me. How high are we? I look down and the length stretches out and I realize how high we are. I cling to the tree. I can't do this.

"What's wrong, Lil?" He yells down to me.

"I'm scared. We are too high!" I yell back. I feel the tree bark on my face.

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