Chapter 11:

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I tap the spoon on the small coffee cup. I pick up the coffee and inhale the smell. I shift my weight on the plastic bench. I look up and give him a smile.

"You really need to shower," He smiles at me.

"Shut up," I grumble as I run my hands through my bun. It was really the best I could do. After I had yelled at him, that I wanted to come back to his house he immediately came back to my room. It's funny, I knew his assistant and security were close by... but he was the one who packed my things. He made me go wash my face and quickly get ready. We're out of the room, before I even had time to really think. We didn't speak as we got into the elevator and we didn't speak as he checked out. The entire time, he had my suitcase close to his body, as if he that if he let it go for a single moment, that I would leave. He made sure, I stayed close to him. We sat in the car in complete silence, until my stomach growled. The closest place that was near, was a small dinner. Which was fine, I hadn't even realized I was hungry. I actually really hadn't realized, what day or time it was. By the time, he found me it has been 9:30 pm, the next day. I had cried and slept for a full day. Trying to process that my relationship with rod was truly over this time. The thing about Rod, was that he was a safe option. I knew that from the moment I had had breakfast with him.

"Are you going to tel me about it?" He says as he takes a sip of his ice water. I look around the small diner. It's just him and I.

"I can't believe you got this place to stay open," I smile to him. The diner closed at ten and we got here exactly at 10:05. He had walked into it, just as they were in the processing of shutting everything down. But, all he had to do was smile and take pictures with the staff. In the end, they chose to stay open just for him. I look over and the waitress is staring at him in complete awe.

"You're changing the subject on me," I chuckle at him. He truly does know me. Even if, we hadn't spoken in years,

I look down for a moment and the small cup in my hand. We really hadn't talked about. It's been literal years, since we truly last spoke.

"What are you thinking about?" He says. I give him a half smile.

"Just thinking... how," I clear my throat and force the words to come out, "How it's been years since... we last spoke," Not including this week. But I had a sneaking suspicion that he knew I was trying to avoid this conversation altogether, and he was happy to oblige.

"I know," He looks at the window.

I am opening up a can of worms. I don't want to have this conversation.

"I just..."

I quickly clear my throat to overpower his voice, "Rod broke up with me," I cut him off.

His eyes widen and shoot up towards me, "Are you serious?"

I take a sip of my coffee and sigh, "Yeah." Truthfully, I would rather talk about that more than this. For some reason, I can mentally handle that.

"Are you okay?" He makes a face I quite can't understand.

I point both my hands towards me, "Do I look okay?" I chuckle. I am wearing an old sweater and black sweats. The one outfit I thought I should bring, but never wear. Especially on a trip.

He falls back into his plastic booth and relaxes his shoulders, "That makes sense then," He sighs in relief.

"What?" I raise my eyebrow at him.

He quickly looks up and sees my face. He quickly sits up and changes his demeanour. He thinks for a second, "Why you left... I get it," He takes a sip of his water.

I look out the window and touch my hot coffee. I wonder if he thought I left him because we slept in the same bed... I feel my eyes widen. I forgot about that for a second. I quickly take a sip of my coffee and clear my throat. Don't think about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2022 ⏰

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