Chapter 2:

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**I remember the first day of school. I don't know why I remember it so explicitly. I remember the week before, my parents coaxing me to be brave. I remember our trip to Wal-Mart, mom picking out various things for me. I remember her looking at her printed out list and sighing, going, "What kind of kid needs pencils, crayons AND markers?" She roughly threw them into the cart, as if the sight disgusted her. I remember her pushing me in the cart, taking me to the children's section, buying me my "first day of school" outfit. I remember wanting the pink frilly dress, but "it was for weddings," as if that mattered to my 5-year-old mind. She bought me pink a summer dress that matched my small pink backpack. She always said that most parent's dreaded taking their kids to the first day of school... but not her. I think I was the only kid in kindergarten history to actually want to leave my parent's and go and live in my own 5 year old little world. The word she used the first day of school was, "brave." I wonder if she knew I just wanted a break from the yelling... **

I hear him clear his throat. He looks at me once more, "Well...?" I can do this.

I look up at him, "Well what?"

"Are you going to give me a hug?" I don't know how to feel right now. Excited? Happy? Anxious?

"Uh...sure," I smile at him. I force my body to walk forward on his clean white rug. Every step is pushed in sheer force. One. Two. Three. I push my arms forward and begin to wrap my arms around his body. I better make this quick. I swiftly wrap my arms around him and pull back.

"What the fuck was that?"

I take a step back, "A hug, fool." I force a laugh.

"That was not a hug," Why is he forcing this greeting? As if he is warrant hugs and kisses?

"Uh... yeah... it was." I look at the white rug.

"Nah. It wasn't," I feel him slip his small slender arms under my arm pits and he deepens the hug, "I would spin you... but alas. I am to weak," He says into my ear. I feel his hot breath. Too close for my liking.

"It's fine," I try not to squirm away.

"Or you are just to heavy," He laughs and pulls away. He stares into my eyes. The light blue colour penetrates my soul.

"Thanks," I say back to him.

He gives me a half smile, "I've missed you Lilly pad," Why does that sound so weird? He hasn't called me that in ages.

"I've missed you to... Luca." I look at the rug.

He pulls away and moves his paper off of his foyer chair. He quickly takes a seat, "How was your flight?" He puts his hand on his knees.

"Would you like some water?" Beth says behind me. I jump a little. Holy fuck, I thought she left.

"Ah. Would you mind?" He looks behind me to her.
"Not all, Lucsy." She chuckles and walks out of the room. He takes a few deep breath and sighs.

"Are you okay?" I say to him. I can't help but feel concerned.

"I'm fine," He stands up and walks to his huge bed. He sits into a place that is already unmade to the shape of someone, "Just a little tired." He looks at me. He sighs and relaxes his shoulders, "Now tell me. How was your flight?"

I walk over to his bed and unload my backpack, "It was good. Long... but good." I smile as I sit down at his feet.

"Good. I'm glad," he looks at his thumbs.

I need to ask, "So... why'd you summon me?"

"I—I need to talk to you about," Beth walks back into the room with a cup of ice water.

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